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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. Try replacing the parameters with the new ones for UART log dd if=parametr-new.img of=/dev/SD_CARD seek=8192 https://yadi.sk/d/Jf8XW1DEybtKxA
  2. Processor Quad-Core Cortex A9r4 Amlogic S802 Peripheral Interface RJ-45 Ethernet jack (10/100Mbps) The old core works with settings for a 100Mb network may need to build a new DTB with these parameters. But I don't have that kind of equipment and I can't test it.
  3. What does (aplay -l) show ? What name is assigned to the registered sound card in DTB ?
  4. New image 20.07 (20200702) for rk3288 kernel 5.7.7
  5. In the log I see that 66121 is used on this model, I think HDMI should work (with the correct DTB parameters). 0.947429] IT66121 probe success.
  6. Can you pull the parameters file from the SD card (which runs with the UART log)? Command to get dd if=/dev/SD_CARD of=parametr.img skip=8192 count=2
  7. For those who don't have TV output working, try deleting it from the parameters line in (uenv.txt) these values. logo=osd1,loaded,0x7900000,${hdmimode},full
  8. Can you show UART output when running an old kernel (Linuxium version) that you have running with HDMI ?
  9. This is hardware decoding of video files, it is not related to the lima (GPU).
  10. What and where do you disable ? If the app didn't work with OpenGL, you won't be able to launch the KODI interface. You may be disabling decoders for HW in the VPU, but this has nothing to do with the GPU.
  11. These versions use the old u-boot, which can't work with the settings uEnv.txt. This is a set of files to replace the core+DTB in the image. Because of the old u-boot, have to use the binary bundle kernel+DTB+initrd, processed by a special utility. And to replace the DTB, you have to rewrite the entire block. To do this, use the command dd if=boot-z-XXXX of=/dev/SD_CARD seek=24576 Have you looked at the router to see if there are new devices on the network or not ? If HDMI does not work, you will be able to connect via SSH if you start successfully. HDMI behavior may be affected by the startup process. I completely erase NAND on UT2 with a utility from PC and when starting from SD card only u-boot and parametr from SD card are used. I have HDMI running (only console, no DE) with all boot-z options, but the LAN only works with the core for UT2. Old Radxa Rock images work the same way without problems with HDMI to UT2. So I think UT2 uses the same 66121 chip as Rock. Log start focal to Ugoos UT2 kernel 5.6 http://ix.io/2qCM
  12. Either you have eMMC content replacement protection in your firmware, or you have NAND instead of eMMC.
  13. Previous images have the same behavior, or is this only typical for the test image ? You can perform the same tests with the last "normal" images ? To All GPU frequency control is enabled in the test image. What should improve the behavior of the system at maximum loads (GPU frequency should be maximum and maximum performance) and at minimum loads (GPU frequency should be minimum and heat decreases). This information is necessary for Martin to assess that his patches do not break the work of other parts. Therefore, we need comparative results of the system behavior in the test image and in the normal image (what works or doesn't work in the test image compared to the normal image). Temperature readings during tests are also desirable. To do this, launch the terminal and run the command (sudo armbianmonitor -m > test.txt) and perform a system operation check. Based on the results of work (tests) in the file test.txt information about the temperature during the test will be saved. And attach these files here.
  14. A test version of the image for evaluating the correct operation of GPU controllers for Amlogic. Please everyone who has the ability to check the launch of one of these images and write the result (the chip AML used by DTB, the result of verification). https://yadi.sk/d/uMgn3hLTa-J1Iw
  15. ver 20200629-dev (for rk3288) I recommend the Bullseye version for desktop.
  16. Test image for rk3188 Download, unpack and burn the ArmbianTV image to your SD card. Connect to the TV box and turn on the power. The system will start automatically. https://yadi.sk/d/YXA09tNfyRhDIw
  17. If you give links, use the original sources, and not dubious places where the full set and part of the damaged patches are not complete.
  18. All available versions are located on the links from the first message (space is limited).
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