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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Wi-Fi to work you need three things: support in the kernel + DTB + firmware (possibly with extra parameters).
  2. I do not have such devices, I do not know what could be the reason and how to fix it. I recommend contacting the manufacturer to send the patch to the mainline kernel.
  3. I haven't checked in S805, but the S9xxx possible to install the system with the core 4.xx on eMMC in normal Linux partition mode. If you are using kernel 4.x, you can try the same option on s805. To use kernel 3.10, you need Android partitions of the correct size.Alternatively, you can try to change the installation script so that it places part of the data in different partitions (/dev/system and /dev/cache), preformatting them in ext4. and add new options to fstab to mount these partitions to new points
  4. The resulting dtb file will not be able to work with Armbian. It is needed in order to make a change in the placement of partitions and build a new Android firmware with a new file (new partitions). Put it on eMMC. After that, through UART make changes to ENV (activate multi-boot) and try to install Armbian in the new version of the sections.
  5. Can you pull out the regular dtb from Android firmware or from the TV box itself ? If you can, then there is a chance to convert it with the "dtc" utility to dts, make corrections to it (merge the last 3 partitions into one) and get the maximum possible size of the /dev/data partition to install Armbian in eMMC.
  6. have you tried using all dtb and combined mode (Sd+USB) ?
  7. If you have eMMC. Try running the ddbr utility and create a full copy of the eMMC. If you do have an eMMC, the system should create an archive with a copy. Show the URT output of the Armbian startup process.
  8. You most likely have NAND memory (not eMMC), installation in this variant of memory is possible only in manual mode and in the presence of the UART console. You will have to study it yourself.
  9. This is RK3368 and it needs its own version of u-boot (if this model even supports the ability to run from external media).
  10. use the system image 5.41 (where the kernel is the same as the packages on the site) and compiler 4.9
  11. Build your version of dtb using the "dtc" utility.
  12. You need to take the latest image version 20181207. install the package ffmpeg_4.0.4 (from the same directory on the website where the images are). Need to check (choose correct options) run ffplay for video playback decoders "*_v4l2m2m".
  13. How can add your own version of any fan on EDGE + Captain (and edge or edgev). In this case, the fan works immediately when the EDGE power is turned on and does not depend on the availability of support in the system being started. that is, you can have a working cooling system on any system. https://forum.khadas.com/t/vim-vim2-edge-case-fan/231/18?u=balbes150
  14. I tried running the latest versions of LE with " rk3399-khadas-captain-linux.dtb" (I took dtb from Armbian) Khadas EDGE on SD card. The system starts normally and works, you can watch the video, but there is no sound (no audio devices available). By the way, the interface and video in 4K works without brakes and lags. p.s. Today I got the M2 SSD module. The following tests will be related to checking the installation and operation of the system in full mode with M2 (as a normal PC).
  15. I am looking for users familiar with the use of the "ffplay" utility (launch options to select the desired decoder, etc.).
  16. I do not follow this topic, so I just saw that there are problems. Because LePotato does not have a default u-boot on the eMMC, it is sufficient to use the u-boot-2018 installation mode (described in the instructions) to install my images on the eMMC. Forgot to add, since LePotato has its own version of u-boot-2018, you need to use the file from it. I know that's the file @Neil Armstrong has.
  17. Update the image with the kernel 4.19.6 20181205. Fixed a bug in the v4l2m2m module
  18. Multiboot from coreelec not compatible with the new versions Armbian with the kernel 4.x Be sure to activate multi-boot using the new image. If multiboot previously activated is required to repeat activation using files in a new image.
  19. Update ver kernel 4.4 20181203
  20. Version 20181203. kernel 3.10.108 In the browser, for a quick check, added a link to the test video.
  21. Version 20181203. In the browser, for a quick check, added a link to the test video.
  22. Version 20181203. kernel 4.4 Changes in network modules. In the browser, for a quick check, added a link to the test video.
  23. Version 20181203. Changes in network modules. In the browser, for a quick check, added a link to the test video.
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