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[solved] Firefly RK3288 firmware uploading failed

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Getting below error:



[naseeb@localhost rockdev]$ ../../Linux_Upgrade_Tool/Linux_Upgrade_Tool/upgrade_tool UF update.img
Loading firmware...
Support Type:RK320A    FW Ver:8.1.276    FW Time:2018-10-02 12:43:28
Loader ver:2.36    Loader Time:2018-10-01 18:15:44
Creating Comm Object failed!
[naseeb@localhost rockdev]$


whereas board is shown connected


[naseeb@localhost rockdev]$ ../../Linux_Upgrade_Tool/Linux_Upgrade_Tool/upgrade_tool
List of rockusb connected
DevNo=1    Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x320a,LocationID=30b    Loader
Found 1 rockusb,Select input DevNo,Rescan press <R>,Quit press <Q>:



For Comm Object failure..below command does the trick.



echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2207", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

and reboot.


Now i am stuck in updating the image on board.

This tool doesn't show any progress...i am waiting on below screen for 50 minutes. Does it take so long?


[naseeb@localhost rockdev]$ ../../Linux_Upgrade_Tool/Linux_Upgrade_Tool/upgrade_tool
List of rockusb connected
DevNo=1    Vid=0x2207,Pid=0x320a,LocationID=30b    Loader
Found 1 rockusb,Select input DevNo,Rescan press <R>,Quit press <Q>:1

---------------------Tool Usage ---------------------
Help:             H
Quit:             Q
Version:          V
Clear Screen:     CS
------------------Upgrade Command ------------------
ChooseDevice:        CD
SwitchDevice:        SD
UpgradeFirmware:    UF <Firmware> [-noreset]
UpgradeLoader:        UL <Loader> [-noreset]
DownloadImage:        DI <-p|-b|-k|-s|-r|-m|-u|-t|-re image>
DownloadBoot:        DB <Loader>
EraseFlash:        EF <Loader|firmware> [DirectLBA]
PartitionList:        PL
----------------Professional Command -----------------
TestDevice:        TD
ResetDevice:        RD [subcode]
ResetPipe:        RP [pipe]
ReadCapability:        RCB
ReadFlashID:        RID
ReadFlashInfo:        RFI
ReadChipInfo:        RCI
ReadSector:        RS  <BeginSec> <SectorLen> [-decode] [File]
WriteSector:        WS  <BeginSec> <File>
ReadLBA:        RL  <BeginSec> <SectorLen> [File]
WriteLBA:        WL  <BeginSec> <File>
EraseBlock:        EB <CS> <BeginBlock> <BlokcLen> [--Force]

Rockusb>ef update.img
Loading loader...
Test Device Start



5 minutes ago, naseeb said:

This tool doesn't show any progress...i am waiting on below screen for 50 minutes. Does it take so long?

moved to p2p tech support. we don't support firefly rk3288 within armbian and the question is not armbian related. 


You can use mainline uboot and mainline kernel with firefly-rk3288 .. I've got gentoo, up and running from eMMC. Will try debian, ubuntu and arch which should follow a similar process and I'll post a guide when its done.

Posted (edited)

you wrote


ef update.img

but the right command is:

uf update.img

that's why. EF erases, UF uploads. topic's end and SOLVED.

e97 i've found that debian stops at the 8th version about it (premade images). the main problem was that /lib/modules is empty and even if i found a solution to get debian buster in it, the libmali-midgard0 driver still shout repeatedly some error about rk3x-i2c in dmesg :'(

i hope arch will do better if the armbian image don't.
i'll start a new thread and register, if any find it useful.

Edited by nico_hey
"solved" is a better word to describe this thread than "successful"
  • TRS-80 changed the title to [solved] Firefly RK3288 firmware uploading failed
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