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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. 1. Run Armbian version with kernel 3.14 from external media (SD card or USB flash drive). And look how much RAM there is. 2. If there is also 1GB of RAM, then your model does not have 2 GB , open the case and check the marking of chips or contact the seller. 3. If you have a firmware file with Android, you can restore the system to its original state using a USB cable and a firmware program.
  2. The trial version of images server on the basis of the kernel of 4.19. Pay attention, HDMI does not work yet. You must use either SSH or the UART console to manage the system. https://yadi.sk/d/-3WALlEG3FyTvs
  3. it will be interesting to test running Libreelec in the same mode (SD+USB).
  4. For security reasons, before updating, save all the contents of the /boot partition and modules (for example, in the "root" user directory), so that in case of problems, it is easy to return to the current state.
  5. New ver 5.64 20181019 Now I tested the latest version of the 5.64 system when playing video on MVR9. With the right options settings for MPV on the rk3328, you can watch full screen video at 1080p resolution (not perfect, but acceptable). But found that for continuous operation of the system must have a good cooling. All TV boxes with plastic housings require mandatory revision of the housing and it is very desirable to install the fan. Only in this case the system starts to work steadily and gives its full potential.
  6. Ver 5.64 (20181019) For those who want to work on HW support on their own, there are two components on the site. https://github.com/superna9999/meson_gx_mali_450 1. Module "mali.ko" 2. Archive with libMali. The working version of xf86-video-armsoc is missing. I have a package (for Xenial) that gathered Numbqq (dev with Khadas), but the system does not accelerate and it needs to be corrected. https://github.com/numbqq/xf86-video-armsoc_s905x/tree/master/xenial/arm64
  7. Check this option. Write the image to two media SD card and USB flash drive. Configure the dtb in the extlinux.conf on SD card. Connect both media at the same time to the TV box and turn on the power.
  8. Try to add the resulting dtb to the image of Armbian and register its use in the settings.
  9. no, I didn't see that situation. there are several possible causes. Not the correct dtb (not available to fit your TV box). Either the card reader and / or SD card are not compatible. Show a link with a description of your model.
  10. To check, try changing the line in the file "extlinux.conf" APPEND root=LABEL=ROOTFS console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff130000 console=tty0 to APPEND root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff130000 console=tty0 or APPEND root=/dev/mmcblk1p2 console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff130000 console=tty0 No, this is incorrect content, so the system does not start.
  11. New version 20181018 of the image with kernel 4.19 and fixed MPV config.
  12. As the recorded image ? As a connected SD card with Armbian to TV box ? I observed the same error when trying to use an extension cord for SD card. Only when you install the SD card in the regular slot in the TV box, the system works fine. To configure the mount point, use the file " / extlinux / extlinux.conf." Note that if you change the mount point in this file, you will not be able to use the eMMC system installation script.
  13. 1. Specify the version of the image. 2. Which dtb option is specified in the settings ?
  14. Do and all say thank you. Desktop versions are optimized to work in this mode.
  15. In previous images, a strange error was found, so I updated the images to version 20181014. Checked on MVR9, everything works. Added additional image with Ubuntu Bionic and built-in MPV with HW support. The video plays in full screen. For those who need to play full screen video from Youtube, I recommend To install SMPlayer and Smtube packages, configure Smplayer (in additional options to use MPV with options "--vo=gpu --gpu-context=drm --hwdec=rkmpp" ) and you will get Youtube video in full screen in Smtube.
  16. Another reason for the slow performance - poor cooling. This is the problem of almost all cheap TV boxes. Linux uses all the resources of the device and therefore requires a good heat sink for normal operation. ????
  17. What's the "new version"? The version of the image ? The medium from which the system starts ? 1Gb of RAM is not enough for full-fledged work of graphic DE. Odroid uses its kernel version for S905 (not X), it is not compatible with S905X\S912.
  18. What dtb do you use ? The system runs from an SD card ? On the previous page there is information about changes in rules for selecting the dtb (now I've added this info to the first page of a topic). There's also an answer to what there are options for changing the MAC address.
  19. I pay attention, for the correct operation of MPV in HW mode on behalf of a normal user, it is necessary to have a file in the user's home directory ("~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf") with such content vo=gpu gpu-context=drm hwdec=rkmpp If for some reason there is no file (mpd.conf.rkmpp) to rename in the specified location, you need to create file (~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf) it yourself with the correct content.
  20. add test image 5.62 NEXT 4.19.0 rc7 (fix reboot\poweroff s912)
  21. Write in PM, I will explain in Russian.
  22. For verification (so as not to destroy eMMC), is it possible as a workaround? to perform a combined system start-up. Place the bootloader on the SD card and the rest of the system on the USB drive. The installation script in rk3328-tv images uses the same principle as on Amlogic. The script replaces the bootloader, creates partitions, and then copies the system to the eMMC. I tested the installation in eMMC Armbian and Libreelec on MVR9. I have the installation goes smoothly and systems operate from eMMC.
  23. Depending on what tasks the device will be used for, you can use different combinations. For example, if you and your loved ones will use the device to watch videos more often , it is better to install LE in eMMC and run Linux from external media as required. By the way, the latest versions of Libreelec for Amlogic and RK3328 can be installed in parallel with the regular Android in the TV box (eMMC) and can use Libreelec and regular Android. With a strong desire (and certain skills), you can install multiple systems in eMMC together (Android+Libreelec+Linux, etc.). https://forum.khadas.com/t/armbian-kodi-ubuntu-debian-for-sd-usb-emmc/825/258?u=balbes150 1. Clearly, in fact you have nothing to answer. You, the topic title, remember ? 2. I don't know what developers and what you're told, but a lot of users have been using Armbian+KODI with HW for a long time. And for those who need maximum possible, use a bunch Armbian+Librelec. I just stick to the discussion of the "Armbian+KODI" bundle, which exists (if I'm not confused) only for the Amlogic S905X. There is another option of Armbian+c2play image with HW full screen video playback for s912 assembled by pro777. And for reference, in the near future (I hope to find time for this) comes out Armbian+KODI for rk3328-tv. Armbian+MPV version with full screen video for rk3328-tv is now available. 3. This question is directly related to this topic, as it directly affects the time of appearance of the version of Armbian+KODI with HW on the kernel 4.x for a number of promising platforms (Amlogic and Rockchip. And it depends on the feasibility of investing money. 1. I do not have a" favorite " chip, I try to choose the ones that are optimal for my tasks. 2. You are "a little" late with the advice to use "vanilla" Armbian. I have been developing Armbian for TV boxes and other devices for several years. And oddly enough, these works are in demand among many users. And among these works there is a variant of Armbian+KODI. hhhhm .... either you do not understand these issues, or deliberately misleading ... start by reading the topics in the about TV boxes section. Perhaps then, you will discover the real situation with the launch of Armbian on TV boxes. And learn to read carefully : p.s. Judging by what you write, I see no reason to waste time answering.
  24. New version 5.62 (20181012). It fixed shutdown\reboot on S912. I do not understand the question, specify what you mean. You can find some useful information in this discussion. ... and other developers have started working on similar projects ...
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