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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. How do I know if a message has been edited ? Open all topics every time and reread them from beginning to end ?
  2. Don't confuse freedom and mess (permissiveness), it's not the same thing. I didn't see any arguments for what ordinary users need to edit messages after 1-2 days. Changing the text (not correcting typos or errors) after a while is a bad procedure. People have already read the message, may have responded to it, and no one will return to the corrected message, so there is no point in changing it. There is a good rule of thumb, before clicking the submit button, read what you wrote. This is not respect for everyone, send obviously crooked messages (so that others would try to understand what is written there) and then constantly correct them.
  3. When writing an incorrect u-boot, only the contact closure on the eMMC chip works.
  4. If possible, it is good to have a group of " advanced users "(the name is conditional and you can use any). Adding to this group is done manually based on a presentation or discussion results. It includes users who can edit their messages without restriction (for example, those who write manuals or other payloads).
  5. Audio distortion is due to incorrect definition of the video output. On devices with the CVBS output description in DTB, when connecting HDMI devices via bad cables or adapters, the kernel cannot correctly identify the HDMI output and switches to CVBS, this causes incorrect modes for HDMI and audio through it.
  6. I checked the latest version on Telos from the SD card, everything starts and works. What systems were launched before ? On s905, the u-boot is too old and cannot be installed in eMMC with it. You can try replacing u-boot manually in eMMC with the latest version of u-boot-2019\2020, but there are no guarantees that this will work and there is a high probability of getting a hard-to-restore brick.
  7. Need to limit the time for regular users to edit messages to 2-3 hours or 1 day. I don't see any reason for regular users to be able to edit messages after 1-2 days.
  8. The main core is a "dummy" (there are not many important patches in the source code). I'm using a core that has significantly more support for ARM than the main core.
  9. Sorry, I didn't understand what your question was about.
  10. Unlike rk3328, the S905x2 does not have and does not know when HW will be used to speed up DE and full-screen video.
  11. All discussions about unsupported hardware should be done in other topics.
  12. Does anyone have a 5651 sound running on T4 ? The module 5651 is built , but it is not perceived by the system with the added settings in the DTB for 5651. But if I change the codec used in the settings from 5651 to 8316 (to check the DTB parameters), everything is detected and the 8316 module is automatically loaded.
  13. I tried to build a new DTB with the inclusion of an additional 3.5 output. The device appeared, but I didn't find any sound. May need to configure it, or I specified the wrong parameters. https://yadi.sk/d/Q40bC_wBJr9D9A
  14. Ver 20.02 20200205 add install eMMC for Allwinner H6 support USB , add H5
  15. Funny situation. When I tested running different systems from USB media on H5 (Orangepi PC2), I tried an image with LibreELEC with 5.5 core for H6, and surprisingly KODI started normally and works with HW decoding similarly to H6.
  16. New version of Armbian 20.02 (20200204) for Allwinner H6 with support for starting the system from USB media. Please note that the link images ARE not universal, they are intended only for Allwinner H6. To start the system from USB, you must either install a system in eMMC that supports starting from USB (the latest version Armbian), or use the combined version of SD (only new u-boot) + USB. After installing Armbian in eMMC with USB startup support, to start the system from USB, it is enough to write a universal image to USB and configure the DTB and the startup script (rename the script with the .aw extension). You do not need to add u-boot to the media. When a USB storage device is connected, the system starts automatically from USB. When disabled, the system starts from eMMC. You do not need to make any additional settings in the system on eMMC, everything starts automatically. I checked the work on Tanix TX6, Armbian in eMMC + running new versions of Armbian and Libreelec with USB, everything works. https://yadi.sk/d/GJbDt3-FjQ-dQA
  17. If eMMC has a system with a u-boot that supports starting from USB, I can easily start any additional systems without any additional configuration, just plug in the USB and turn on the power. For example, I have Armbian installed in eMMC for main use, but I can connect USB with LE to start it immediately (I don't change anything in the existing system in eMMC). Same with the SD card. I don't need anything to pull out and change, just plug in the USB and immediately get a fully working USB system (including the kernel and everything else). It is much easier to use USB, I can write it on absolutely any PC, all of them have USB. Card reader-rarely available on a PC. The same goes for USB distribution, it's much easier to buy and use anywhere than an SD card. By the way, USB 3.0 speeds are now much higher than any SD card. Yes, initially I may need an SD card, for a one-time write to eMMC of a new system with u-boot with support for starting from USB. Or if there is Android in eMMC, I can replace u-boot without an SD card, using only USB.
  18. Users are not aware of this feature. It does not appear immediately (in regular Android firmware it is not). Need to inform users how can use it.
  19. USB makes life very easy for users, and 5 seconds is not worth the convenience.
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