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Hi all,


A week ago I started using the latest Armbian image (Legacy Desktop) for my Olinuxino A20L2. Since the switch from the Olinuxino A20 original image back to Armbian I noticed a lot of performance loss. Especially when surfing the web through Firefox on even simple pages is sometimes terribly slow.


Anyone have an idea how to solve this?


Strange. There should not be any difference, at least not in negative way.


Try to change CPU governor:

echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor

Our default is interactive.


Okay so that is fixed now, just did a plain reinstall. Maybe installed something weird before.


The only problem left now is that my USB hid multitouch, is constantly firing button events on a touch.

Not just one, but a bunch of them, until i stop holding (lsusb logs a idealtek touchscreen). Any solution on that one?

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