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today I made an upgrade of my pine64-mainline and failed miserably - my new armbian image won't boot any more.


So I did some more tests with a new more different sd-cards, power supply and the mailine kernel form the download site (https://dl.armbian.com/pine64/Ubuntu_xenial_dev_nightly.7z): Again, the same behaviour, the image doesn't bott any more after "apt update" and "apt upgrade".


Please, could someone help me with this problem?

I hope these lockup logs help in troubleshooting. Thanks a lot!





Sorry--I didn't see this before I posted.  I believe there is a bad definition somewhere of ftdfile (see my post on this same subject


see this line File not found /boot/dtb/allwinner/allwinner/sun50i-a64-pine64-plus.dtb *  with duplicate of Allwinner?  look at the load line from the boot.cmd.


I could not find where ftdfile was defined     I got the system to boot by copying the allwinner directory into itself--  that way  load will find the files  (and overlays if they are being used)


Thanks a lot for your answers and especially for the suggestion to change the boot.cmd.


As proposed, I changed two lines concerning the fdtname in the the boot.cmd:

    "load ${devtype} 0 ${fdt_addr_r} ${prefix}dtb/${fdtfile}"


but leave these line concerning the overlay-setting unchanged

     "if load ${devtype} 0 ${load_addr} ${prefix}dtb/allwinner/overlay/${overlay_prefix}-${overlay_file}.dtbo; then"

     "if load ${devtype} 0 ${load_addr} ${prefix}dtb/allwinner/overlay/${overlay_prefix}-fixup.scr; then"


and recompile boot.cmd.


This works for me, also with the allwinner overlay dtbo-file.


So, to avoid boot fail after upgrading to latest kernel, we should modify this line in boot.cmd:


load ${devtype} 0 ${fdt_addr_r} ${prefix}dtb/allwinner/${fdtfile}


load ${devtype} 0 ${fdt_addr_r} ${prefix}dtb/${fdtfile}

Because apparently the dtb package stores in /boot/dtb/allwinner and my boot.cmd already points to it


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