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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. An updated version of the images 20170414. In these images added the ability to automatically use the built-in dtb out of internal memory. If no existing media file "dtb.img", the system tries to load the dtb from the internal memory. This feature is only being tested. Please to those who have the opportunity to check this option. Note that due to the fact that in the last image is the latest version of the kernel, dtb built-in data can not work properly. For example, I have on Tronsmart MXIII Plus when using built-in dtb data from the LE, the system starts normally, but the monitor does not display a picture (in this version I run via ssh and UART). It is important for me to clarify how to work this feature on other models with different firmware. The important thing is that we could start the total system (that you could connect via SSH or UART). If this function is startup dtb data from the internal memory, will be able to work on all models, then there is a chance to have a universal system.
  2. I looked at Your kernel sources, but there's a lot of changes to my branch. You can specify which patches imposed on the source ? I want to try to compare the behavior of the kernel (with the patches and without them) when working with the network.
  3. To get the output in the startup process - you need to rebuild the initrd script to enable activation of the monitor in the beginning of the system start (with the addition of the utility fbset part of the initrd). I tried to discuss this issue with the developers Armbian, but I was advised not to change the scripts generating the initrd, do not get the problem in the future. Maybe I'll return to this question later (I don't have time for this). I don't have a free USB drive with 2 TB to check. Whenever possible I will try to check. This is not a bug. It is a feature of the poll the USB ports and destination numbers in u-boot. Reversed the discs. Every model TV of the boxes in u-boot has its order assign a name to the USB. In the script add the ability to run on all ports (when connected to multiple ports), but this will increase startup time. For those who need it can advise to collect your own version of the two scripts activate and launch, with the addition of a survey of USB ports 1 , USB 2 etc (add the lines with these descriptions in both script and preactivate-multiboot with the new settings).
  4. I have not studied this question, so this is just my assumption. Software or kernel detects 8 cores and try them all in parallel (the same) to use. I am inclined to think that the reason in the software, because other programs\testing (that you asked for at the time), show the full performance by using a basic kernel with a full load.
  5. 1. The first start takes more than 5-8 minutes on a slow or large media. No signal when you start with external drives is fine. After launch and is ready, she will turn on the monitor. 2. The file "boot.bmp" have no effect (it is not yet used), you can delete it. 3. Automount in Ubuntu works.
  6. A corrected version of the images 20170413. The only difference is that you can perform the initial configuration via the console UART (fixed authorization root user through the console UART).
  7. This is an important point. Together with the installation LE in the internal memory and writing a new dtb. So when you start Armbian, without a file "dtb.img" on the carrier will use this new version of the dtb from the internal memory. You need to pick up the correct version of the dtb file. Maybe xXx will clarify which exact version of the LE it is used (in each version, there could be differences in dtb data). Another important point - Armbian works with "personal" versions of the dtb , i.e. if you try to just copy the dtb file (which is a multi-dtb) from the image LE, the system may not start.
  8. For initial setup through the console UART (for connectivity with root user), you need to add to the file /etc/securetty line description of the interface ttyAML0. I use the 4.12 branch/integ (correction TEXT_OFFSET for direct download command booti) and a modified config. What patches are we talking ? Can you provide me ?
  9. Update test images kernel 4.11.0 (20170412). They have added modules for WiFi networks and many other elements. An important feature of primary configuration is possible only through the SSH connection. Network support is based on modules, so it is important when building your kernel to assure that the name of the directory with the modules , the name of the kernel. https://yadi.sk/d/kZHc0uQE34z5jR
  10. I can assume that this version of java for ARM is working with one core, can not use all the cores.
  11. Another may influence the parameters set in the dtb file.
  12. 1. Try to use all of the dtb, which is in the dtb directory. 2. You need to check the run with other SD cards (they often don't work on TV boxes).
  13. 1. If eMMC is missing\faulty\completely erased - in these cases always need u-boot on SD card (run u-boot from a USB drive is possible, but I still know of only one manufacturer, which is implemented Khadas VIM on all the other TV boxes there is only a boot loader for the SD card). 2. All I know of u-boot in update mode have the option of running the script with the default name aml_autoscript. 3. Therefore, it is sufficient to write to the SD card standard u-boot and slip him the right script aml_autoscript (using as a basis a ready skriti s905_autoscript for the desired systems. After recording of the image Armbian scripts aml_autoscript and s805_autoscript used for their own purposes. aml_autoscript is a script activate the multi-boot. S805_autoscript the script is a startup script system from external media.
  14. Added to the website test option image kernel 4.11.1 (test\20170407). Pay attention - video output NOT working (monitor NOT working). Management connection via SSH. As part of your image there are options to the dtb for all the chips s905 s905x s905d s912. ADD Pay attention to the way the working environment MATE. At least the monitor doesn't work, but in this way it is possible to connect via ssh with-X and run remotely (displaying on the workstation) graphics program. For example - gparted , synaptic, etc. This is useful to simplify system maintenance or debugging programs.
  15. 1. It's not urgent, you can check when You have time. 2. What exactly You are interested in the script ? Most likely in the firmware versions on the basis of 4.4 KitKat uses a different dtb format (for older kernels) and other loader u-boot, which may not work with the new dtb format (for new kernels).
  16. This is the main test. I'll add these changes after checking to recover.
  17. Open the file /etc/module and remove from the run list module Wi-Fi (wifi_dumy). If does not help, additionally insert in the blocking list all the modules that are in the output of the lsmod command is responsible for Wi-Fi.
  18. Here are the contents of the file, which will allow you to have a static address. Change the highlighted value to the desired ip. ################# # Wired adapter #1 auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameservers # Local loopback auto lo iface lo inet loopback
  19. Please check out these options from u-boot using to run from the SD card. https://yadi.sk/d/CUHySrWd3GgpqZ I saw that You have already compiled your version, but I have a request, check these files to run. I need to make sure they work and you can include them in the Assembly of the image Armbian for s812.
  20. How to build your own version of Linux, you can read these links. http://docs.khadas.com/ http://www.linux-meson.com/doku.php http://openlinux.amlogic.com/
  21. 1. To obtain the desired numbers of contacts for circuit, need to see documentation for a specific model memory, or to search the Internet experience of other users on this model of TV Boxing. 2. The themes of s905\s912\s805\s812 is the description of how to use Linux. Or are you interested in how to collect the right version of the image with Linux ?
  22. Show your configuration file /etc/network/interfaces Here is an option that works for me with a static address. ****************************************** # Wired adapter #1 auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static #dhcp address netmask gateway dns-nameservers # hwaddress ether # if you want to set MAC manually # pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 mtu 3838 # setting MTU for DHCP, static just: mtu 3838 # Wireless adapter #1 # Armbian ships with network-manager installed by default. To save you time # and hassles consider using 'sudo nmtui' instead of configuring Wi-Fi settings # manually. The below lines are only meant as an example how configuration could # be done in an anachronistic way: # #allow-hotplug wlan0 #iface wlan0 inet dhcp #address #netmask #gateway #dns-nameservers # wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf # Disable power saving on compatible chipsets (prevents SSH/connection dropouts over WiFi) #wireless-mode Managed #wireless-power off # Local loopback auto lo iface lo inet loopback
  23. Only one option - to close the contacts on the chip's internal memory, is to lock the bootloader on it and to give the opportunity to start either from SD card or via USB cable program the flasher. Have you tried connecting the SD card with the loader on it, the output in the console changes ? You brought the full output of that goes to the console UART now ?
  24. In the next few days, I'll try to get u-boot to s812.
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