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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. @jernej I found a strange bug. I added patches for enabling USB startup to the LE source code a long time ago, but when using them on H6, when initializing USB in u-boot, I see a controller error. But when I used the same patches with the same version of u-boot in Armbian, everything worked well on H6 (I checked running with USB Armbian and LE, everything works without problems). It is not clear why the patches do not work correctly in LE.
  2. Added several patches to u-boot and now the system starts immediately from USB (u-boot now sees USB flash drives and normally starts the system from them).
  3. You don't have enough other worries and you decided to add an extra fuss with patches ?
  4. Just for checking, to try to understand the reason, you can try the image from the TV boxes on your rk3328 ?
  5. Perhaps someone will be interested in using USB drives to quickly test different systems. Details in this topic. If this information is not relevant here, moderators can delete it immediately.
  6. I added the u-boot file for Allwinner H5 (Orange-pi-pc2) to the site. Checked it with the current images from this theme (used USB media + SD card with this u-boot), everything starts and works from a USB flash drive on a test OrangePI PC2.
  7. Kernel 5 still has a bug that causes the kernel to load slowly (unpacking initrd) on rk3399. Therefore, the initial startup time of a system with 5 cores is significant (this is the same for any media). For me, it's not the initial launch time that matters, but the overall speed of the system.
  8. What does no sound mean ? I have an HDMI sound that works perfectly with the DTB nanopc-t4. By the way, I uploaded a script for installing the system in NVMe for NanoPC T4 to the site. The rk3399 chip does not support direct launch of u-boot from NVMe, so the combined mode is used, the u-boot and kernel is located on eMMC, and the entire system is on NVMe. I compared working in mode 1. the entire system is installed on eMMC. 2. bootloader on eMMC + entire system on NVMe. The second option works much faster (this is taking into account that the NVMe version from Orico is used for the test, which has average characteristics). https://yadi.sk/d/QRBz-035dlDWUw
  9. If you've run any crap on this model before, read the first message of the topic.
  10. For now, it would be enough to start with USB 2.0 (support in u-boot USB 2.0). Then the kernel starts working with its support for the rest of the hardware.
  11. Now I checked the launch of my image on Orangepi PC2 and found that u-boot for this model supports a number of interesting features, including starting from USB. I wonder if it is possible to take work items from u-boot OPI PC2 for USB And add them to u-boot for H6 ?
  12. Version 20200131 with the NEXT kernel (without additional patches), this is only for experienced users to test a clean kernel.
  13. Important information for Rockchip RK3328\RK3399 and Allwinner H6. If you have written to the SD card any version of the system that uses a GPT table or a non-standard u-boot (for example, an Android image or an Ubuntu image built by the device manufacturer, etc.). Before writing an Armbian or Libreelec image, be sure to zero the entire SD card with the dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/<sd_card> bs=64M command. Only then can you write the image to the SD card and it will work correctly. If you do not zero the SD card, there will be problems with u-boot from Armbian and Libreelec (u-boot does not start and stops with a partition table error message). For those who use the new version of u-boot, which supports direct launch from USB media, I recommend using USB media to launch, this guarantees that the system will start, regardless of what was previously on the USB media.
  14. This script is only for the old kernel 4, it doesn't work with the new kernel 5.
  15. ver 20.02.0-rc1 20200129 The sound works on all models S9xxx, rk3399 , rk3328 , aw h6. Please note that to enable audio on g12 chips s922x s905x2 (models Ugoos AM6, Ugoos x2, Odroid N2 etc), you must follow the instructions specified in the first message.
  16. Yes, there is (for the test, I tried a cheap NVMe Orico 128GB model). and it is immediately visible in the system. I can use it to host data. Now I have an Armbian version installed in eMMC with the new u-boot and I can run any system from USB media (SD card is no longer required). By the way, the regular fan also works, it works silently. I liked this model, it is well balanced and has everything you need to use as a mini PC. It remains only to deal with analog sound via Jack 3.5.
  17. This is incorrect information, show this message, it needs to be corrected. The order of starting with color fixing is described in the first message of the theme, it specifies exactly what files you need to use and how to configure the system.
  18. There is no such method for starting Armbian. There is a one-time procedure for activating a universal multi-upload, for which it is possible to use the toothpick method (this is not the only way to activate it). However, this is a one-time procedure and cannot be used for continuous system startup. What systems did you run on this device before ? Where did you get the instructions that you need to use these files ?
  19. With the correct DTB, the sound works in the official images for rk3328 (I tried the official images for Renegade and Rock64). All it took was adding the correct DTB (with audio support). If use a DTB from roc-cc, there is no sound. You can see how the sound was added to DTS here. https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s905-kernel/blob/5.4/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3328-roc-cc.dts https://github.com/150balbes/Amlogic_s905-kernel/blob/5.5/arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/rk3328-roc-cc.dts
  20. I checked the official image 20.02 from Renegade to TV box (starting from a USB flash drive, with a small addition of the necessary scripts), with the official kernel image 20.02 and dtb from 5.4 (for MVR9), the sound works. The official core has everything you need for audio on rk3328.
  21. Now I tried the old image with the 5.4 kernel, the sound works.
  22. Maybe you should try 5.5 ? I have it on TV box rk3328 (DDR4 and DDR3) everything works (sound, WiFi).
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