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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. If you don't run any pirate shit and follow the instructions exactly, after a one-time activation of the multi-boot, it is saved, including after installing the system in eMMC (this means that starting from USB works after installing the system correctly in eMMC). No compression is required at all.
  2. Click the branch button and watch it , have you tried it ? https://github.com/xdarklight/linux/tree/meson-mx-integration-5.8-20200411
  3. These versions are exclusively for tests and experienced professionals who know how to work with patches. edit uEnv.txt How do you know that you need a toothpick method ???? There is no such method for rk3328. LE works well on my MX10. Write an Armbian image to a USB flash drive, configure DTB in (uEnv.txt), connect the SD card with the working LE, connect the USB flash drive to the USB (which is closest to the SD card slot), and turn on the power.
  4. Kernel 4 worked with a limited set of nodes/devices, it did not use all the features of the processor and had a frequency limit, so the overall temperature was lower. There is no point in buying a powerful device and using it for 30-40 %
  5. 1. This is not possible in principle, because Android uses a kernel that is not compatible with normal Linux. 2. Using multi-DTB, a useless option that is only needed for TV box manufacturers (which would create problems for firmware theft). It is useless and creates unnecessary problems and difficulties for normal Linux. 3. Creating a universal DTB is a waste of time, it will not work properly.
  6. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you just need to carefully read the instructions and the forum.
  7. This means there is no dtb for your model, with the correct SD card settings. You can try the combined version of the launch. Write the Armbain image to a USB flash drive and configure DTB, and write the u-boot to an SD card. Connect the USB and SD card together to the TV box and check the startup.
  8. Carefully read the first message of the topic from this place onwards. *********************************************** Rules for using the new u-boot option.
  9. No Only manual operations and if the UART console is available.
  10. All you've done is take useless steps. Instead of these useless steps, it was just necessary to carefully study the forum. Where it is clearly written that the installation script you used is exclusively for s905 models, and a different installation script is used for s905w.
  11. Everyone likes to say one word "give" and always for free (all free). Give a new core, and all the functions will work in it. Give support to all the existing equipment in the world and make sure that it turns on automatically, without any settings. Give me a new loader. Give the installation system to eMMC and so that you need to press one button, and better from a mental order. Give full-screen 4K video playback on any shit. Give the perfect job to all the shit that is produced and sold for $ 10-20. Give the source code, and that they would work immediately on the same command and without errors. Give answers to all your questions and be sure to answer everyone personally and in detail. And most importantly, everyone wants it for free and immediately. For everyone who wants to get it-there is a tariff, pay $ 10,000 and you will get full support for your TV box model for 1 year.
  12. Consider u-boot as a BIOS on a PC and everything falls into place, you do not need to interfere with its operation. No one in the field of development of Debian|Ubuntu and other distributions for PC does not develop BIOS for PC, this is a direct task of the manufacturer, who knows all the features of their hardware. Similarly to u-boot for TV boxes, let the manufacturer deal with it, our task is to add to it the minimum means of starting any system absolutely and, if possible, installing the system in internal memory (eMMC). The main u-boot will never be able to work fully on all TV boxes. Stupid advice, kill your device and then hope that you do not have to restore it in complex steps (which can not be performed, even experienced users, not to mention ordinary users). It is not difficult to erase the u-boot, but if you try to write a wrong (not working u-boot) to eMMC, you will get a hard-to-recover brick. So my advice is never to listen to such idiotic advice and be very careful with u-boot.
  13. Warning, for further discussion of non-profile systems will the topic will be closed.
  14. If you use an image labeled 3328 in the name, you don't need to write u-boot. Only to complete the configuration of the DTB (rk3328-box.dtb). only need to add u-boot for the arm-64 version of the image
  15. You didn't specify what you are collecting (the exact name of the goal you are getting).
  16. These are not the correct sources. Martin is developing the S8xx. I use its source code. https://github.com/xdarklight/linux/branches
  17. Have you carefully read the topic about HDMI support in the mainline kernel (5.78=kernel 5) ?
  18. Use images from this link. https://yadi.sk/d/V29-iMTUiq043Q
  19. s812 activation multi-boot is possible only with SD card
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