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Date set to Jan, 1 1970 (epoch) on Cubitruck after reboot and powerdown/-up

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Happy new year!


Recently, I experienced a strange date problem on my Cubitruck. After a reboot or a powerdown/powerup the date is set to Jan, 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC (aka epoch). As far as I can see the RTC is working.


ntpd is enabled on my Cubitruck. (Since it runs its own nameserver with DNSSEC, DNS resolving isn't working if the date is set to epoch. So ntpd can't reach any NTP server.)


I'm running a vanila kernel with Debian Jessy (8.2):


Linux vaili 4.3.3-sunxi #3 SMP Mon Dec 28 11:27:16 CET 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux


Setting the date after a reboot and powerdown/powerup was working some time ago. After a few updates of the system image it wasn't any more. Sorry to be a bit vague here.


Please find some information about my system attached.


Do you have any idea what's going wrong with the clock?


Best regards








Cheers for the solution!


I saw this behaviour a couple of times on my Banana Pi M1+ and it caused issues with a few scripts such as the python script for setting the GoDaddy DNS Zone to my public IP address.


(Learning more every day!)

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