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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. In the process .... To all Added to the site a test version with the kernel next-4.19.0-rc5 (directory Test\20180926)
  2. This setting applies only to u-boot-2018. After installing u-boot-2018 in eMMC, there are no other options to run other than using "extlinux.conf " or build a special script "boot.scr" .
  3. You have two options, either you collect the correct dtb for your model, or contact the manufacturer (seller), that he would have collected for you the desired dtb.
  4. I don't know why the name of the model has changed, perhaps because of the increased interest in it. https://www.amazon.de/TICTID-Tastatur-Quad-Core-Cortex-A53-Bluetooth/dp/B07GH12CRZ/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?s=ce-de&ie=UTF8&qid=1537939809&sr=1-2-fkmr0&keywords=Bqeel+MVR9 About the disappearance of your message, I don't know what happened. Perhaps you have a typo rk3288 ? The considered model is rk3328. On the case MVR9 5V\2A is specified. Perhaps sellers in different countries can use their own power supplies (this is only my guess). I received a package with a power supply 5v\3A. By the way, I noticed that the equipment on the link has changed , added a keyboard. Perhaps it is a trick of the seller to sell the keyboard. Or had a lot of orders where the user optionally chose the keyboard. Perhaps that's why the seller changed the name under which the model is sold. By the way, this link price has not changed. http://store.elezoo.com/nt-n9-rk3328-ultra-4k-tv-box-player-9
  5. Good news. I tried installing the latest version of Armbian on VIM with the new u-boot-2018 in eMMC. Everything works. If write a last option Armbian (20180925) to the USB drive, the system starts from USB stick. That is, now you can have a new u-boot-2018 in eMMC and run any test system from USB media (Armbian Libreelec OpenSYSE etc ). Pay attention. The steps to configure the system to run from external media using u-boot-2018 have changed. Now you do NOT NEED to manually copy the dtb. You need to make changes to the text file “/extlinux/extlinux.conf” . You must change the string with the name of the dtb you are using. The list of available files (name) can be seen in the "/dtb" directory. By default, the settings specify dtb for VIM1 (S905X). To use the new images with VIM2 (S912), you must correct the file name dtb for VIM2. To install in the eMMC the latest version Armbian changed steps. Now you need to run only one installation script. To install with the old version of u-boot-2015, you need to run the script “/root/install.sh”. To install in the eMMC with uboot-2018, you need to first rename one of the existing files on the media "Sxxx-uboot.img" to “uboot.img” (select the option for your model). After renaming the file “uboot.img”, to install Armbian in eMMC, you need to run the script “/root/install-2018.sh”. Pay attention. All tests of the new u-boot-2018 are performed on Khadas VIM and VIM2. I don't know how it will work on other models. Therefore installation in eMMC with replacement of regular u-boot on u-boot-2018, you do your own risk. I take no responsibility for your choices.
  6. If you build this version yourself, then HW will.
  7. Do you have the ability to connect a UART console ? To understand what's going on, I need to see at what stage the startup process stopped. By the way, you have the process of updating the firmware via USB cable, what steps do you take ?
  8. If I'm not mistaken, the Z28 have problem with launching external systems. The SD card reader is not connected correctly. You can try to record to SD card option Libreelec and check on your TV box ?
  9. I don't know much about video playback. I tried on the latest version of the Armbian 5.60 image (20180922) to perform a simple check. Installed ffmpeg (apt install ffmpeg). When run the vim1 (S905X) command. ffmpeg -vcodec h264_v4l2m2m -i Test.mp4 test.avi Everything is worked out without mistakes. Ie, I assume ffmpeg uses hardware decoder ? Question to specialists. How can force MPV to use a hardware decoder when playing ?
  10. New images 5.60 (20180922). Update kernel to 4.18.7. Add new kernel deb packages.
  11. New images 5.60 (20180921). The kernel is not changed, all the changes equal a formal change in the transition Armbian 5.59->5.60.
  12. To start the system enough to download, unzip, burn the image to the SD card. Connect the SD card to the EDGE and turn the power on. The system starts automatically. Details on the initial setup of the running system can be found in these topics. https://yadi.sk/d/ie_dx5x_w2xUIQ https://mega.nz/#F!n1hihSKT!8kYublAPG4RtwSIBihOkVg
  13. What image was used and what installation steps were performed in eMMC ?
  14. Image update 20180920. Packages from online repositories have been updated to the current versions. There are no important changes in the images. You can get them through the regular "apt update" procedure.
  15. The new version 20180920. Major change. Kernel upgrade. The system of choosing the correct dtb has changed. Please note, now it should be done on a different principle (files do not need to be copied). To select the desired dtb, you need to change the line in the text file "/extlinux/extlinux.conf". In the line "FDT" you need to change the name of the file that the system will use at startup. The list of available files (names to specify in the configuration) can be found in the "dtb"directory. If you do not know exactly what file you need , you can enter all available names in turn and check the operation of the system. In accordance with this, the system installation script in eMMC has been changed. The steps to install the system on the eMMC remain the same. Changed the first message of the theme according to the new order of using dtb files. Added download link to MEGA. Please note that the update of versions on MEGA is not as often as on yandex.
  16. I think on 3399 and 3368, when replacing the u-boot and properly setting the used dtb, start is possible.
  17. Perhaps this information will be useful for potential Armbian users. I was sent a sample with RK3399. https://forum.khadas.com/t/indiegogo-campaign-edge-developer-samples/2789 And you have the opportunity to influence (Express your opinion and suggestions) on the form in which these products can be produced.
  18. The image of RK3328-tv is arm64\aarch64 (64 bits). If I'm not confused, rk3288 is arm\armhf (32 bits). On arm64 the system can run the assembled arm, but on the contrary it is impossible. The quality and performance of your chosen system will depend on the task. If you use only an external network module on USB 3.0, this is one thing, but if you try to connect an external USB storage device, it is not a fact (depending on the specific implementation on the selected device), but there may be a situation with a decrease in the overall performance, since both fast devices will use the same port (which will have to be expanded by external means). By the way, you should also pay attention to the type of RAM memory. In some tasks, 2-3 GB of fast memory, work faster than 4 GB of slow memory.
  19. The choice of model depends on what tasks you plan to solve on it. Computing capabilities S912 higher than rk3328. A positive feature for RK3328 is the presence of USB 3.0. But be careful with the choice of rk3328, many models use 100Mbps network.
  20. This is a standard kernel without the recent changes to Amlogic who perform the developers of Baylibra and Libreelec. To build the Bionic should be mapped turnip itself Bionic Assembly system must meet the Bionic. Only "default" versions have this support. This is manual work with the analysis of new changes and their correct integration into the Assembly system. These steps are described in detail in the General documentation for the Assembly Armbian. Create the " SRC " directory in the "cache" directory and place files with names that begin with " Test" cache/SRC/Test* The driver is already part of the "default"system.
  21. IMHO I would compare rk3328 to s905x2\d2.
  22. This GIT is not supported for new kernels. Use this theme.
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