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Today unattended upgrades ran and installed the following:


libtasn1-6 linux-dtb-current-odroidxu4 linux-image-current-odroidxu4



Afterward, the system automatically rebooted and went into a boot loop.  I had a backup I was able to copy to the emmc and get back up and running but it is from October 2024 and I am not really sure what to do.


coming here to see if anyone else has experienced the same.  I tried to run armbianmonitor -U and it had some weird html.  I am pretty good with Linux but everything is self taught. 

thank you in advance for any help



This upgrade (for this board) fall into update by mistake and unfortunately its broken. We are still working on to determine why this happen, then publish images and if there is no report on problems, we pushed update to repo. To minimize what just happened to you. I am truly sorry, but we are operating this service with way too small resources and proper professional testing is far out of our reach.


I am removing this broken update from repository ...


It would be great to publish a gzipped tar archive of the fixed /boot directory so that those of us bitten by this bug don't have to reinstall from scratch.


@Igor All good, I totally understand and appreciate what you do.  I assumed with the update removed I would be ok to move forward updating my older backup but I got into a boot loop again.  I am back up and running again from my backup so no big deal.  I guess I should just standby until things are good on your end to move forward. 

thanks again,


18 minutes ago, DanOB said:

no big deal.

Its a shame for us :( There are so many problems (in general) and so little time / resources. Not yet fully fixed, but working on.

1 hour ago, prof said:

still has the old (bad) files.

You should always use apt.armbian.com as we are automatically removing mirrors from pool that are not synced yet. I just tested Odroid XU4 switching between nightly and stable, and it works when installing packages from stable repo. Name / version of the file is the same.

If someone has time, those instructions would need some update https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Recovery/ I am totally busy making a release and can't touch this in weeks to come.

1 hour ago, DanOB said:

So I should be able to update now without any issues?


Manual test on our test device:


root@odroidxu4:~# apt update
root@odroidxu4:~# apt install --reinstall linux-image-current-odroidxu4 linux-dtb-current-odroidxu4 
root@odroidxu4:~# reboot


After machine is up:




So, sorry for my ignorance but this still will not work?


root@odroidxu4:~# apt update

root@odroidxu4:~# apt upgrade 

root@odroidxu4:~# reboot

3 hours ago, DanOB said:

So, sorry for my ignorance but this still will not work?


If you already upgraded to broken version before, it will break. Then re-installation of those package is needed, like I did.

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