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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. On all checks you used the same SD card or different ? If you can restore (in case of possible incompatibility or other problems) the firmware in the TV box, I would recommend checking the installation in the eMMC. Perhaps the problem is in the card reader, I have seen this on different models, one and the same SD card works perfectly on some models of TV boxes, and on others causes problems.
  2. If you do not fill the eMMC with your data, the size of the full compressed copy will not be large. For example, the original Android firmware takes about 1-2 GB and can easily fit on any 8GB carrier with Armbian. Now the recovery process will take more steps. If now, connect an SD card with the Armbian 5.55 or 5.44 option to the TV box, what happens when the power is turned on ?
  3. Did I understand correctly that in order for RPI to work, you have to keep an additional device (NAS or server that provides a network resource to host the RPI working system) turned on ? If you install LE or Linux on eMMC (you can use different systems, not only Armbian), you will have all USB ports and SD card slot free. But be careful when choosing, it is better not to rush and ask questions to real users with the proposed equipment. What versions of images and with what kernel they work, what features of iron can occur. On S905X in Armbian (with the mainline kernel) can be enabled support for two levels of HW (which are needed for full-screen video playback in KODI or other programs built with this feature). https://github.com/superna9999/meson_gx_mali_450/tree/DX910-SW-99002-r7p0-00rel1_meson_gx 1. Can you provide links to real images for H3 with Armbian + KODI where there is full HW support ? 2. Perhaps you are not aware already released versions of images of the LE with the kernel 4.18 and HW for S905X. 3. Do you have a good idea of the difference between mali400p2 and mali450p5\T820\T860 ? Recommend to study. Yes, this is only the initial stage and will need time until everything goes into the finished product. But to recommend obviously outdated, incorrectly. Summary is wrong. Let me tell you a secret, to use KODI with full HW in Armbian does not require many complex steps. For those who are not in a hurry-it is enough not to wait much and soon there will be a ready solution. To give that kind of money for a very weak iron in our time ....
  4. My version uses its sources (plus my additional features for improvement). HW is working now.
  5. If you did not violate the instructions and before installing the system in eMMC created a full backup (using the utility "ddbr"). You could easily go back to the old version. I draw everyone's attention, before any experiments, be sure to create a backup.
  6. Try DTB available, ate will not find work, you need to collect your own version DTB.
  7. The version of the image and the kernel you're trying, should we guess for ourselves ?
  8. IMHO taking into account the need for GPIO, to date (in the near future this situation may change) for you to optimally use models based on RK3328 (Renegat Rock64 etc). This is optimal in terms of cost and the result obtained for your tasks. And advice, do not chase the cheapness, it is better to spend 100 and use the purchased piece of iron in full compliance with the tasks for many years than to spend 50 and then not get the desired result (at best, somehow use the purchased iron, at worst-throw in the trash). https://forum.armbian.com/forum/21-rockchip-3288-3328/ https://forum.armbian.com/forum/16-amlogic-s905x/
  9. Version 5.62 (20181008) Libreelec was also updated to version 20181009. By the way, the principle of using dtb in LE is exactly the same as in Armbian.
  10. Ahead of the official announcement .... Version 5.62
  11. This theme is designed to help potential users with the selection of equipment to run Armbian on TV boxes and other devices with ARM chips. I propose to leave here information about specific models, with a description of the technical parameters of the equipment, which specific versions of Armbian images and what settings or additional steps have been launched. Pay attention. In this thread are only a good or not run the system on specific models TV box. All discussions and questions, post in other topics.
  12. Which monitor or TV (maximum screen resolution) are you going to use ? What HW decoding are we talking about ? What video content are you going to watch (1080p 720p 4K) ? Are you going to use USB 2.0 as a medium for a working Linux system (desktop) on RPI ???? Are you seriously offering X2 ? This equipment is already not supported by any Armbian. With Libreelec is also not working as it should. https://www.armbian.com/download/?device_support=Support+ended+(EOS) Don't write nonsense. To begin, study this information. And closely examine themes in section TV boxes on this forum. http://www.linux-meson.com/doku.php https://forum.libreelec.tv/board/38-amlogic/ https://forum.libreelec.tv/board/43-rockchip/ Anything complex, just slowly learn all the material on this forum and on the forum Libreelec. In them you will find reviews of real users with specific models. The RPI has no eMMC, no USB 3.0, the wired network is connected via a common USB and when you try to use them together with the maximum load, you will get a significant slowdown. I have RPI 3, in order for it to work properly desktop, you need to use a very expensive SD card, that would somehow compensate for its hardware flaws (I use a lot of different equipment for comparative tests and evaluation of their capabilities for different tasks ). RPi is used for other tasks.
  13. You can only use RPi (1-2-3) for video and audio if you already have RPI. Spending money now to buy PRi3 for multimedia content = this is the worst choice. Look at Amlogic S905X2\D2 S922 or Rockchip RK3328 RK3399. Series RK32XX-outdated and not worth it to buy now. If video playback is the main task (other tasks to run Linux are secondary), it is better to look for the TV box. You will get all the necessary components at once and do not have to spend time and money on the equipment (remote control, power supply, housing, good eMMC memory, etc.). I have no LePotato with S905X, but I'm sure Libreelec (KODI) can work perfectly on this model. And start by reading the topics in this section, much will become more clear. https://forum.armbian.com/forum/24-tv-boxes/
  14. What image did you use ? Can you connect a UART console to see the entire boot process ? Do you have a firmware file, via USB cable for this model ? You can try using the RK tools to do a full eMMC dump and then erase the eMMC (without opening the case) and check the system startup from the SD card. If you erase the eMMC, it takes the system to start from external media and you can try to choose the option u-boot to run on this model of TV box.
  15. What image did you use and what settings did you make ?
  16. New version v5.60 20181004 Do you have firmware for your model via USB cable ? If so, you can try to erase the eMMC (using the software for the Rockchip USB cable) and check the run from SD card.
  17. When using the 3.14 kernel, the regular u-boot is retained. You can restore the firmware via USB Burn Tool. Details of how to do it will find this topic in the cap threads a bunch of different firmware versions. http://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=848620
  18. The version of the image 20180930 with support for full-screen video through MPV with HW. To use MPV with HW, you must run these commands. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ayufan/rock64-ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ffmpeg mpv libmali-rk-utgard-450-r7p0-gbm Rename the file in the home directory of the user ".config/mpv/mpv.conf.rkmpp" to ".config/mpv/mpv.conf" Reboot the system. Please note that full-screen video with HW works only through MPV.
  19. I sent the information to a specialist who communicates with representatives, in response received this link. Perhaps it will be useful for potential users. https://www.amazon.com/RK3328-NT-N9-android7-1-support-ethernet/dp/B075FLX7GZ/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1538210920&sr=8-2&keywords=Nagrace
  20. You have tried to use XRDP for images with kernel 4.18 ?
  21. The new version 20180928. Major change. A new algorithm for the use of the dtb. Starting with this version, you no longer need to copy the dtb files and rename it to "dtb.img." In order to specify which dtb file to use, you need to edit the file 'uEnv.ini" (specify the desired file name for use dtb). This is a plain text file and can be easily edited. This change will make it easy to update the kernel from the "deb" file in the future. The new algorithm is now used in the eMMC system installation script. Pay attention. To use the system with u-boot-2015 (regular firmware Android), you need to edit the file "uEnv.ini" When using u-boot-2018, you need to edit the file "/extlinux/extlinux.conf" For those who doubt or do not know what u-boot is used, you can specify the desired name in both files at the same time.
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