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I am trying to get my Xu4 to boot from an emmc card,

I am using Armbian Bionic mainline kernel 4.9.y. I can write this to SD card, and it boots and runs OK.

I prepared  the emmc card using the inbuilt system  nand-sata-install script. 

The emmc card will not boot.

I tried a couple of other iso.s same non result.


Checking the forum I found this thread started last year:-

This thread was HIJACKED by Tkaiser ,  who turned it into a discussion about OMV, and  I cannot see a successful conclusion to the original boot problem!


Please can you advise me of the method to get my emmc card to boot on my xu4, using the current kernels and not having to revert to a 3 series!


many thanks  P







On 6/23/2018 at 5:48 PM, superpat said:

Please can you advise me of the method to get my emmc card to boot on my xu4

Did you update bootloader on your eMMC? You only need to do this once. Boot from SD, got to nand-sata-install ... and select "Update bootloader" ... after that, your eMMC is capable to boot Armbian ... which doesn't use FAT boot partition and our fixed u-boot fix this.




Thank you!


I feel such an idiot! , I had  not understood the use of the bootloader update function.


Will try using it  when I next at home.






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