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Image: Armbian_5.04_Cubieboard2_Debian_jessie_4.4.3

Board: CubieBoard2 (SD+NAND version)

Available platforms: i386 with Debian Jessie (sunxi tools) and PowerMac G5.



Before Armbian, I had Cubian installed on an SD card.

I saved the NAND root data and all the NAND? sub-partitions, so I have a full image of the original NAND and images of each partition.

I took out the card, and inserted a fresh Armbian installation, it boots up quickly and works fine.

However, as I wanted to set my CubieBoard2 up so it boots from a S-ATA disk (I bought a 1TB WDC drive), I decided to run nand-sata-install.

But I got only one menu item to select, so I cancelled.

I then did a cat /proc/partitions - to my big surprise, there was no 'nand' partitions.

I did a ls -la /dev/ ... but no nand devices.

I then decided to try booting from my Cubian SD card, but now the CubieBoard2 just blinks the LED.

I can still boot from the Armbian SD card, but I'm quite puzzled what went wrong.


My goal: To boot Armbian from the S-ATA disk on my CubieBoard2, so I can remove the MicroSD card from the MicroSD card slot.

(I successfully partitioned the 1TB harddisk. Note: It took less than a second to partition it from the CubieBoard2).


Some of the explanation might be found here ...


"NAND is not supported yet."


... however, shouldn't /dev/nand be at least visible as a device ?


I tried installing jessie/legacy on a microSD card, but when I boot from it, I can only log in as root, and all I can do is change the password from 1234 to whatever I desire, then I'm logged out. This repeats as often as I log in.

-So I've decided to go for jessie/vanilla and hope for nand support.


-This is the only real problem I've had. I've had great success with moving Armbian to the SATA harddisk using the nand-sata-install script (note: if you have more than 4 devices, they *are* listed in the box; just scroll using the down-arrow key).

I've also moved /var and /home to their own partitions (along with a few others).

I'm also using UUID= in fstab instead of /dev/sd??*


Hello there,


I just installed cb-a20-lubuntu-12.10-v1.05.img on my Cubieboard 2' NAND using Phoenix Suit 1.10.


Then, using a Armbian_5.10_Cubieboard2_Debian_jessie_4.5.2.raw image written on a MicroSD card:


ls -lca /dev/nand*
ls: cannot access '/dev/nand*': No such file or directory
NAND is not supported yet.
A few rows bellow:
NAND install sometime fails. Dirty but working workaround: install Lubuntu to NAND with Phoenix tools and run install again.
This is somehow confusing... is NAND on Cubieboard 2 supported or not?

Read again, we have two different kernels and different limitations. NAND works, but not with Vanilla kernel.


I really try not to make confusions. Perhaps we could use different colors do make more contrast ...

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