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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. You will have to restore u-boot in TV box using USB cable (using the firmware from the USB BurnTool regular firmware) or using the SD card with the correct u-boot. Blocking is not the right u-boot in eMMC you have to close the contacts on the chip eMMC. You recorded u-boot from another platform. You cannot use the deb package is installed with u-boot , if you are not sure what platform it was intended.
  2. A new version of the image for Debian with IceWM DE. 20171212 Features of this image. This is the minimum graphic system in which there are only a few programs - browser, Synaptic, and a few GUI tools for management. This way you can use to create your own system, with its own set of programs and settings (you can add your favorite graphic DE). After you create your system, you can distribute it as an image for cloning to other TV boxes.
  3. Have you tried to check these features in Libreelec ?
  4. The source code of the latest BUILDROOT from Amlogic. By the way, in the Assembly environment, FENIX (git Khadas), you can build a Ubuntu system with kernel 3.14 using r7p0.
  5. You can use the latest source code from Amlogic (kernel 3.14), there is a r7. But don't forget to recompile all the other components with a new version of libMali. In the near future I have a lot of work and I don't expect such an update.
  6. New image Armbian 20171211 with a light shell IceWM DE.
  7. To work WiFi need a proper dtb, kernel module (can be integrated into the kernel itself), the firmware and the right settings. You need to determine in which element the error. Most likely, the wrong dtb, you need to try the files with 100Mb or 1Gb network. Read carefully the first post of this thread, it says how to set the module startup.
  8. Which version of the image Armbian you are trying to run ?
  9. 1. The kernel sources that I use to build the kernel 3.14 and 4.9 are in my git (a link was many times in this thread). 2. Build the dtb must be performed using the kernel source from them to undertake the necessary data for dtb. 3. To get the dtb from firmware Android is not difficult, it's the same was discussed many times on this forum.
  10. There are plans, but until I have enough free time.
  11. Use dtb files from the image (from dir /dtb).
  12. Image update Armbian S812_3.10.107_20171124. Fixed bug with start Armbian from SD cards (check run with all the dtb files in them is different). You can use 720p and 1080p (via the file "/boot/hdmi.sh"). Updated packages to current versions.
  13. On what specific model of TV box you write ? All the models in your list are different and the settings must be different.
  14. 1. Try to run without dtb file. 2. How long are you waiting from the time the screen turns off ? The system start-up can take 5-10 minutes (screen is black , no signal). 3. What medium are you using SD card or USB flash drive ?
  15. You can try to fix it. I think the reason is not the correct settings for this model or not correct firmware. In the Internet there are instructions for setting up BT.
  16. Briefly tested the built-in BT on Telos, the adapter is there, but not working as it should. Checked the external BT adapter, you can connect different devices. But playing sound through BT is a big distortion, choppy (maybe I'm not correctly set up). To ALL Some of the owners of TV boxes with Amlogic S9xxx is available for one of these options USB-DAC ? https://volumio.org/product-category/dac/usb-dac/
  17. As far as I remember, Kszaq (the author of the Assembly LE) uses an additional procedure at the start itself should pull out of Android the desired file to the remote control. Look at the USB stick after the first start and setup LE, you should see the file remote.conf from your TV box.
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