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Hi all,


I'm using armbian on a cubietruck for various purposes.

One of them is HAM radio. BUt I just noticed we don't have support for AX25. In fact, we're missing all HAM-related stuff, so I think it isn't possible to build just the modules:


# CONFIG_HAMRADIO is not set

What I would need is this:



# Packet Radio protocols

# AX.25 network device drivers

# uname -a
Linux cubie.acasa.local 4.3.3-sunxi #3 SMP Mon Dec 28 11:27:16 CET 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux


Thanks for your support.






Thanks ;)


And new kernel is going to be roll out very soon. I am doing last tests and corrections ...


Good news. I can not wait for the new version arrives. Also supported by AX25, I may resume some things left in my glorious 8088 and 286 they rest in peace.


73 y buenos DX


I may resume some things left in my glorious 8088 and 286 they rest in peace.


Oh, that's long time ago  :) My first Linux web / shell server was powered by this chip:




+ 8 Mb memory running Slackware 1.x


Images with this kernel are ready, while repository will be updated a bit later. If you start from scratch, go for:



73 de Igor




Just started with Armbian on an Orangepipc.  I included hamradio in the config file, did make scripts....

That worked fine, but a make modules gave an error, recipe for target archprepare failed.

However, is the AX25 enabled kernel available for this system?


Are you compiling with our script or on your own? Which kernel - legacy or development?


Generic approach to alter kernel configuration - check config files and create a pull request for what you need to be added:


For orangepi pc, you need to alter sun8i-default and sun8i-dev

If pull request is accepted, in less than 24h beta repository will have updated kernel.

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