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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. New version 5.75 of the image and script. dir s905_mali Simplified use of the script. Once your image is running nominally for Armbian need to download, unzip and run the script. After the script finishes, reboot the system. If after reboot there will be no sound, you need to perform, on behalf of the ROOT user, one command update-initramfs -v -c -k `uname -r` and reboot the system. No other additional steps or commands are required. Please note that the new version of the script works only with this version of the image (which is with him on the site in the same directory).
  2. Add two small patches to the sources and you won't have to use the old and bad uimage format. And you do not need to change anything in the startup scripts, complicating the startup process. These patches work with all my images and kernels (including the latest 5.0).
  3. New ver How to get HW for s905 https://forum.khadas.com/t/armbian-kodi-ubuntu-debian-for-sd-usb-emmc/825/305?u=balbes150
  4. New image 5.75 How to get HW for s905x https://forum.khadas.com/t/armbian-kodi-ubuntu-debian-for-sd-usb-emmc/825/299?u=balbes150
  5. Perhaps to enable HW for the browser, you need to rebuild its Chrome-ffmpeg package using the new options (using hardware decoding v4l2m2m) ? By default, this package does not use the new decode type.
  6. Found a small error in the script. No links to the installed libMali file are created (not copied) during the installation process. In the system at this point is the same files from the shared installation. If manual overwrite these files with links to liBmali, begins to work MPV full screen. Gstreamer I have not yet been able to run, it gives an error, I need to see what can be fixed. I tried the usual Chromium from (not 32 bit) the after fixing the libraries, now the video from YouTube works at full screen with almost no brakes at the desktop resolution 1080 and if you choose a video with the parameter 1080. When displaying video in the browser window, noticeable braking and artifacts.
  7. I tried to build a Mali module (two versions 6 and 7), executed a script on the system (to install all the files and settings, but left my kernel with Mali modules for Khadas VIM1). When launching the Mali module, the kernel is automatically accepted and the system has a "/dev/mali" device. When you start MPV, the video plays in a window without brakes (with the resolution that the video file itself has) . If the resolution of the desktop 1080, run video 720, the window runs without brakes, but if you try to expand to full screen, the video starts to slow down. Tried Gstreamer, it starts, but when you try to play something, there is nothing on the screen and no sound. This behavior with both Mali 6 and 7 modules (when I replace the module, I also change the libMali library to the same version from the m450-X directory from GIT ). How can I check the overall operation of the armsoc driver ? Perhaps there are some commands\utilities that can show that the driver is using HW mode ?
  8. Try this image on your model with all the DTBS for GXM and GXL (from the image) and from the additional dtb directory on the site. https://yadi.sk/d/hRUuqDX4U7LiLA
  9. Try the images from this link. You should check all the dtb options for the GXL and GXM group. If there is a dtb option that will go further than the old kernel message, send me this UART output. After checking all the files from the image, additionally check the files from the dtb subdirectory on the site using the same link. https://yadi.sk/d/hRUuqDX4U7LiLA
  10. What sources (Neil Armstrong branch) of the Mali driver do you use ?
  11. I propose to make a change to the script. Build the MALI module itself directly on the production system with the current kernel. Check for kernel headers, if available, install the sources for MALI and run the build of the MALI module on the current system.
  12. I looked at the description and details. perhaps something and make with this equipment. But for this i'm need to have real equipment available for development and testing. I wrote to the manufacturer, if he is interested in supporting this model on the Armbian platform, then it is possible to make a working system for this model.
  13. For reference - no longer uses the copy file mode dtb to the "dtb.img". To select which dtb to use, edit the file "uEnv.ini". There is a time for everything... wait for results. ..
  14. If add in the name of the collected packages (deb) the info when it is assembled (year_month_date), it will automatically track the appearance of new packages in online repositories by means of standard Synaptic\apt. For example " armbian-config_5.74_190208_".
  15. To complete the comparison it is desirable to add how much money is spent on them (for RPi this should include power supply, remote control, SD card, HDMI cable and stuff that is in the TV box).
  16. Try running the latest image with this DTB. I am interested in the overall startup and output of the UART console with this DTB. https://yadi.sk/d/C9sVm6Faw8Xu_w
  17. When running the tests, I disabled the soft scaling and used only one parameter passed to MPV (vo=x11). I tried to set options hardware and software decoders, the result is the same. Used the last version of FFMPEG and MPV were collected using support v4l2m2m. Likely to need any additional options which need to point to the new FFMPEG to use hardware transform, but I don't understand it. If anyone wants to try to find the right options on the site in the directory 5.74\S905 are the image and new packages (which are built with support for v4l2m2m).
  18. Updated 5.74 images with kernel 4.4.154. Added new dtb mx10 (I pulled from Android firmware on MX10 the original DTB and based on it collected new options). With this dtb I have on the MX10 memory speed shows 629 MB / s. Please note, the new dtb increased temperature limits to 90 \ 105\110 (such parameters are set in the original dtb in Android). These DTBS have added primary support for the SV6051 chip. The module is automatically loaded and if there are firmware files (/lib/firmware/ssv6051), the WLAN0 interface appears in the system. But then this is not working yet.
  19. In the 4.1x kernel, it is not possible to use fw_printenv for look ENV u-boot. The easiest thing is to use the UART console. If its there is no the are possible options. If your new u-boot uses the old scheme (u-boot-2015), you can run the old version of Armbian or LE from external media and see the options. If this is already a new version of u-boot-2018, you need to look at the build options to use an external script that can read and save the current ENV values to a text file at startup.
  20. Admin wrote and gave a link to your message. If there are problems, write me in PM here.
  21. Found a strange behavior of the MPV on the latest builds. If start playing a video file (720p) on the desktop with a resolution of 1080p, with the option "--vo=x11". The video is shown without brakes in a window with a size of 720 (equal to the resolution of the video). If try to expand to full screen, the video starts to slow down. If run 1080p video, the windowed video slows down, but if you switch to full screen, it works without brakes. If change the desktop resolution to 720, 720p video works without brakes in windowed and full-screen mode. I don't understand why the 1080 video with the 1080 desktop is slow, but works full screen without brakes. What is the reason for this behavior ?
  22. I don't have the equipment to check and answer. I can only assume by analogy with another model that I have (Tronsmart Vega S95 Telos). In Telos also has a SATA port. But it only works on Android. In Linux, SATA is not visible (need exact parameters for the activation of the port in the DTB). I tried to get this information from the manufacturer, but did not get it. From your model I see a similar situation - have it only Android. Therefore, I think if the manufacturer does not provide the necessary information and sources, this SATA port will not work in Armbian (Linux). I will not disassemble the firmware and study reverse engineering. I won't waste my time making profits for those who don't want to provide support for their Linux hardware.
  23. My memory test numbers TV box MX10 in the line will indicate what dtb and what is the result core 4.4 mx10 328 a5x 576 a5x-1300 597 a5x-1500 621 kernel 5.0 there's one working dtb MX10 - 336. TV box MVR9 (adjusted for the size of the RAM test output is reduced to 500 units) 4.4 a5x 531 a5x-1300 559 a5x-1500 566 trn9 604 trn9-1500 619 5.0 here is here sign in, mx-10 278 rock64 280 It is unclear what the test was measured at 5.0 MVR9 Otherwise, it becomes clear why subjectively after the transition to a new DTB on MX10 was a feeling of similar work with MVR9 , memory speed is almost equal.
  24. Good news. A new image of the NEXT 5.74 kernel 5.0 and a working HDMI. This can already be used as a base system.
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