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Upgraded from Hardkernels' to Armbian - 433mhz sniffer stopped working

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I was using Hardkernel's provided image for Odroid C1 and that was working fine. There is bunch of test sensors attached to gpio, like DHT22, BMP085, DS18B20 and 433 mhz receiver.

Now I have tried to switch to Armbian and all the sensors keep working as they did, except 433 mhz receiver


The RFSniffer I use is this one: https://github.com/ninjablocks/433Utils

I changed WiringPI PIN to be used to "5":

--- a/RPi_utils/RFSniffer.cpp
+++ b/RPi_utils/RFSniffer.cpp

@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
      // This pin is not the first pin on the RPi GPIO header!
      // Consult https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/pins/
      // for more information.
-     int PIN = 2;
+     int PIN = 5;

Also tested pin 6 - doesn't work


Any ideas what may be the difference between Hardkernel's image and Armbian's that made 433 receiver to stop working?




After more testing it looks like I have to put the sender close to the receiver, like few centimeters. Then it shows codes received. Previously, with Hardkernel's image it worked fine at the distance ~ 6 meters


What could be the root cause? Some power limit on the pin? Cpu clock? Please, any suggestion to troubleshoot

24 minutes ago, cvxx said:

What could be the root cause? Some power limit on the pin? Cpu clock? Please, any suggestion to troubleshoot

We haven't done many changes to C1 except:

- kernel configuration is ours (probably irrelevant)
- boot process (not relevant)
- boot settings (.ini) should be the same but it is worth checking (probably irrelevant)
- CPU governor might be different (possibly relevant)
- userspace changes (irrelevant)



Tested "performance" governor, tested same boot.ini params - didn't help

Can I try to run Hardkernel's kernel on Armbian root file system? Is it enough just to replace uImage and modules dir to test this case?


Switched kernels. Total made 4 tests, here are my results so far:


H - Hardkernel's

A - Armbian's


| 0 | Kernel | boot.ini | RootFS | 433 |
| 1 | H      | H        | H      | OK  |
| 2 | A      | H        | H      | OK  |
| 3 | H      | A        | A      | NO  |
| 4 | A      | A        | A      | NO  |


So, the issue is caused by either boot.ini or root fs. Not easy to swap and test: both are very different

boot.ini diff:

--- hardkernel\boot.ini Thu Sep 14 14:35:20 2017
+++ armbian\boot.ini    Sat Jan 27 18:04:08 2018
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@

+setenv rootdev "UUID=753f661a-b187-4823-abce-66db73b680af"
+setenv rootfstype "ext4"
 # Possible screen resolutions
 # Uncomment only a single Line! The line with setenv written.
 # At least one mode must be selected.

-# setenv m "480x800p60hz"      # 480x800
 # setenv m "vga"               # 640x480
 # setenv m "480p"              # 720x480
 # setenv m "576p"              # 720x576
@@ -31,14 +33,10 @@
 # setenv vout_mode "vga"

 # HDMI BPP Mode
-setenv m_bpp "32"
-# setenv m_bpp "24"
+# setenv m_bpp "32"
+setenv m_bpp "24"
 # setenv m_bpp "16"

-# Monitor output
-# Controls if HDMI PHY should output anything to the monitor
-setenv monitor_onoff "false" # true or false
 # HDMI Hotplug Force (HPD)
 # 1 = Enables HOTPlug Detection
 # 0 = Disables HOTPlug Detection and force the connected status
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@
 # UHS Card Configuration
 # Uncomment the line below to __DISABLE__ UHS-1 MicroSD support
 # This might break boot for some brand models of cards.
-setenv disableuhs "disableuhs"
+# setenv disableuhs "disableuhs"

 # Disable VPU (Video decoding engine, Saves RAM!!!)
@@ -75,34 +73,24 @@
 # setenv condev "console=tty0"                    # on display (HDMI)
 setenv condev "console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"   # on both

-# Enable/Disable ODROID-VU7 Touchscreen
-setenv disable_vu7 "false" # false

-# CPU Max Frequency
-# Possible Values: 96 192 312 408 504 600 720 816
-# 1008 1200 1320 1488 1536 1632 1728 and 1824
-setenv max_freq "1536"
-# setenv max_freq "1632"
-# setenv max_freq "1728"
-# setenv max_freq "1824"


 if test "${hpd}" = "0"; then setenv hdmi_hpd "disablehpd=true"; fi
 if test "${cec}" = "1"; then setenv hdmi_cec "hdmitx=cecf"; fi
-if test "${disable_vu7}" = "false"; then setenv hid_quirks "usbhid.quirks=0x0eef:0x0005:0x0004"; fi

 # Boot Arguments
-setenv bootargs "root=UUID=e139ce78-9841-40fe-8823-96a304a09859 rootwait ro ${condev} no_console_suspend fsck.repair=yes vdaccfg=0xa000 logo=osd1,loaded,0x7900000,720p,full dmfc=3 cvbsmode=576cvbs hdmimode=${m} m_bpp=${m_bpp} vout=${vout_mode} ${disableuhs} ${hdmi_hpd} ${hdmi_cec} ${enabledac} monitor_onoff=${monitor_onoff} max_freq=${max_freq} ${hid_quirks}"
+setenv bootargs "root=${rootdev} rootwait rw ${condev} rootfstype=${rootfstype} loglevel=1 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 vdaccfg=0xa000 logo=osd1,loaded,0x7900000,720p,full dmfc=3 cvbsmode=576cvbs hdmimode=${m} m_bpp=${m_bpp} vout=${vout_mode} ${disableuhs} ${hdmi_hpd} ${hdmi_cec} ${enabledac} ${extraargs}"

 # Booting
-fatload mmc 0:1 0x21000000 uImage
-fatload mmc 0:1 0x22000000 uInitrd
-fatload mmc 0:1 0x21800000 meson8b_odroidc.dtb
+ext4load mmc 0:1 0x21000000 /boot/uImage || fatload mmc 0:1 0x21000000 uImage || ext4load mmc 0:1 0x21000000 uImage
+ext4load mmc 0:1 0x22000000 /boot/uInitrd || fatload mmc 0:1 0x22000000 uInitrd || ext4load mmc 0:1 0x22000000 uInitrd
+ext4load mmc 0:1 0x21800000 /boot/dtb/meson8b_odroidc.dtb || fatload mmc 0:1 0x21800000 dtb/meson8b_odroidc.dtb || ext4load mmc 0:1 0x21800000 dtb/meson8b_odroidc.dtb
 fdt addr 21800000

 if test "${vpu}" = "0"; then fdt rm /mesonstream; fdt rm /vdec; fdt rm /ppmgr; fi

 if test "${hdmioutput}" = "0"; then fdt rm /mesonfb; fi

-bootm 0x21000000 0x22000000 0x21800000"
+bootm 0x21000000 0x22000000 0x21800000



Can you please guide,
I am unable to get codes on my screen,
I am using opi+2e
I receive signals as I have connected a led bulb, which blinks, means signal are coming, but no codes are seen on my PC,
Can you please guide nw,
thanks in advance

Sent from my AO5510 using Tapatalk

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