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Posts posted by Igor

  1. 3 hours ago, hmof said:

    I put the following into /etc/apt/preferences.d/zfs in order to have apt prefer the Debian bookworm-backports ZFS packages to the armbian ones that are imported from Debian trixie (and currently not installable due to the t64 issue);

    I have (hopefully) fixes ZFS on all variants yesterday, but haven't tested on Debian yet. Works fine on Ubuntu based builds, ZFS v2.2.4. If you have time to test, beta.armbian.com should have proper packages:

  2. 22 hours ago, Shashi said:

    I ended up using the Ubuntu image from orange pi website


    Here you can make a donation. Thank you. That "Ubuntu" was in 99.99% developed by Armbian and other open source projects. Orangepi is HW dealer. They only care that hw features works. They never pushed fixes to common code. We have to spent our private time if we want to port / fix their HW bugs & features to better common code which is the only one maintained and which is in your interest to run it. Software you are so happy to use is on this level


    22 hours ago, Shashi said:

    This issue is now closed. 

    We are maintaining software together and this issue was not closed. Do you really believe unmaintained promo software have only one problem? 😁 


    22 hours ago, Shashi said:

    It may be that the armbian linux image may need some file update for the camera to work correctly on op5b. 

    There is a new release out tomorrow. Every download page has daily assembled images with latest updates and fixes, where you should check if this problem was resolved. Did you check that before?

  3. On 5/16/2024 at 11:03 PM, Nino said:

    I also commented on the pull request that introduced the patch

    That is O.K., but Armbian build framework does not accept HW related tickets. Forum is right place where you can bring this up and discuss what to do. Then open a PR if solution emerges ...


    On 5/16/2024 at 11:03 PM, Nino said:

    Comparing the patches between 6.1 and 6.6 shows a new patch related to PCIe


    Without this patch, PCI probing will randomly fail. Which is worse then 100% going up in 1x. This is my 2c.


    I understand that you would like to have a perfect functioning PCI system on this hardware platform and if you cover someone several weeks of R&D, this can probably be done. Since this will not happen, we have partial solution/workaround in place, this forum and we have each other.

  4. Planned point release and images rebuild date is upcoming Saturday, 25th. There are three problems, that would be nice to fix before. People working on are very busy and might not be able to deal with, so help is needed here:

    Thank you all that participated in this release!

  5. Testing ... 3588 vendor 6.1:


    Do we have a working?
    3D hw support via panfork
    wiringpi support?
    4k youtube video playback under Chromium?
    4k under MPV video player?



    other rockchips. Enabling extensions?
    - v4l2loopback-dkms,mesa-oibaf


    What about amlogic, allwinnner?
    - v4l2loopback-dkms,mesa-oibaf


    Nice to have:
    rock-5-itx edge kernel


    Manually tested:
    - Bananapi M2PRO Gnome desktop with 4l2loopback-dkms and mesa-oibaf

  6. Quote



    I would not use ZFS with this kernel if I were you. This kernel is provided by hw vendor, by people / business that only cares about (selling) hardware features to work. Everything else is unmaintained and open source community (not just Armbian) developers are not even thinking to maintain this kernel outside that as its concorde fallacy. FYI - it is highly possible ZFS implementation is affected, but you are FREE to do whatever. 


    13 hours ago, fever_wits said:

    As you can see, I have also shared the workaround.


    90% of solutions, not workarounds, Armbian team (a few people) is unable to integrate into OS with their private resources, public (thousands of you) are simply not there. I can estimate, we could integrate about 30% of resolved suggestions this community generate with few full time engineers. Which costs money. Until you are satisfied with reporting problems only, until you don't care that a lot of value is wasted, there is nothing we can do but keep trying to provide "best effort" support with what we have and explaining this situation. Users perspective will always be like we refuse to help ... but people that are working on / helping Armbian are already long maxed out in efforts of helping everyone, even our competitors. Also. Hardware vendors have exploit of open source community build into their business model. If it happens that you are using hardware with terrible vendors reputation, bugs can be written, but are last to be resolved, some bugs are never resolved ... 


    If you really wanna help everyone, start here:


    Study and implement a solution. We also have automated dependency testing, which should prevent this problem in first place, but ain't working well and it wouldn't help much in this case.


    ZFS package is imported from Trixie and yes I understand that upstream package dependency has been recently changed. Until a month ago, we didn't have this problem, everything was working right and now, there is little we can do except disabling importing (which will also delete packages from repository). We don't compile those packages on our own and I am aware that this is not the best way. 


    There are more workarounds - like using Trixie or Noble user space ...

    17 hours ago, fever_wits said:

    armbian team


    Its sadly under-powered, too small. 


    Math is simple - I would very much like to help, but costs are the one that are killing us. Imagine that fixing a problem costs 1000 USD. You are willing to pay 5 USD (or not even that), which is fair if there would be more people contributes their share that you cover all costs. This never happens. They come with another and another problem for 1000 USD (often a lot more, sometimes a lot less) instead. Then its expected that we pay the rest, 995 USD for costs of resolving community software problem, this is simply not sustainable way of cooperation. Even the bug was made by us. I am trying to keep ZFS available. Do you have any idea how much time loss this service already caused with no benefits whatsoever?


    There are thousands of bugs in open source software and most of people pin everything on us after they download "Armbian image" and images that are produced by copycats as they claim "its Armbian". This particular problem was introduced by us, yes, but alternatively would be not providing ZFS that is capable of working with recent kernels. Which touches to the core of embedded Linux experience and logic. Often we can't match user space and kernel like this is done on 1st class x86 desktop / server / hw Linux world. Even they, often breaks critical things too, even with thousands of full time employees (Redhat). We can't provide that level of services with close to nothing from your side.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Charlie Romer said:

    Thus I am here.




    Remember that this is forum, not a professional technical support service that waits on problems. We are on the same side. Problems takes years to be resolved as there is nobody behind. They don't invest, you don't invest, we can't invest into support service you might with or expect.


    6 minutes ago, Charlie Romer said:

    They happen on Armbian too


    We didn't produce this hardware and manufacturer doesn't work with us. They almost literally throw hardware like bone to a dog. Armbian ultra small team have to deal with other things then this hardware / 3rd party (copy of) OS clients problems.


    16 minutes ago, Charlie Romer said:

    I honestly have no clue about your beef

    Now you know. You came from a project that has bad reputation, you are using hardware from manufacturer that does not support open source software. They are not alone. More makers are abusing community to generate software, support and sales. But some genuine help and there our focus goes. Sometimes we made wrong judgements ...


    If you mentioned RPi. They are far from being modest example, but they are returning about 2M USD annually back to community. Here small dealers, who have no affection and understanding how non profit community works, are competing how well they will abuse this community. The more the more they will profit - that is why there is so much bad vibes here. Some are doing everything to optimise this abuse. Not talking just about Armbian, but developers community at large. No need to mention, that Dietpi is not a part of this game. They don't suffer as nobody never took anything from them in past 10 years.

    13 minutes ago, Charlie Romer said:

    I'll probably leave but at the moment I dont have a good vibe from Armbian either by how I'm being treated here. 

    What did you expect? Truth or fake happiness and prompt resolving of your problem? With our private money and in private time? "Case number 125323". Perhaps weeks of research is needed. Not just trolling on forums?


    I believe you didn't know nothing about this and it feels me bad that I have to tell you this. But this is your problem too and I hope now you see why. If open source developers are not happy, you will not move them with anything. Just trying to draw you a bigger picture. Raspbian / RaspberryPi has IMO 20-30 full time engineers for supporting clients and they have classes easier job then we do. We have not a single one.

  8. 1 hour ago, Charlie Romer said:

    Nope - been around long enough to know each distro has it's own crap to figure out.


    You might insult many people if you compare Armbian with Dietpi. They download Armbian (firmware is binary copy), run BASH script to re-brand, add their script junk and sell as "supported". When bug is found they say "oh, this trash Armbian", when someone say compliment, they take it. This is how piracy works in open source. Compliment and recognition of work is everything. They contribute nothing to Armbian, nor its possible to take anything. Where we would, as community, progress, if we would just steal and pretend?


    1 hour ago, Charlie Romer said:

    But I think this was already known

    Board manufacturer is responsible to fix this problem. They know how and where change is needed. But ... they compete with OS we made with us.  Are you sure, you are long enough around to see it all? :)

  9. Actions:


    • updating template for building standard support images. Keeping Jammy CLI and Jammy XFCE desktop, upgrade other Jammy to Noble. Keeping old stable user-land with more recent kernel is actually a perfect combination. 
    • download pages were adjusted to current status.
    • branching to 24.5
    • freezing sources
    • merging all board status changes
    • making RC builds
    • updating application builds lists
    • updating 3rd party packages import
    • regenerating repository with Ubuntu oracular
    • switching nightly build targets to Ubuntu oracular
    • generating RC images for application deployments
    • returning armhf to Noble / Trixie


    RC0 RC1 (is in making) for testing:

    HomeAssistant, OpenHab, Security (Kali)

    Nightly images



    Stable builds (RC)


    Automated testings



    - problems

    - images that needs to be added, changed status



  10. 2 hours ago, Hank Barta said:

    something else I can do?

    Switch to nightly kernels (those are becoming stable in two weeks anyway), update, reboot. Remove / Add kernels and it will work. Use armbian-config -> software to make this easy way.

    2 hours ago, Hank Barta said:

    First post here



  11. 1 hour ago, JohnTheCoolingFan said:

    I propose copying that configuration and adding it as a supported board.

    Armbian team has very limited resources, we can't pick this up, and I doubt there will be a pileup of people from community doing this. If you (or anyone reading this) is interested to maintain CB1 and/or CB2, sent me PM, and I will ask Bigtreetech for help.

  12. 1 hour ago, vrzdrb said:

    Writing one sentence “our image is intended only for installation from SD” is

    Each code change represent danger that some feature out of tens of thousands will stop working. One bug is fixed, something else can and do break down ... Nobody knows when this happens as nobody can't test all features. Testing is expensive and we run this - for public good service - mainly with our private money. Since information does not exists, we will not be keeping list of working / not working features for you. Especially not if this require additional expensive manual work.


    I told you to verify with latest image from development as this might just work. You didn't and there is little we can do from here.


    If you didn't know, we provide users results of automated testing, which is sadly primitive and can't test complex functions as in this case, but it will stay that way as we have not enough support/interest from anyone (but everyone would like to have this info) If you need better info that this


    apply here:

    and start working for us as a full time volunteer. I know you will not, but this request is on same level as yours.


    So far, in one year, we didn't get anyone. 

  13. 31 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    Writing one sentence “our image is intended only for installation from SD” is not “more and more”


    I am not your personal assistance. Orangepi (mainly as they are chepest) customers are demanding thousands of fixes, changes and improvements. Personally I can't answer to this and other thousands of issues that are found in code / text. I would love to but its impossible even as a team and I have to run the project and sometimes I chat on forums. Mainly for fun and providing hints. I can't be your partner in resolving your (clearly business) problem. I would love to, but Orangepi treat as not good and we treat their clients accordingly. Use other board and you will get help. Isn't that stupid? Yes, but this is one of ways we fight abuse that is targeted toward open source developers. In this segment of open source, there are things you might never experienced with your work in open source. Isn't it better to be open for other perspectives? I believe in yours.


    Perhaps this will give you a picture on resources you are addressing? You are not the only one that is requesting support. Our resources are 1/1000 of needed. We are developers, we maintain serious and complex system and we don't have much time for individual problems. Regardless if you think we should be more attractive. We can be, but then we have to kill R&D. Which is source of sorrow, frustration and costs.


    Why do you even try to be accepted over the line? And why you think this problem is important enough to be even discussed? Why don't you resolve a problem you find? And on and on. I told you already that we only loose if we fix a bug. We have competitors, that invest nothing, while they can provide the same. In order to catch them, we have to invest less and less. And be more attractive at the same time, agree with that. This means we should invest into sales a lot more, where again you know what has to suffer.

    31 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    being an open-source developer is your conscious choice

    Absolutely. We love that, me included. But I have to run this development on totally different level. If you would set our priorities, we would already be long dead. Imagine users, who in big majority have no clue about how much time some problem is needed, they don't care how many problems are already been worked on, what is team capacity, and on and on.


    Remember also that, at the end, support goes under "best effort" principle. If serious and life important problems are not done, your will wait. A week, month, year ... never. This is how it goes and this won't be changed.


    31 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    Open source is a calling, not an excuse.


    Not sure what you mean by that, but open source is like freedom.

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