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    rmoriz got a reaction from going in Armbian 24.2 is broken on Orange PI PC2   
    Out of curiosity I build an image based on the official repo (default options, just selecting the board, result was Armbian-unofficial_24.11.0-trunk_Orangepipc2_bookworm_edge_6.11.9.img)  and it booted fine, too. I guess the issue is already solved in git?
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    rmoriz reacted to Werner in orangepi pc2 not connecting with router   
    best chances to get an idea what happens inside is using debug console:
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    rmoriz reacted to martinayotte in Orange Pi Zero Plus2 H5: Install to eMMC bricked device   
    To see more verbosity, edit /boot/armbianEnv.txt, make sure that "verbosity=7" and "console=serial" instead of "console=both".
    This way, you will be able to see what is happening during this 44 seconds ...
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    rmoriz reacted to Igor in Orange Pi Zero Plus2 H5: Install to eMMC bricked device   
    I did try all possible combinations. It doesn't break down. If anything matters it's a voltage drop. Mine shows 4.90V at header while stressing the board.

    Upstream problem in any case. Perhaps related to this: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=892229#49
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