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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Quote: ------------------------ Whoa... careful there. Hot air rises, “heat” does not rise. As you yourself say, heat radiates. Heat leaves a hot object in straight lines as if it were light shining from the object. When it collides with something, that something gets the transferred energy (physicists in the audience please forgive me). A tiny amount will transfer to air, hence the inefficiency of using air as the transfer medium... but air is cheap, plentiful, non-electrically conductive, non-corrosive, and easy to move along the radiating surface. Thus a heat sink in any orientation will heat the things around it, and air in contact with hot surfaces will absorb some heat... becoming hot air and then expanding and rising (because it is less dense). So as long as that heated air can flow away, you will end up with a convective flow and a constant supply of cooler air (that gets heated and flows away, etc). Don’t put your heat sink in an upside down bowl, and you should be fine. ------------------------- Sorry, I could not resist, it's just a masterpiece of stupidity and ignorance of the basic laws of physics ... For reference. If the radiator "looks" at the surface of the table, the radiation is reflected from the surface of the table (all solids have a reflection) and returns back to the radiator (only a small part, where the radiator ends, will be reflected in the environment (i.e. will leave from N2). Only a very small part of the energy is transferred to the top of the table surface and tries to heat it. As soon as the top of the table is heated, it starts to heat the air above it and .... this heated air rises back to the radiator. The better the reflection of the table, the greater the back radiation. Used black radiator, so it is much better to get back the heat (in the form of radiation) than gives. For this reason , all heat exchangers, which are used to heat the water by the sun (radiation) are specially painted in black , which would be better to take energy (pay attention, do not give, namely to receive energy). Radiation works only from surfaces that "look" into the environment. That is, all the surfaces of the lamellas on the radiator emit energy into the environment only by a very small surface (on the tops of the lamellas). The rest of the surface looks at each other and radiates energy back to each other (i.e. does not do any good to remove heat from the system). Only a smooth plate reflects the entire surface. By the way, just a reflection from the radiator, which is directed towards the PSB Board, "helps" to heat the components on it. Deep lamel are designed to increase the area of air contact with the radiator, but they work only with good air movement past them (with active air supply). When natural air circulation Delta recoil does not exceed 10-20 W\g, and when forced to 200-250 W\g.
  2. 1. Arguments that" it is possible to turn a radiator upwards " - aren't discussed. If desired, you can do anything. This solution was not offered by the developers of HK immediately during the development (and in the description of the use), so this use case is not the merit of the developers of HK, which is already confirmed by the facts described earlier. 2. A huge radiator is not a plus, but a minus for developers, because developers, instead of doing something good (correctly calculated design), decided the issue of cooling blunt and not effective increase in costs. With an unjustified increase in the weight of the entire structure, the hidden costs incurred by buyers are increased (the manufacturer always includes them in the final price). For example, transportation and postage costs for the delivery of final products to consumers, the cost of production is not the right radiator, etc.. 3. It's funny to read the opposite reasoning, in the beginning argue about the possibility of turning the radiator up (and by the way, only in this position the radiator will benefit from heat radiation), and then talk about the ease of connecting additional devices. It is interesting to see how the user will work with the display, which is connected face to the table. 4. Given the fact that all the numbers about the temperature, frequency, number of cores used their modes, etc., forms a closed binary code for "secret algorithms", I am skeptical about all the results, except one - the real work. All artificially invented tests are a measurement of a" spherical horse in a vacuum", which is not difficult to" teach " the correct answers. PS test Results under air conditioning - a good example of how you can (if desired) to organize any "correct" tests.
  3. With the correct DTB, the wired network works on all models.
  4. For WiFi on kernel 3.x, install the FIRMWARE package deb from the 5.73 directory (to site). The build environment now uses packages for the main kernel (they are not suitable for the old kernel).
  5. Have you tried connecting to USB ports ? I noticed that on some models, when you turn off the TV box, the USB power is turned off and the fan is well controlled with the TV box. When the TV box is turned off, the fan does not work, when the TV box is turned on, the fan turns on at the same time. But on some TV boxes USB does not turn off and the fan is running constantly. I'm interested in how you turn off TV box the USB off or on.
  6. I always recommend using a fan at maximum load.
  7. Such temperature can be. In the dtb "fast" increased parameters (including temperature limit) for maximum performance.
  8. And in vain, that not include. What you think is empty is actually a critical piece of data for the operation of the system. I have already explained this many times, where do these "empty" 700 MB.
  9. See photo of the Board and the casing in the subject of the announcement. There is clearly shown that the working position of the device is down by the radiator. The shape of the plastic case and the hole for connecting additional devices to the 40-pin connector confirm this. Also on the plastic case there are no hints of legs, that would indicate the lower location of the body on the support. If you do not have a plastic case, the device does not have any element that will allow you to install this device up the radiator without adding any racks\legs, that it would be stable. Yes, you can do everything yourself, and put it correctly (up the radiator), but it is not a regular (which the developers have provided) position for operation. I didn't find any mention from officials that I (as a regular user) should use the N2 up radiator. All these facts indicate that the developers originally planned this location and means that they made a gross mistake in the development. Perhaps tkaser is right when he wrote in the discussion that he had a feeling that the tests were done by an Intern (a stupid teenager). And I would add-and the development of the body and the cooling system was engaged in a schoolboy who does not know the basic laws of physics. Although it apparently was the normal - to place the radiator upside down manufacturers many Chinese TV boxes. But if the Chinese cheap TV boxes price and reputation appropriate, the HK has no right to make such mistakes (if you want to be considered a technological leader, which, in my opinion, it was previously). To be fair, it must be said that almost all manufacturers make stupid mistakes in the development of the cooling system. Radiators upside down Nano PI M4, no elementary vents over the fan Firefly-RK3399, etc. But there are holes under the SSD, which lies tightly on the plate
  10. Do not confuse writing an image to external media (which is usually done on a PC) and creating and restoring a backup. These are completely different tasks.
  11. Do not use the DD utility to write the image. This often creates problems with the image (there have been many messages from different users about this problem). You need to use special programs to record the image. That's interesting. Try to overwrite the u-boot on the SD card to the new version of uboot-2018 (the file with this version is included in the image). If that doesn't help, I'll build more other u-boot options. dd if=2018-u-boot.bin of=/dev/mmcblkX conv=fsync bs=1 count=442 dd if=2018-u-boot.bin of=/dev/mmcblkX conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1
  12. With such a chip, RPi will become big price. Announcement N1 was a year ago, in the early autumn of his publicly refused. Do you believe that in 9 months it was impossible to solve the problem with memory ? All manufacturers of TV boxes and DyU produced at this time different models with DDR3 and DDR4 , so they were able to receive memory, and one HK could not solve this problem. But on the issue of junk on the basis of the intel they had and the time and money. Yes, they have always shown disdain for Source Linux. This is clearly seen in the example of S912-when they did not bother to release GPU support for Linux and limited to one android. Packaging and unpacking (with the right utility that is able to work in multithreaded mode with all cores at once) is mainly determined by the processor, so it is not surprising that 4(fast)+2(economical) cores are faster than 2(fast)+4(economical). By the way, you can look at the rk3368 - there are 8 cores at a frequency of 1500. By the way, and looking at the result of this test, the question arises, if the S922 4 fast core (twice), why the result is better not twice, but only 20% ? AML can be deceiving, again with frequency and cores together ? Video playback 4K cope even s905 and rk3328.
  13. On the box where the UART is. Try to completely wipe eMMC (start the system with kernel 3.14 from SD card and run "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/you_name_EMMC bs=64M"). And then try to run the latest Armbian image with 4.20 kernel from SD card (there is a new u-boot-2015 in the image). Probably the reason in u-boot which to be in eMMC. If the system does not start at all, you can restore it via the DDBR utility (from a previously created copy) or via a USB cable. I had a similar situation on VIM1 when I tried to run a new kernel on an old u-boot. After u-boot was updated to the new version, the kernel started to run.
  14. I bought on aliexpress. You can use any options, but the larger the radiator, the better it removes heat. https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/20x20x6mm-Aluminum-IC-LED-Cooling-Cooler-Heat-Sink-Heatsink-Radiator-10pcs-Free-Freight/32251373935.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.274233edpb0Hqw
  15. Send me that file and file gxm_khadas_vim2.dtb (from the same directory with which you are running kernel 3.14) and show more of the log starting with kernel 3.14 and the dtb file kvim2_multios.dtb
  16. Variants of alteration of the cooling system. For example, three models MVR9 (rk3328), MX10 (rk3328) x96mini (s905w). In the body, above the radiator of the processor, a large hole is made and on the sides of the body a large hole is made for the free passage of air. On x96mini had to add a new radiator. Note need necessarily two holes, one for air intake, the second for exit. This is a very common mistake TV box manufacturers, they sometimes make only one type of holes, which is not enough for the normal operation of the cooling system. The air must pass freely through the body. The direction of air supply for TV boxes is optimal from the hole on the side surface, to the exit through the hole above the radiator. This allows the most heated air from the radiator to be immediately removed from the body. Then it doesn't heat the rest of the parts. If you do the opposite, to blow air down on the radiator and then output from the side vents, the heated (from the radiator), the air will simultaneously heat the remaining elements in the housing in its path. After this alteration and the addition of a USB fan, the system began to work stably in all modes for many hours. For anyone who uses their TV boxes as a full desktop, I strongly recommend to redesign the cooling system. Pay attention to the model x96mini, it has a default motherboard and radiator located at the bottom (upside down from the correct position). When using x96mini (and other TV boxes) be sure to turn them in the correct position - radiator up. This nonsense was invented by bad engineers who do not know the basic laws of physics. Such "engineers" think that the water can flow up the mountain. foto https://yadi.sk/d/vQw9J81koxpuHg
  17. Updated the image to version S905_mali 20190216 (for HW). For those who already have the previous version, you do not need to update. During the test found that the command to execute the updates uInitrd is not necessary. It's useless. If there is no sound , you need to reboot the system. I haven't studied the reason for this sound behavior, but rebooting usually solves the issue. Perhaps in the future it will be fixed.
  18. I will never support this model, it does not have a fundamentally important element for me - a wired network. S905Y2 = NOT support There are versions (only S905X2), but it is too early to write about it.
  19. if I change the configuration kernel, change the size of the module. And I added options from the build script 'buid.sh" in the makefile itself. If select the option in the UMP kernel configuration, the build fails. I also do not plan to spend a lot of time, but you can try.
  20. I added Mali sources to the kernel sources to build the module together with the kernel. The module is built and the system can load it, but HW does not work and the size of the module is significantly smaller than the one that is built according to the old scheme from a separate directory. Perhaps you need additional options or settings ? I don't know which ones. May be more experienced comrades will be able to suggest what else need to add to fix it ? During the tests, I found several reasons (which are not immediately noticeable) that affect the launch of HW. The sources of the kernel should be only 4.19 (with the corresponding patches), if you try at 4.20, like everything is, but HW does not work. Just be sure to need a script control Hot-HDMI. I wonder why HW doesn't work without it ?
  21. If the device was not it is released. Failure to release-a direct proof of error in the development. The indication as a reason, the lack of DDR3 memory, looks strange. Look at the market of products of TV boxes, a huge number of different models with DDR3 and DDR4, so there is no problem with getting any options. I do not want to discuss here why they did not release N1, it was not a technical reason. Users when choosing between RK3399 and S922x see this comparison. Most immediately identifies all produced RK3399 (not only N1) with this test and conclude that RK3399 - this junk, much inferior to N2. Few people will be able to estimate the real difference between the chips, if you correct the numbers of the results. Even on the forum says that the difference in DDR3 and DDR4 almost 35%. And now, take and increase the results RK3399 these 30-35% and will not exceed such difference in tests. Do you think the specialists who wrote the review do not know this ? They know it very well and I have no doubt that they have conducted many different tests, but decided to pretend that we compare our products. Let me remind you-not on sale N1 with RK3399 even with DDR3, so this comparison is specially designed and therefore it is a deliberate deception. This Board has a powerful processor that will be used to process large amounts of data. This data should be placed on large media (100 GB or More). This requires appropriate media. That eMMC module that Odroid offers is not such (it's a legacy from old systems when there was a big problem with eMMC). The eMMC module, which was invented in Odroid in the old days, is not standard and has an inflated cost. Having it on a new system instead of the standard options (SATA or NVME etc) is a bad decision. This is an attempt to force users to use their products at an inflated price with low characteristics, instead of using standard, and significantly better in parameters, modern devices. No, they didn't become standard. The fact that someone repeats their mistakes and uses them (by the way, to reduce their development and production costs at the expense of others, simply put-steal) does not make these modules a standard. As they do, everyone decides for himself, I no, do not impose. And this is only my private opinion. Unfortunately, recently they have made a number of serious (in my understanding) mistakes that have greatly changed my opinion about this company for the worse. At the moment, I am quite satisfied with RK3399 and the significantly changed position of Rockchip regarding Linux support. For RK3399 already now, there is everything in working and ready to use form, images Armbian, LE, etc., and what will be with s922, is not yet known, and it is not clear how much time will pass that would be ready-made system. It would be so if N1 (RK3399) was produced and people had a choice what to take. Why didn't they make a comparison with the mass models of RK3399 that have been on the market for a long time ? But they add stunted and retarded RPi
  22. You just copied the team from the site ? When you copy text on a website, the translator changed the format of the special characters should be used a different type of quote character instead of ' should be used `
  23. Unfortunately Hardkernel recently degrades as a leader, and make more and more stupid mistakes. Showing comparative tests of a new model from their own unfortunate model N1 on the basis of DDR3 (which they failed to begin to produce), they humiliated themselves by showing that badly designed N1. Their N1 (RK3399) used the old DDR3 memory, and comparing it to the new model with DDR4 is stupid. You need to compare with models RK3399 DDR4, then it will be clear the difference between the chips S922 and RK3399. The lower location of the radiator, which will be in this form to warm the entire Board with the rest of the components above it. This is a questionable solution for a model that should use the full power of processors. Do not understand the rejection of PCi (NVME) and the use of non-standard eMMC modules that have reduced speed and reliability. This model makes a strange impression. 80 for one PCB Board, how much will the working set cost ?
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