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Everything posted by balbes150

  1. If you do not care about the security of all your personal data (credit cards, accounts, etc.) in the entire home network, then this is your choice. I do not impose anything on anyone, you decide what to use and what to risk.
  2. A new designation of the version number for Armbian. The current version Legacy kernel 4.4 is 19.11.3 (20191126). All previous images are moved to the OLD directory. For the starter kit, I expanded the list of available images. Stretch Buster Xenial Bionic Disco Eoan Updated content link for MEGA site. All old images removed, left version only 19.11.3 Pay attention. In the near future, I plan to combine topics on rk3328 and rk3399. Images for these platforms are now collected from the same source. The difference is only in the used u-boot (which is easy to add for the desired platform) and in the settings in the file " extlinux.conf" (enough to uncomment the desired option).
  3. If you need other u-boot (like the official version 2019.10), build it and use it (if it can work with your hardware). The only difference is that you need to configure dtb in the file (extlinux.conf), everything else works exactly the same.
  4. What interesting things did you see there ?
  5. If you are interested, you can watch this patch. It has something to optimize, but it solves the overall problem well. It allows you to build a universal kernel for several platforms at once. And a single kernel file is collected along with the DTB. I use it without any changes for all platforms with kernel 5. https://github.com/150balbes/Build-Armbian/blob/master/patch/kernel/aml-g12-default/packaging-default.patch
  6. A new designation of the version number for Armbian. The current version Legacy kernel 4.4 is 19.11.3 (20191126). All previous images are moved to the OLD directory. For the starter kit, I expanded the list of available images. Stretch Buster Xenial Bionic Disco Eoan Updated content link for MEGA site. All old images removed, left version only 19.11.3
  7. Updated content link for MEGA site. All old images removed, left version only 19.11.3
  8. IMHO DTB placement should be strictly in the same place where the kernel files are. Only this ensures the correct start of the system in any version of the partitions used. There should be no simlinks. For example, network startup of the system or placing the "/boot " partition on a separate partition. And do not need a separate file " dtb.deb", all data should be included in the file " image.deb" (this ensures the correct DTB version for the kernel they are built with).
  9. Maybe it's time to try creating a set with HW acceleration of full screen video playback based on the new kernel 5 ? All necessary components are already working (tested using LE images with kernel 5 for rk33xx and HW).
  10. If the device uses NAND (not eMMC), installation on NAND is not supported.
  11. The AML-g12-legacy images are universal. They can be run on the RK platform. If the eMMC has a u-boot version that supports direct USB startup, it is sufficient to configure the file (extlinux.conf) and the system can run on RK. If the eMMC does not support USB startup, you can use the combined method. Write to SD card micro image u-boot for the desired model of the RK chip. Write an Armbian image to a USB drive, configure (extlinux.conf), connect both media to the device and turn on the power. The system will automatically start from the USB drive. The images themselves are in directories with a new label (current version 19.11.3) at this link. https://yadi.sk/d/pHxaRAs-tZiei U-boot micro-images available for use. https://yadi.sk/d/PIGjwjZ4m4HKqg A list of available images can be found in this post.
  12. It's my mother tongue. What is the problem? The information is not correct, it is not the best option with a bunch of potential problems. Therefore, it is so cheap that it will require significant additional costs for Linux.
  13. A new designation of the version number for Armbian. The current version is 19.11.3 (20191126). All previous images are moved to the OLD directory. For the starter kit, I expanded the list of available images. Stretch Buster Xenial Bionic Disco Eoan
  14. The new version 20191125. It uses a kernel with exactly the same configuration as the generic images for all platforms from this theme.
  15. not support. Show the output of the UART console and describe in detail what steps does what systems were previously running on this device.
  16. Alas, I have no such equipment and I can only speculate. If the console version starts normally, and the DE version gives an error, there may be a problem with the software. For a quick test of the source of the problem-you can remove the entire directory with kernel modules (/lib/modules) from the media. If the error persists, try replacing the kernel and modules by taking them from the production system.
  17. 1. Your Board starts using u-boot-2019, which uses the "extlinux.conf" configuration file. For the UART console to work, you need to change the settings with append: root=LABEL=ROOTFS rootflags=data=writeback rw console=uart8250,mmio32,0xff1a0000 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0 to append: root=LABEL=ROOTFS rootflags=data=writeback rw console=ttyAML0,115200n8 console=tty0 no_console_suspend consoleblank=0 fsck.fix=yes fsck.repair=yes net.ifnames=0 Then show the output of the UART. 2. You need to check the startup with all DTBS of the S905x group.
  18. Verify that the settings in the DTB and to build your working version. The forum discussed many times how to work with the DTC utility.
  19. Update Armbian images 5.99_20191121 to rk3399. DEFAULT - kernel 4. Please note, in the future I plan to completely switch to using kernel 5 for all images. The kernel 4 version will no longer be released.
  20. Update Armbian images 5.99_20191121 to rk3328. DEFAULT - kernel 4. DEV - kernel 5. Please note, in the future I plan to completely switch to using kernel 5 for all images. The kernel 4 version will no longer be released.
  21. New image DEFAULT Armbian 5.99_201122 I pay attention, in the future I will release versions of NEXT and DEV only in the format of the universal image (which can be run on all devices at once).
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