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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. https://forum.banana-pi.org/t/armbian-and-libreelec-for-bpi-r2-pro-rk3568/13308/2
  2. version 20220428 with kernel 5.18-rc4 (edge) and 5.17.5 (current)
  3. version 20220428 with kernel 5.18-rc4 (edge) and 5.17.5 (current)
  4. version 20220428 with kernel 5.18-rc4 (edge) and 5.17.5 (current)
  5. I believe that there is already support for the CSC level (in the near future I will send the necessary PR to the official build system). To get the status of "official" support, I recommend that you contact @Igor to discuss the details of obtaining such a level of support.
  6. I have BPi-R2-pro in stock. It didn't take a lot of work to get basic support in the main core (there is already a primary part there), I also added a number of fixes. There are the first results of the Armbian launch. I took the latest version of the Armbian image for Station P2 and immediately launched on BPIR2Pro without changes. Immediately works HDMI LAN (first port), HDMI sound, 3.5 analog sound, eMMC, USB, power button. Although it shows a temperature of about 50 degrees when working (when playing the video to full screen), I recommend installing a cooling system right away. When using the default DTB (rk3568-bpi-r2-pro) from the 5.18 kernel sources, some of the hardware is not working yet, but it is easy to fix.
  7. The alpha version of the system using u-boot is 2022.04 for Station P2 (rk3568). Please note that this version works only after the u-boot in eMMC is deleted (erased). https://disk.yandex.ru/d/44iBkRz-fI2-KA
  8. Trying to use the NEXT version causes a lot of errors. I have checked different combinations of images and settings (with disabling all package caching), but all options end in errors. One of the logs of the simplest build for Jetson Nano. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/QU9K-1RjLmaVVQ
  9. I am currently trying to test the armbian-next branch for a native build (directly on the rk3399 device) using Jammy version 22.04. This Ubuntu version uses gcc-11 by default, which causes the u-boot-2017 build problem. I installed gcc-10 from the rep, tried to set a variable to limit the version of gcc used. But when starting the build, this variable is ignored. Maybe I'm using the wrong syntax. How to set the variable (restriction) of the GCC version correctly, so that the u-boot build uses a version no older than 10? UBOOT_USE_GCC='< 11.0'
  10. Version 20220419-current with 5.17.3 kernel and new version of u-boot-2022.04.
  11. Version 20220419-edge with a 5.18-rc3 kernel and new version of u-boot-2022.04.
  12. balbes150

    Khadas Vim4

    Presumably this is a crosstalk problem, USB 3.0 uses a high frequency that interferes with WiFi (the chips are too close to each other). Details are available on the khadas official forum.
  13. balbes150

    Khadas Vim4

    add here closed blobs for u-boot (in which there are hidden modules of full control for aml), which are strictly controlled and the sources are not provided to anyone, disgusting mixture turns out. I would not risk connecting such device to any network where there is Internet access.
  14. balbes150

    Khadas Vim4

    Judging by the photo, they did not change the placement of the elements (it remained as it was on vim3), so there will be a hardware problem of not being able to work properly USB 3.0 and WiFi at the same time. ps Using the aml bsp kernel is very bad idea, their kernel, for security, is full shit.
  15. New version 20220408-edge with kernel 5.18-rc1
  16. New version 20220408-edge with kernel 5.18-rc1
  17. What is the reason for removing Synaptic from the GUI images ? This is an important element for the work of users.
  18. https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=16312&pid=108778#pid108778
  19. Good news. The first alpha version of the LibreELEC image for P2\M2 (rk356x) is available. I pay attention. To start, you need to use a USB media with LE and a USB-enabled bootloader (for example, an SD card with an Armbian version or an Armbian version installed in eMMC). Analog audio should also work.about Bad news It looks like my M2 instance has died, it no longer reacts to power on. I checked the power supply, cables, but it didn't help. Can you check your LE version on M2 ? https://disk.yandex.ru/d/nLZ6UCxUpWMMUQ New ver Armbian 20220404 kernel 5.17.1
  20. It depends on that version (the source kernel from the image).
  21. New version 20220331 with kernel 5.16.18 and 5.17.1
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