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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. On TV boxes can not use the official script nand-sata-install. It is not working properly and destroys the system. You have destroyed the u-boot and now, to restore, you have to close the contacts on the eMMC chip, that would block not the correct u-boot. In my images there is no NAND-sata-install script. This is actually a symbolic link to the script /root/install.sh. mali-5 mali-6 mali-7 , this is the libMali library version. All these versions are designed for Mali-450.
  2. The core is the same. A lot of plans, but .... in no time at all. I built a test image with the kernel 4.17-next. I'm interested to know how it will behave on the s805. Preferably with UART console. https://yadi.sk/d/neDiejOb3WaeUu
  3. no https://docs.armbian.com/User-Guide_Armbian-Config/
  4. If you use the fbdev Mali drivers, you may need to build the programs themselves (the browser or media player through which the video is played) with support for acceleration.To speed up X11 you need library libMali-X11 (and the corresponding changes in the system). Upload the image, it will be useful for users. It is not clear what you want to do.
  5. I don't understand the question. KODI-18 is going from the official GIT.
  6. Added the image of Armbian Bionic Mate. There are bugs in this image. You need to manually add the panel "Mate Bar". If the sound does not work correctly , you need to remove the "pulseaudio" packages.
  7. Added the image of Armbian Bionic Mate. There are bugs in this image. You need to manually add the panel "Mate Bar". The Bionic-deb directory contains packages with two variants of KODI. For both versions you must install the packages aml and "aml-codec" and "aml-mali7". "aml-amremote" package is needed for remote control operation in KODI-17 version.
  8. As far as I know, the s905w chip does not have a built-in USB 3.0. So the manufacturer could install an additional external chip. The driver for kernel 3.14 you need to ask the manufacturer or the seller.
  9. 2. If you do not know how to make a copy of u-boot from a working SD card, you can ask the developers of the image for your TV box for the necessary file. It's not a big file "u-boot.bin.sd.bin". To record a working u-boot in two teams. dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=1 count=442 dd if=u-boot.bin.sd.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 conv=fsync bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 Note that the name mmcblk0 needs to be replaced with the name of your SD card in the system. 3. There are several important files that are involved in the startup process, which are used in your Armbian image, it is better to check with the image developer. You can try to copy all files from /boot.
  10. IMHO 1. Create a full backup image from the SD card before further operations (dd if= of=). 2. Copy u-boot with a working SD card not working on the SD card (using dd two command with saving the partition table). Check the start. 3. Copy replace all files from /boot partition (kernel, initrd, etc.). Check the start. 4. If that doesn't help, boot from a working SD card, plug in a USB adapter to a non-working SD card, use "chroot" in a non-working SD card and watch\check the basic startup files. Or gradually shift from non-working Sd card in a working system all the settings and the files you need.
  11. Update image Armbian for s802 \ s812 ver 5.44 20180521
  12. Update image Armbian for s805 ver 5.44 20180521.
  13. I don't know, I haven't tested these modes. You may need to make changes to the kernel and system configuration.
  14. A similar request to the owners of s9xxx, check the optical output.
  15. Request to owners of models s802 \ s812 and who has the opportunity to test the optical output SPDIF. To test the sound output via optical SPDIF to the latest Volumio image v0.5 . https://volumio.org/forum/volumio-box-amlogic-s905-s905x-s912-s802-s812-s805-t8028-60.html#p49036
  16. I'm not sure that will help. Change the size of the DTS file and collect the desired dtb. https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s905-kernel/blob/khadas-3.14/arch/arm64/boot/dts/kvim2_multios.dts#L9 You may have to build a new u-boot with the desired memory size value. https://github.com/150balbes/u-boot/blob/Nougat-Ubuntu/board/khadas/configs/kvim2.h#L310
  17. What directories are you trying to create and for what ?
  18. If the build is done on the TV box itself, copy the "Image" file from the SRC_KERNEL/arch/arm64/boot directory to /boot and rename it to "zImage". If you changed the kernel modules, follow their installation with "make", and follow all staff commands to update the initrd.
  19. This depends on where the system is located - in the eMMC or on external media. What does that mean, everyone ? You must either compile modules using headers from the installed kernel (not using sources from GIT), or you must build a completely new kernel from new sources and install it instead of the current kernel.
  20. Update images version 5.44_20180515. Please note that the content of MATE\Xfce has changed. Now there is no KODI in the composition of these images. KODI packages with dependencies are in separate directories on the site. To install them, you need to download all the files from the desired directory and install manually (with the appropriate commands "dpkg -i" and "apt install -f").
  21. If your TV box has the ability to connect the UART console, you can check this feature yourself.
  22. Many drivers come with their own sources (they are added separately to the common core). I do not have such equipment, so you need to try to collect the desired version of the core on your TV box. All sources of the kernel I use are freely available. You can take the kernel sources and add your driver sources from the PI Zero kernel to them. https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/next/linux-next.git/
  23. These are different versions of KODI and different versions of libMali (5, 6, 7) or build without libMali .
  24. That's okay. Packet base network reach quickly updated. But this does not mean that you need all the time to put new versions. If everything works as it should, you can not update. It's all relative.
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