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Did you delete your last post with question on uboot?


I had installed new uboot as I tried to upgrade to 3.4.108 from 3.4.107. worked without an error.

Then I needed to setup /boot newly from sd with the 3.4.108 image if you remember ... is uboot on that or not?!

Do I need to install uboot packet manually now (again)?


Yes I did. It was irrelevant.


The problem is that if you are using NAND, you are using NAND uboot. So Uboot is not related - at least not the one on SD card ;)


Are you using any "strange" applications?


And while fixing my kernel-update problems I installed the nand completely new from sd.SO it should be the correct one as in the 3.4.108 sd-image.

Does the rootfs on sata come into play somehow?


I use the Cubietruck for home automation. There are two node.js apps running and I installed ups-tools for my apc. I have set up some "Monitoring" where some ports and the IP itself are "Ping"ed every minute to detect if the port or machine goes offline.

But nothing more ...


I am almost out of suggestions. Try two things:


- boot from SD and leave everything as is. SATA install yes but not boot from NAND. This part is critical in any case since it's based on some very old boot procedure.

- use rather kernel 4.x if you can use with your hardware

- change SD card, PSU


What would I need to do to boot from sd and use rootfs on sata without ioverwriting all sata content :-) What do I need to change on sd card that rootfs is used from sata?


If you already have your roofs on sata all you need is to change parameter:








inside boot.cmd and conver it to boot.scr.


How can I see if the boot was done by SD card?


I changed that line and recreated the scr-file and rebootet with sd-card in the slot.

Reboot was successfull, but /boot is mounted to /dev/nand1 ... ?! So this is not the correct place at latest when an update should be done, or ?!


If /dev/nand1 is mounted under boot your SD card boot was most likely ignored.


I suggest you to forget about NAND and use good/fast SD card for best performance with less troubles as possible.


Yes I want to get away from nand, but I need rootfs on sata because the home-automation applicated make much i/o ... and ideally do not want to need to install everything new :-(


Before I changed the boot.scr it was always booted from sd when the card was inserted.


Then I changed the rootfs-location and generated new src file and rebooted as you said. Should cleaning /dev/nand1 (where boot is mounted on) bring an effect?

Or should I try to resize my sata to have a second partition sda2 and then use fresh sd-boot-image and install to sda2 with script and then change rootfs to sda1 ? Or installing anything new ...?!


If SD is inserted and there is an u-boot on it than it will always start from SD card.


Forget about my install procedures. They are only good for fresh start.


1. Create SD card

2. Boot, wait that it finish first boot

3. Login and alter boot scripts to point root to /dev/sda1 

4. Copy /lib/modules/ to /dev/sda1 to make sure you have right modules

5. Reboot



I think that's all. 




1. Done

2. Done

3. first line of boot.cmd is now after change:

setenv bootargs console=tty1 root=/dev/sda1 rootwait rootfstype=ext4 sunxi_ve_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_g2d_mem_reserve=0 sunxi_no_mali_mem_reser
ve sunxi_fb_mem_reserve=16 hdmi.audio=EDID:0 disp.screen0_output_mode=1920x1080p60 panic=10 consoleblank=0 enforcing=0 loglevel=1

After this:

root@cubietruck:/boot# mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr
Image Name:
Created:      Sat Aug  1 21:30:04 2015
Image Type:   ARM Linux Script (uncompressed)
Data Size:    1480 Bytes = 1.45 kB = 0.00 MB
Load Address: 00000000
Entry Point:  00000000
   Image 0: 1472 Bytes = 1.44 kB = 0.00 MB

4. Were already there

5. Done


... result after reboot:

root@cubietruck:~# df
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs         961433632 1819268 910776288   1% /
/dev/root      961433632 1819268 910776288   1% /
devtmpfs         1023328       0   1023328   0% /dev
tmpfs             131072     252    130820   1% /run
tmpfs               5120       0      5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs             131072       0    131072   0% /run/shm
/dev/nand1         16334    6010     10324  37% /boot
tmpfs            1048576       0   1048576   0% /tmp

So effect as before ... Is there any way to check which files used to boot up?


Maybe the mountpoint for /boot is stored somewhere on sata and therefor I need to unmount /boot and mount to /boot on sd card one time so that correct files are used?


Maybe the mountpoint for /boot is stored somewhere on sata and therefor I need to unmount /boot and mount to /boot on sd card one time so that correct files are used?


Yes it is  :unsure: Forgot about that, alter /etc/fstab on your hard drive and you are fine.


There is no extra boot partition if you boot from SD. One partition, boot is under /boot


But to the question from above: When my rootfs comes from sata and I boot from SD - what do I need to have in my /etc/fstab?


I thought that I need to mount the "/boot" directory from SD card as "/boot" in my system in order that the files are correctly used for booting AND also for the next kernel-updates or such that modify filesin the "/boot" on SD ...


Or do I missunderstand something completely?


OK, for proper future updating you need to mount the media of your boot. But if you boot from SD it's a bit more complex. Under /boot you need to mount a directory /boot from SD card - device /dev/mmcblk0p1

/dev/mmcblk0p1        /media/mmc   ext4    defaults        0       0
/media/mmc/boot   /boot   none    bind        0       0

Hm, still not visible when calling "mount" or "df" ... first ...


Then I created /media/mmc as direciry and rebooted again ...


now it seems to work:

root@cubietruck:~# df
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs         961433632 1830376 910765180   1% /
/dev/root      961433632 1830376 910765180   1% /
devtmpfs         1023328       0   1023328   0% /dev
tmpfs             131072     256    130816   1% /run
tmpfs               5120       0      5120   0% /run/lock
tmpfs             131072       0    131072   0% /run/shm
/dev/mmcblk0p1  30687916  971196  28464012   4% /media/mmc
/dev/mmcblk0p1  30687916  971196  28464012   4% /boot
tmpfs            1048576       0   1048576   0% /tmp

So solved mow. You are great!! Thank you for all your help!!

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