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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Then wait until I can check the dtb you sent from kernel 3.14 and build a new version. It's not going to be fast.
  2. A new version of the DEV 5.74 image using the 4.4.172 kernel (this kernel is used in General Armbian builds for Rock64 as the default). I pay attention, in this version in settings of DTS the maximum frequency of the processor 1500 is included. Therefore, when working under load, the processor heats up quickly and requires very good cooling (I recommend a fan). Here is the temperature log with MVR9 (desktop resolution 1080) when running a full-screen text video (media script with acceleration is not set). When the temperature reached 80 g , the video and sound began to slow down. Notice how quickly the temperature has reached a critical value. The heatsink on the CPU was not hot and in case I made a big hole above the radiator and on the sides for the free passage of natural air. By the way, this indirectly shows how passive cooling does not cope with the work in the case.
  3. Sorry, it was a reply to a message in front of yours.
  4. Steps the right. But if you are editing scripts, you need to edit everywhere. Now you need to start the system from USB. Open "BOOT_EMMC" section , open "uEnv.ini" and check (fix) in it the partition names on "ROOT_EMMC" and "BOOT_EMMC". Just open the section "ROOT_EMMC" and check (fix) the file "/etc/fstab" (specify the correct label, must be specified "ROOT_EMMC" and " BOOT_EMMC")
  5. If you or someone else, are ready to take on the burden of maintaining such a topic (editing and control in the topic, that would transfer not profile messages to other topics), I can ask Igor to make you or someone who is ready to help the development of this project, a moderator. I physically do not have time for everything and I would be very grateful if there are users who will help in the answers, writing documentation and step-by-step instructions, etc. (this does not require special knowledge).
  6. You do not work eMMC ? Have you checked the start-up of 5.73 with this dtb ?
  7. Yes. I am now watching YouTube with my wife on full screen TV in 1080p TV mode with fan on MVR9 without brakes and friezes. Temperature output in the range of 60-65 degrees. Video goes without brakes and friezes.
  8. This is not a manual (it is quite another). To simplify the whole process, I recommend to restore the firmware and go from the beginning step by step. Activate the new version of multi-boot immediately from the new image and then do the rest of the steps.
  9. 1. The described error does not affect anything, you can ignore it. 2. You can believe it or not. I write the, that himself many times tested. If I see such a conclusion, it is almost always decided by the correct dtb. 3. Perhaps those DTBS that you have tried do not fit your model and need more in-depth study and comparison of the parameters in the dtb. 4. There is another reason, when running the new kernel - very old u-boot. This can be checked by running a clean system entirely from external media ( along with the new u-boot). If you have a firmware file to recover via USB Burn Tool, this can be checked.
  10. new image 5.74 Dtb is optimized. The default is a simpler (universal) dtb a5x (without overclocking). As part of the image has a dtb to work with 4K (overclocked to a frequency of 1500 it requires a good cooling system with a fan) When playing 1080 videos in a browser for a long time, I recommend having a fan for sure. This ensures good performance with long-term operation and maximum parameters.
  11. Preferably the paragraph to describe in detail. This is an important part of the process. It will be performed by ordinary users. Analysis and use of the resulting dtb - this can already be done by other users. The good news is that there are users who are involved in the overall process of improving Armbian. It's hard to do one person, and the help of other participants is very helpful. When part of the important work is done by others and shared with everyone. This significantly accelerates the overall development of the project. Still others have participated in the development description, how to use, it is strongly advance the whole process.
  12. I also noticed that the installation of media script helps in the browser. Before installation, when you try to play full screen at a resolution of 1080 were noticeable braking and friezes, after installing the script-the browser began to work without brakes and normally shows video from YouTube in full screen at a resolution of 1080.
  13. 1. The output from the first log (3.14) shows that the system is normally running and waiting for the user to log in for the initial setup. Debian GNU/Linux 9 aml ttyS0 aml login: 2 and 3. The log with the kernel 4.18 and 4.20 . An unsuitable dtb is used. It is necessary to select a working option. Try all the file groups gxl and gxm. Try the option file that I posted in the topic for AndreDB.
  14. By the way, it may be able to work with different platforms RK + AML + etc, the main thing that they were arch64. Base packages they have in common, so compilers and so on can have in common.
  15. Launched the latest image on MVR9 (with native dtb), desktop 1080. A USB fan is installed. Media script (with asoc driver) is installed in the system. Launched browser (chromium, the usual , not accelerated). Funny, when working in windowed video playback mode, the video slows down noticeably, but switch to full-screen mode and .... video automatically switches itself to 1080 (where available on YouTube) and turns the video without brakes to full screen. Console UART running temperature monitoring, video 1080 temperature is around 60-65. If you move the mouse down to stick out the control panel YouTube, the temperature immediately begins to rise. I'm removing the panel, dropping back to 60-65. If you hold the panel and wait for the temperature 70-there is no smoothness of the video (slows down), remove the panel , decreases and again everything is smooth. If the video goes below 1080 (if there are no such options on the current video), the temperature drops and can drop to 45-50. Let me remind you, in the default DTB for MVR9, the temperature settings are first stage 70, second 80, cutting off at 110. By the way, on MVR9 the fan from USB turns off with the program shutdown of the TV box (via the menu item in Armbian), and turns on when you turn on and start the system. No need to pull the USB connector. Launched on MX10 (with fan, resolution 1080 and dtb a5x-1500), the browser also in full screen YouTube works without brakes, but sometimes falls.
  16. You've tried the latest images ? Everything is fixed. Before starting the installation, you need to run the script to create an MBR (this is described in the documentation). https://github.com/150balbes/Build-Armbian/blob/master/packages/bsp/rk3328-tv/install.sh
  17. Everything has long been done-run the script "install.sh" and the system will be installed in eMMC. I checked for MVR9. No
  18. Processors rk3328 powerful and require a good cooling system. You have not changed the housing and no fan. Therefore, the system heats up very quickly and reaches the adjustment temperature (70-80 in the dtb mx10 and 75-85 files on the a5x files). Here I described the test results when playing 4K video. After the addition of a normal cooling system (and USB fan), the temperature did not exceed 50-55 degrees under maximum load.
  19. You have not performed correctly step 1 - multi-boot update. The new system only works with the new multi-boot option.
  20. Checked 4K playback (full screen) on TV boxes. The main cause of the brakes and stop playback 4K - overheating. If run a 4K video in MPV or Gstreamer, within the first few tens of seconds the temperature rises to a critical 70 (this is the first stage of regulator) and the video begins to slow down and does not play smoothly. When reach the next level of adjustment 80, the video simply stops working. I added a fan and the temperature immediately dropped when playing 4K to 45-55. And all the video began to work smoothly during the entire playback period. By the way. there was a reason for the green bars when working in 4K mode on MX10-incorrect parameters in DTB. Now assembled a new version of Armbian 5.73 with new DTB (memory optimization and increased frequency to 1500). I run the system on MX10 with TV 4K, MPV gstreamer KODI - everything works on a full screen without interference. By the way, it is very convenient to run "armbianmonitor-m" through the UART console (or SSH console) and see the temperature in real time with any playback program.
  21. You may need to try changing another u-boot on the SD card. In this topic there is information, that this helped launch system in a similar situation.
  22. I don't have this model, I don't know the answers to your questions.
  23. Updated 5.73 images. Added dtb to work with a frequency of 1500. Enabled by default dtb with the maximum frequency and the memory speed (rk3328-a5x-1500.dtb).
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