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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. @NicoD You can check out this image 20210228-legacy ? https://disk.yandex.ru/d/h_pMzFbuFXseOA?w=1 I added a patch from https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/2650#issuecomment-787198231 to it to improve 4K. Pay attention. Before installing the media script or updating the system , freeze the kernel update, otherwise you will get the old kernel from the network repositories (this is not the correct kernel with errors). p. s. the image is already fixed DTB to reload.
  2. fix https://disk.yandex.ru/d/nA1iIKNCuZJxRw?w=1
  3. LXDE does not have any "advanced", its only plus is the primary view closer to the appearance of fucking windows. LXDE has a limited range of settings and features.
  4. This is an old image, the latest images already use kernel 5.10.19. Sorry, but I don't know what the hardware (resource) requirements are for your use case. You write about large amounts of data copying and I do not understand how this is related to the Web server. I would not rush to buy Amlogic equipment now, new models based on rk3566 \ 68 should be released soon (developers already have real samples of such models and they are already working on their support).
  5. Perhaps, but when it will be - it is not known.
  6. Checking the latest GIT (DESKTOP branch), shows the same error. The SID and Bullseye network reps do not have this package libreoffice-style-tango . If necessary, I can send a PR with a correction.
  7. update 20210227. Added a download link. https://users.armbian.com/balbes150/
  8. On the contrary, not removed, but developed. But not fast enough yet. I hope to add support for building images for rk3188 to my GIT in the future (and if there is a demand, it is possible to send a PR to the official GIT).
  9. I forgot to add, in the latest images, the DDBR utility is included. Those who have previously used ArmbianTV are familiar with it, it is a utility for creating and restoring a full backup of eMMC (for example, before installing the system in eMMC, before running updates, before making changes, etc.).
  10. If I'm not confused, this option is only available for the main core, it doesn't work for Legacy.
  11. The installation on NVMe works correctly. I checked it with the latest Buster image install to NVMe and there are no problems. When installing, you must select the correct mode (eMMC + NVMe). Most likely, you chose the wrong mode (the first line in the menu), this is installing u-boot on SD and system on NVMe. Look carefully at the names of the menu items, there are many different combinations, you need to choose the right option.
  12. Version 20210226. Fixed NVMe and added a separate DTB for roc-rk3399-pc (works with Renegade Elite) with Legacy kernel. After testing for several weeks u-boot-2021.01 on different rk3399, the transition to u-boot-2021.01 was made I remind you that the configuration of DTB and other startup parameters is now performed in the file /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
  13. In a few hours, I plan to update the images on the site, including with a new version of Buster (which will all have the patched DTB enabled by default).
  14. Fix https://disk.yandex.ru/d/q93YskG2DU9Reg?w=1
  15. The new version 20210221. Important information. The installation mode in eMMC has changed. Now, the standard application "armbian-config" and the corresponding menu items in it are used for installation in eMMC.
  16. New version of ArmbianTV 20210218 for H6 TV boxes. Please note. Now a single EXT4 partition is used for the entire system. The new images are located at the new link. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/NdhF0c0iM0TnzQ?w=1
  17. New version of ArmbianTV 20210218 for P1 and M1. An important difference. I made the transition to the startup system using the settings only in the "extlinux.conf" file. You no longer need to use a lot of complex scripts and intermediate text files to describe the startup process. Setting up the DTB is done by editing the line in "extlinux.conf". There you can also change any other startup parameters (disable BOOTFLASH, add a forced binding to the MAC, etc.). That is, you can now use the officially supported parameter format for "extlinux.conf". I also stop publishing versions of Armbian images, because they differ little from the official versions of images from the Armbian download site (i.e. I remove redundant duplication).
  18. use only the full image recording on the SD card. Only then will you get all the components of the startup process working correctly. Now you have broken the correct sequence of the startup system, which was designed to fully write the image to the SD card (without using intermediate "pads" that have unknown behavior).
  19. Write the full name of the image. This is a completely different device than the one discussed in this topic. As far as I know, this module is intended for use as part of other equipment , you did not specify which equipment it is used as part of. You did not provide a description of what happens to the main hardware that contains this module. Perhaps in the image that you are trying to disable further output to the UART console, I recommend trying the ArmbianTV image, there the output to the UART console is not disabled and there should be full information about the startup process.
  20. I don't believe it.....:) So you're doing something wrong. I can change the audio output device on the fly (when playing a test video) and immediately see how the speed changes. if I select the" wrong " device (the first in the list), the sound and video are accelerated, if I change to HDMI or analog, the video and sound are normalized and works correctly. Please note that I do all the tests on my builds. Can you check the latest version from here ? https://disk.yandex.ru/d/UCuJsFE_c7yWCA?w=1
  21. I checked the Legacy and Current versions (for Firefly Station P1) on Renegade Elite , everything works, u-boot normally starts the system from the SD card and USB media. When running Buster-Legacy + NVMe, I used DTB from the site (the version is not plus), NVMe works and the rest of the hardware works with the media script. On the Curren version, I used DTB (mezzanine from the image composition), NVMe works, LAN works, HDMI sound. I think can consider the Renegade Elite compatible equipment with Station P1 and specify this information on the download page or in the forum thread.
  22. Try images for Station M1 (Armbian\ArmbianTV) with Legacy and Current core. Also try using different dtbs from the image. http://bbs.t-firefly.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2803&extra=page%3D1
  23. Ha-ha. I checked it again and as I already wrote to you, with the correct configuration of the device for audio output, everything works without problems with the correct audio and video speed (to DTB plus). This is elementary to do through the GUI, in the upper right corner there is a speaker icon, in it you need to correctly select the device for the output of sound by default (the last line is HDMI, the penultimate line is analog sound). You can even open the settings (Volume) and turn off the first device on the last tabs and leave only the HDMI and analog output (by the way, for the analog output, the default is 14% volume and for normal volume, you need to move the slider to 100% in the settings).
  24. Now I checked on P1 without NVMe), with the "plus" file-video and sound are accelerated by 2 times, with the non-plus file, video and sound are normal. (DTB files from the site). NVMe operation has not been verified.
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