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Does armbian builds for Espressobin support u-boot's driver MVEBU_EFUSE_FAKE to fake efuse access? From my understanding efuse is needed to test trusted boot.



I am testing secure boot(trusted boot) on my 2GB EspressoBIN, using the armada-17.10 versions of u-boot, a3700utils, and atf-marvell.

Following the trusted_boot.txt document, I successfully built an untrusted and trusted flash.bin and a u-boot.bin with mvebu efuse enabled.


I was able to boot the board with the untrusted boot image and ran the efuse write commands. My board had a loss of power before I burned the trusted boot image using bubt. Now that I have set ‘efuse write BOOT_DEVICE’, mentioned in the trusted_boot.txt doc, I am unable to boot from SATA or SPI to burn the trusted boot image. I am unable to boot anything. Switching the jumper pins has no effect.


Is there any alternative options to burn SPINOR with my trusted boot image? Or is my hardware gone?



Marvell>> efuse write ENCRYPTION 10
Returned EFUSE value after write: ENCRYPTION 10
Marvell>> efuse write AES256_KEY
Returned EFUSE value after write: AES256_KEY
Marvell>> efuse write BOOT_DEVICE SPINOR Returned EFUSE value after write: BOOT_DEVICE SPINOR (1)
Marvell>> efuse write KAK_DIGEST Returned EFUSE value after write: KAK_DIGEST
Marvell>> efuse write CSK_INDEX 3 Returned EFUSE value after write: CSK_INDEX 3
Marvell>> efuse write OPER_MODE 2 Returned EFUSE value after write: OPER_MODE 2
Marvell>> efuse DEV_DEPLOY 0
0 - Invalid eFuse ID
efuse - efuse - read/Write SoC eFuse entries
Access to SoC eFuse entry values
    list - Display all supported eFuse entry ids
    dump - Dump all supported eFuse entries
    raw - Dump all eFuses in raw format
    read id - Read eFuse entry "id"
    write id val - Write "val" to eFuse entry "id"

Marvell>> efuse write DEV_DEPLOY 0
efuse_write: Invalid value 0, expected 1 DEV_DEPLOY === ERROR WRITING EFUSE VALUE ===

Marvell>> efuse write DEV_DEPLOY 1
Returned EFUSE value after write: DEV_DEPLOY DEPLOYED (1)



Any information would be helpful!
Thank you.


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