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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Now I'm not ready to answer about the reason (no time to test), while the need to solve more urgent tasks. By the way the monitor should be run as root, then it will be correct conclusion Replace the files in this manner, about which I wrote above in the subject (from the catalog FIX) fixed , then we can use the install to internal memory.
  2. I checked the image. Downloaded from the website archive Armbian_5.24_Vegas812_Ubuntu_xenial_3.10.99_desktop_20170120.img.xz Unpacked. Recorded on the USB flash drive. Copied to the root FAT partition file "meson8m2_MIIIPlus.dtb" and renamed it "the dtb.img". Hooked up to my existing model Tronsmatr MIII Plus (fee ver 2.2 Android 5.1). Multiuboot has been previously activated (using SD card). The first switch is automatically triggered. Automatically expanded to the second section. The system rebooted. The second start - login as user "root" (complied standard setting Armbian). An automatic reset. Start the graphical table (720). Sound and network yet (that I know). The rest is working. Is turned on and off correctly. Now I can say that the image on the website working. Possible reasons for the lack of running from other owners S812. 1. Old firmware (it may not have the necessary settings to activate the multi-boot u-boot). 2. Not the right dtb file 3. Not a quality carrier 3. Violation of order of activation
  3. What are the parameters in the internal memory (size of partitions) ? What is the image You want to use to install to the internal memory ?
  4. What medium are You using ? You should try to use another way (without the desktop in the title). I have information from one user (not yet verified) that the desktop image may be corrupted when uploading to the website. You can also try to use other dtb files. Perhaps this is not an option. Preferably send me the dtb file , which is part of the firmware for Your TV box.
  5. Collected for the current kernel. Try this file. If it works, I will include it part of the kernel source. https://yadi.sk/d/ylvdnnIF3BgNtC
  6. Building the kernel. https://forum.armbian.com/index.php/topic/3344-trying-to-recompile-the-kernel-for-mini-m8s/ And if you try chrome ? There how it works ?
  7. To use this update with caution, it is possible to obtain destruction of the system.
  8. Fixes for the version with multi-GPU environment (5 DE). 1. For proper operation of the automatic gain control CPU frequency you must replace the file with the kernel zImage on the first partition (FAT). 2. To use the installation mode of this image to the internal memory. You must copy the file "fw_env.config" in the /etc directory. Replace the /root directory file "install.sh" and file "linux.img" to fixed. The new version of the file can be downloaded from the directory on the website "FIX" the link. Notice for normal operation of the sound you need to use the dtb files from the image (dtb directory). System can normally be started without file "dtb.img" in the first section, but the sound may not work. In this case, you need to check the system with manually copying the correct file. https://yadi.sk/d/i8mKgFEi3BW24i Also updated the test images. Please to those who have the opportunity to test the latest test images to the subject of the work of autoregulatory CPU frequency. To do this, run in terminal as root "armbianmonitor -m" and start playback of the test video file (to expand it to full screen). It is advisable to test in two modes 720 and 1080 . The smoothness of the playback is not interested, the main thing is to evaluate the performance of the automatic gain control of CPU frequency and temperature.
  9. This image was not tested for performance in eMMC. Most likely when you try to install to eMMC will be brick. They need to make changes in the scripts, kernel and initrd.
  10. Which version You want to install ? What TV box (model) ?
  11. You added the root correct file "dtb.img" ? Show a link to the topic on freaktab. Maybe I missed something.
  12. You can add a loop, for example as indicated in this thread, with the selected interval, and you can monitor the temperature in the terminal or the console UART. http://forum.khadas.com/t/thermal-reading-wrong/168 while true; do sleep 1; cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ; done
  13. The kernel sources for S905\S905X\S912 are in this GIT. The compliance branch in GIT the names of images and kernel versions. 1. images, the title of which stated "3.14.29" use - collected from branches S905X (universal - for the entire line of chips S9xxx). 2. Images - "3.14.79" - the branch odroid (this thread is only for chips S905) 3. Branch "armbian" - universal plan - for entire line S9xxx in an attempt to collect all positive elements branches (Amlogic + Hardkernel + LE). Pay attention to Assembly and installation\kernel for TV boxes is specific and different from the usual. I hope Marc (user Nofan Tasi) to share its successful experience build the kernel from source for TV boxes (including their details).
  14. If You want to help with development - I welcome it. I hope any help would be useful.
  15. Image update kernel from Hardkernel. Armbian_5.24_Vegas95_Ubuntu (the Test directory) note that these images can only run on a S905. The images that will be able to work on s905x s912 will be later (need to significantly patch the kernel). Features images-3.14.79. Problems with WiFi and sound. To change the screen resolution, you need to use a certain procedure. 1. marking the desired resolution in the file /boot/vegas95_init.sh 2. insertion of the selected permission to the file s905_autoscript.cmd (instead of the current parameter setenv m= " ") 3. Precompiled script autostart system s905_autoscript. In this-you can select any standard solution available. command # mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -d s905_autoscript.cmd s905_autoscript The existing problems are not working properly shutdown the TV box. After switching off, to enable, disable the power supply from the network. As Docker is in the network repo Ubuntu, removed from the Assembly the old binaries. In-3.14.79 has support for Docker. Anyone can install it and use in this manner. --------------------- translation user Shimon ----------------- Here's the promised translation: 1. Look inside the /boot/vegas95_init.sh script: Here's a sample: https://github.com/1...vegas95_init.sh 2. Find the desired resolution. For example, 1024x768p60hz https://github.com/1...s95_init.sh#L70 3. Replace the current value of the (setenv m) parameter in the /boot/s905_autoscript.cmd file with the new one. For example, the current value https://github.com/1...as95_720.cmd#L2 setenv m "720p60hz" needs changing to setenv m "1024x768p60hz" 4. recompile the binary version of the s905_autoscript with: mkimage -A arm -O linux -T script -C none -d s905_autoscript.cmd s905_autoscript On next reboot the selected resolution wil be used. Be sure to choose an exact value from the available list in vegas95_init.sh. Do not include the *) part. ---------------------
  16. This is a test image to evaluate performance of different DE. Question to the owners of the models on the basis S912. Perhaps it makes sense to combine this theme and the theme s905\s905x ? I do not insist the decision is up to admins and owners.
  17. The kernel version with kernel.org will not work without patch. I recommend to use the source codes that are used to determine the kernel in the image.
  18. My apologies, I misspelled the password for root. The correct password "1q2w3e4r". I forgot that this is the finished image that I have already performed the initial setup and installation of DE. Another caveat. In this way there is NO automatic expansion of the partition. This must be done manually.
  19. If I understand correctly, there is described a kernel for a standard PC (i586 x86_64). It is not suitable for ARM.
  20. To build your kernel you can use a different algorithm of actions. Clone the source code. Copy the working configuration. To make a change. To compile the kernel. To collect the initrd. To handle initrd mkimage utility (need it for work u-boot). Without treatment, the initrd will not be perceived by the boot loader.
  21. Perhaps this information will be useful. There are instructions and screenshots of the graphical shells. http://forum.khadas.com/t/3rd-party-ubuntu-rom-for-khadas-vim/81/82
  22. Tuned multiverse containing 5 desktop environments ICEWM XFCE, LXDE LXQT MATE. Minimum media size of 4 GB. The user password is "user", "1", password "root", "1q2w3e4r". By default, the system starts with MATE DE. To change the GUI you need to edit the file .xinitrc in the home directory of user "user". Uncomment the line and comment out the current shell. S9xxx_4G_ICEWM_MATE_XFCE_LXDE_LXQT_20170122.img.xz https://yadi.sk/d/5_32km_EsCV2A Request to those who try this system, write, run a different DE. Preferably, at least briefly to describe the speed of the graphical shells, indicating the model of the TV box (and brief parameters of iron). If possible, make a video recording of system response to user actions. It is important for me to understand what shell is better suited for systems with minimal resources. It is advisable to add screenshots of the output of the command "free -m" to the running shells.
  23. For those who want to use MATE instead of XFCE. 1. Run synaptic 2. To install MATE packages (mate-desktop-environment-extras) 3. To create the user directory file .xinitrc 4. Add the line "exec mate-session" 5. After restarting, automatically start a GUI MATE.
  24. The test images. Assembled using the latest version of the build scripts. Please try to run these options and write out the result. I have suggested that in this type there will be problems with shutdown and start the system. https://yadi.sk/d/kZHc0uQE34z5jR
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