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pcDuino3 nano-Debian jessie 4.2.3 : 'Shutdown now' don't finalize correctly

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Normally the 'shutdown now' sequence makes my monitor 'lost connection' message appear but with this image the shutdown process do not finalize correctly...



Normally the 'shutdown now' sequence makes my monitor 'lost connection' message appear but with this image the shutdown process do not finalize correctly...


Did you already try to use the correct switch:

-h     Halt or power off after shutdown.


In another thread you mentioned that your system is jessie, however this output is from sysvinit's shutdown. It's possible that it's a configuration/packages issue, in which case the right command for shutdown would be

systemctl poweroff

To check what's wrong you can provide output of these commands:

file /sbin/shutdown
dpkg -S /sbin/shutdown
shutdown -h -P now

Make it.

root@pcduino3nano:~# file /sbin/shutdown
/sbin/shutdown: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=89af43ada0a4735265bbbf71aac6a8c390ceff43, stripped
root@pcduino3nano:~# dpkg -S /sbin/shutdown
sysvinit-core: /sbin/shutdown

I will record the new format command,


Thank You.

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