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Posts posted by Igor

  1. 7 minutes ago, Charlie Romer said:

    Thus I am here.




    Remember that this is forum, not a professional technical support service that waits on problems. We are on the same side. Problems takes years to be resolved as there is nobody behind. They don't invest, you don't invest, we can't invest into support service you might with or expect.


    6 minutes ago, Charlie Romer said:

    They happen on Armbian too


    We didn't produce this hardware and manufacturer doesn't work with us. They almost literally throw hardware like bone to a dog. Armbian ultra small team have to deal with other things then this hardware / 3rd party (copy of) OS clients problems.


    16 minutes ago, Charlie Romer said:

    I honestly have no clue about your beef

    Now you know. You came from a project that has bad reputation, you are using hardware from manufacturer that does not support open source software. They are not alone. More makers are abusing community to generate software, support and sales. But some genuine help and there our focus goes. Sometimes we made wrong judgements ...


    If you mentioned RPi. They are far from being modest example, but they are returning about 2M USD annually back to community. Here small dealers, who have no affection and understanding how non profit community works, are competing how well they will abuse this community. The more the more they will profit - that is why there is so much bad vibes here. Some are doing everything to optimise this abuse. Not talking just about Armbian, but developers community at large. No need to mention, that Dietpi is not a part of this game. They don't suffer as nobody never took anything from them in past 10 years.

    13 minutes ago, Charlie Romer said:

    I'll probably leave but at the moment I dont have a good vibe from Armbian either by how I'm being treated here. 

    What did you expect? Truth or fake happiness and prompt resolving of your problem? With our private money and in private time? "Case number 125323". Perhaps weeks of research is needed. Not just trolling on forums?


    I believe you didn't know nothing about this and it feels me bad that I have to tell you this. But this is your problem too and I hope now you see why. If open source developers are not happy, you will not move them with anything. Just trying to draw you a bigger picture. Raspbian / RaspberryPi has IMO 20-30 full time engineers for supporting clients and they have classes easier job then we do. We have not a single one.

  2. 1 hour ago, Charlie Romer said:

    Nope - been around long enough to know each distro has it's own crap to figure out.


    You might insult many people if you compare Armbian with Dietpi. They download Armbian (firmware is binary copy), run BASH script to re-brand, add their script junk and sell as "supported". When bug is found they say "oh, this trash Armbian", when someone say compliment, they take it. This is how piracy works in open source. Compliment and recognition of work is everything. They contribute nothing to Armbian, nor its possible to take anything. Where we would, as community, progress, if we would just steal and pretend?


    1 hour ago, Charlie Romer said:

    But I think this was already known

    Board manufacturer is responsible to fix this problem. They know how and where change is needed. But ... they compete with OS we made with us.  Are you sure, you are long enough around to see it all? :)

  3. 1 hour ago, JohnTheCoolingFan said:

    I propose copying that configuration and adding it as a supported board.

    Armbian team has very limited resources, we can't pick this up, and I doubt there will be a pileup of people from community doing this. If you (or anyone reading this) is interested to maintain CB1 and/or CB2, sent me PM, and I will ask Bigtreetech for help.

  4. 1 hour ago, vrzdrb said:

    Writing one sentence “our image is intended only for installation from SD” is

    Each code change represent danger that some feature out of tens of thousands will stop working. One bug is fixed, something else can and do break down ... Nobody knows when this happens as nobody can't test all features. Testing is expensive and we run this - for public good service - mainly with our private money. Since information does not exists, we will not be keeping list of working / not working features for you. Especially not if this require additional expensive manual work.


    I told you to verify with latest image from development as this might just work. You didn't and there is little we can do from here.


    If you didn't know, we provide users results of automated testing, which is sadly primitive and can't test complex functions as in this case, but it will stay that way as we have not enough support/interest from anyone (but everyone would like to have this info) If you need better info that this


    apply here:

    and start working for us as a full time volunteer. I know you will not, but this request is on same level as yours.


    So far, in one year, we didn't get anyone. 

  5. 31 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    Writing one sentence “our image is intended only for installation from SD” is not “more and more”


    I am not your personal assistance. Orangepi (mainly as they are chepest) customers are demanding thousands of fixes, changes and improvements. Personally I can't answer to this and other thousands of issues that are found in code / text. I would love to but its impossible even as a team and I have to run the project and sometimes I chat on forums. Mainly for fun and providing hints. I can't be your partner in resolving your (clearly business) problem. I would love to, but Orangepi treat as not good and we treat their clients accordingly. Use other board and you will get help. Isn't that stupid? Yes, but this is one of ways we fight abuse that is targeted toward open source developers. In this segment of open source, there are things you might never experienced with your work in open source. Isn't it better to be open for other perspectives? I believe in yours.


    Perhaps this will give you a picture on resources you are addressing? You are not the only one that is requesting support. Our resources are 1/1000 of needed. We are developers, we maintain serious and complex system and we don't have much time for individual problems. Regardless if you think we should be more attractive. We can be, but then we have to kill R&D. Which is source of sorrow, frustration and costs.


    Why do you even try to be accepted over the line? And why you think this problem is important enough to be even discussed? Why don't you resolve a problem you find? And on and on. I told you already that we only loose if we fix a bug. We have competitors, that invest nothing, while they can provide the same. In order to catch them, we have to invest less and less. And be more attractive at the same time, agree with that. This means we should invest into sales a lot more, where again you know what has to suffer.

    31 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    being an open-source developer is your conscious choice

    Absolutely. We love that, me included. But I have to run this development on totally different level. If you would set our priorities, we would already be long dead. Imagine users, who in big majority have no clue about how much time some problem is needed, they don't care how many problems are already been worked on, what is team capacity, and on and on.


    Remember also that, at the end, support goes under "best effort" principle. If serious and life important problems are not done, your will wait. A week, month, year ... never. This is how it goes and this won't be changed.


    31 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    Open source is a calling, not an excuse.


    Not sure what you mean by that, but open source is like freedom.

  6. 10 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    so that people do not waste time


    If you care so much about people not wasting time, documentation is open source, invest your time https://github.com/armbian/documentation and stop wasting my time. Our project is saving all of you years, not just months. And you still don't get it and want more and more. Remember that not you, not the one that generates problem contributes virtually nothing. Buy a PC, which works well with our product.

  7. 3 hours ago, vrzdrb said:

    be kind enough to write about it in plain text


    You are using a lot of our work also if you use images for Orangepi 5 with different name, from different DJs and / or even official ones. Official Debian and Ubuntu images are shameless copy of Armbian, assembled with old tools and slightly different - some features will work better, some not. As they are never upgraded, they never breaks.


    We work together with Joshua-Riek on kernel and other things. Images should behave more or less the same, but as they were not released at the same time, diff exists. If your problem is fixed in our images, nobody will check this for you because this is not a commercial product and you are not a customer - there are daily automated builds at the download page. Try them.

    We can't spoil you with writing fancy manual and make better support as we will gain nothing. Competitors (Orangepi and copycats) are not copy pasting code we made (remember this is open source world), they also copy pasting instructions we make. Ask Orangepi to cover those costs (they will ofc not) or you cover them. Problem is that for 99% of projects costs we have to find elsewhere (most people have jobs somewhere) or do it for free (slave work when abuse is used. And this exists in large scale). Donations only cover 0.5% ... Asking for more, from end user perspective, is rude. Mitigating your debt first? Every donation counts.


    1 hour ago, vrzdrb said:

    We can assume that the problem has been solved.


    Complex software without active maintaining will start to fall apart, but people that made money with you will be long gone by then. Regressions will happen and again we will be the one behind ... 

  8. 15 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    Official Orange Pi user manual from Orange Pi site, of course


    In most cases, Armbian has full control over hardware. We don't need and avoid closed source manufacturer flashing tools. Where this is not possible (example), we recommend using 3rd party manual.


    12 minutes ago, vrzdrb said:

    I have no way to try with an SD card, we are not considering this option


    End users doesn't need this feature to work and RKflashtool should just work, but its not officially supported. Consider (Gold) professional assistance in case you expect someone will fix bugs in your software. Or contact Orangepi to fix this for you.

  9. 22 minutes ago, _Rick said:

    you might already know this


    I will look into this when time permits but I don't promise to stick in researching very long. Kernel behind this specific hardware, this image, is developed with a solo purpose - to sell hardware and its dead end. For amateur usage, running desktop and similar toying this is usually enough. Rockchip cares only that hardware features works, everything else is unmaintained. We are looking at possible impossible tasks, weeks of work, which is something I can't afford to do in exchange for compliments. This is not Armbian problem. Try switching to normal mainline kernel (named EDGE, 6.8.y, that should not have those errors and that I know where to look for fixing if warnings will pop up. Also I can predict I will not lost more then few hours). 

  10. 1 minute ago, _Rick said:

    Unsupported system - AppArmor issues System is unsupported because AppArmor is working incorrectly and add-ons are running in an unprotected and insecure way. 

    Unsupported system - CGroup version:  System is unsupported because the wrong version of Docker CGroup is in use.

    This is hard to say as we are talking about non standard Linux kernel. If HA works, IMO you can safely ignore those problems or:


    4 minutes ago, _Rick said:

    Is it something you can fix in the image and I'll wait or I can upgrade and it will be fixed ?

    New kernel is being developed for several years and it might already be working for this use case. You can try by switching to it (armbian-config -> system -> alternative kernels -> select EDGE 6.8.something), but I give you no warranty that it will work. You might need to start with a new image. If it works well, report back and we will generate images by using that kernel. I know many things in graphical areas are missing there, but for this uses case we don't need HDMI output anyway ...

  11. 2 minutes ago, Michal Fita said:

    I expect to tell me what's wrong

    Usually research (or active sponsoring of our team) is needed to determine what is wrong. This can take half an hour or several weeks. As active sponsoring is still way below 1% of our costs, I have absolutely no interest to cover expenses of any research and then provide findings in exchange for nothing. This is deadly for the project and our mental health. Usually additional questions / research are requested, which only makes developers  more frustrated. This is quite common delusion here - that open source developers are stupid and just happy to work for free. Yes, limited to things they like to work on. There are thousands of problems and they are not ours. They are yours, even "sold" under Armbian assembly. If you can tell who will pay research for you or for everyone, I will find someone that will do it. Or not. I have no budget to spent. Since this is open source, anyone can finance to tell what is wrong. This is the essence of this forums.


    11 minutes ago, Michal Fita said:

    How much we'd have to pay to get this fixed?


    ... and perhaps another week that solution is developed, implemented and tested? Perhaps a lot more. Ain't simple to answer to this question.


    All this require serious investment from our side to support worse customer there is ;) Don't take this as an offence as this is a part of the game. This only have ends at different point.  You can donate, or not. If you want that this is fixed, this has different procedure. It require establishing business relation, which procedure is by default expensive and for resolving one problem ... its a lot better to skip it anyway. However, starting point is trying to make a support contract, make large enough donation that we don't need to pay for everything as we will not move. This is not something granted as I need to be sure that I can keep my promise and meet your expectations.


    32 minutes ago, Michal Fita said:

    Gladly, just need to know where to start to trigger CI to build header's package for 24.2.5?


    Armbian CI can only be executed by Armbian staff member with sufficient privileges. I am talking about CI that is auto remaking all our code (kernel, headers, ...) on code change. This is dropped to APT repo http://beta.armbian.com, which is updated daily and at every code change.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Michal Fita said:

    Who can fix header package for the stable branch?


    This is just one issue out of thousands and we operate all this with budget that is very close to zero. This should be picked by maintainer, if exists. We support them from our business deals, but still, they come and go and in between, we have nobody. For a month and half, there is nobody and I can't cover, its too expensive. Since none of board maintainer is full time, but they should be, this can easily take weeks, or more ... But luckily:




    • automated builds makes it half way. Its there, even smoke tested, where problems are not detected.
    • one can build combo on their own.
    • its open source. You can fix bugs too.
    • we need to push new release by the end of the month.

    And yes, I heard there are some problems with Rpi kernels. Which will just make us more damages and headaches. Rpi foundation has almost 2 mio EUR yearly budget to fight problems ... :( Its not Armbian that is making bugs, but you expect us to pay to fix them.


    I tried to help you with hints. Here I have to stop. Out on vacations.

  13. 23 minutes ago, perfstr said:

    but it had several limitations for me.


    Armbian didn't sold you functioning of this device. We are telling you that this hardware is not supported and we don't even think to support it. Support costs money. Even this is perhaps possible to support with several ten thausands per year, we will not do anything as total Orangepi support budget is negative. HW, on the othe hand, needs constant support or it starts to fall apart. They will ofc not tell you that. They simply don't change software stack in any way, so nothing will fall apart ... but there is ofc a problem. Most hardware is sold with privately made Linux kernel (5.1 also 6.1. now). They get code from SoC vendor and for this software most of this https://twitter.com/internetofshit applies and is never resolved, but most of people are unable to understand, don't know or care about. Customer that this is sold is just more uneducated in technical sense.


    Modern Kernel 6.x (beware on numbers deception) is build from scratch where its impossible that all features works right from start. Costs per each SoC family can go into millions. Orangepi is not involed here, but we are. They don't support development, we (and other FOSS projects) do. Yeah, its that crazy :( They are flooding market with cheap hardware with as cheap software support as possible. Pirated software? No problem. Who will sue them? Do you (users) care? Supporting projects that are stealing from open source? No problem. There is absolutely no moral code. SoC vendors also doesn't care about anything but numbers of SoCs sold. Revenue, while abusing open source communities, is the only king there is.


    On a long run and if you don't want to have internet of a shit device, you will use ... Armbian, fork of it, some similar Linux. Which you don't support as they are doing everything to mask the true costs of software development. Also Orangepi is providing modern Linux software that is branded as Orangepi to fake "development" by them. Most of users have no ability to understand that Orangepi is not a software company. They sell hardware, while software they just "get", rebrand, sell. 


    1 hour ago, perfstr said:

    their image has something common with Armbian



    They downloaded Ambian build framework at one point. This was several years ago. Then they ran search for "Armbian" replace with "Orangepi" to impress people with work they never contributed anything to. This is one of ways how (some of) those companies stealls value and show "respect" toward people that finance them.


    In case you have questions regarding this particilar hardware, contact Orangepi officie directly. I know its a waste of time, but at least they will have support damages. Support = hard cash expense also for open source projects.


    Developers are asking you for support https://github.com/sponsors/armbian and it years and years that those numbers got to the 10% of 1k per month. Which is a discrase, but its impossible to communicate that. For example two people, which would be lost in this support, costs 10k per month, 10x more it has been asked. Volonteers? Yes, they are happy to help, but bulk of support needs professional backbone or you complain and make dirt, even you pay like nothing. Still you think Aliexpress dealer is the one that provides any software? They invest close to nothing into software development as they are by default affraid they will support their competitions ... so they don't pay any "taxes" for software they take from open source and sell as theirs.


    One hour of engineering is worth more then 1pcs of hardware.


    Simply change it to something else and:

    - there is actively maintained codebase

    - you will get responsive free regular support

    - you can get instant professional support

    - you will support developers not hd just dealers that are already selling you something new with demo software


    This comes with https://www.armbian.com/bananapicm4io/

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