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fabiobassa got a reaction from Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
They are all HK1, the circle one , many but really many have exploded regulators on ddr V+ since the ddr are poorly soldered and/or defective and they have short circuits on the bga balls
Here for you a dts from one of the firmware you send (1.4.1_atv_rk_10.img)
The tool for extracting dtb's is called RK3xxx_firmware_tools_5.23.1_by_SergioPoverony.zip
fabiobassa reacted to Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
how do get the dts file for my box?
do i need to use multitool to dump it first?
i want my clock to work in armbian along with working graphics and a decent overclock
i know that dmssru on 4pda ru forums made a semi decent attempt to overclock android 9 for h96 max but my wifi and bt would not work properly.
and how do i get the metal can off my wifi module? it seems to be soldered on.
here is the firmware for the h96 max modded by dmssru on 4pda
and here is the tools and Firmware , Software & Drivers
and here some random builds as well
also this...
Hope These help
fabiobassa reacted to Jason Duhamell in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
I have attached some photos of the MX10 Pro. I also made a backup of the original android firmware if there is any interest in me uploading it.
fabiobassa got a reaction from Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
I do agree totally with @jock : overclock 3318 is a terrible idea.
We suspect that 3318 is the " poor brother " of 3328 , or in other words , 3318 is a badly assembled/builded 3328 that has some electric electronic characteristic that made impossible to call it 3328 so was downgraded to 3318
I have more than 30 defective 3318 with broken emmc, ddr that go higher than 100 celsius and I wouldn't even try to overclock the few 3318 that are working
fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
In the previous pages I posted some instructions on how to let it work.
The driver for various led drivers is available on github and needs to be manually compiled. I did not include it yet because it has some limitations I would like to fix before integrating into.
Overclock: bad idea on rk3318, but your mileage may vary
Why do you want to remove the metal can? It is a very bad idea, it shields the wifi from interferences and if you remove it, probably your wifi/bt will have troubles.
There are various instructions over the internet, but what are you expecting from the dts?
fabiobassa reacted to Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
i don't have an h96 max , only HK1 Max but some versions of h96 max firmware work fairly normal
some versions have wifi 2.4 + 5 GHz with BT 4 but some versions of h96 max firmware have issues with bluetooth in the sense that when you try to pair anything to it , it connects for a split second and then turns off bt and is reproducible on my HK1 Max but might be different...
like for example the m96 and x88 and some other clones seem to have issues getting the 7 segment 4 digit LED Display to show up after booting on HK1MAX.
some 3328 native firmwares seem to cause the 3318 some trouble by softbricking the loader (which is unbrickable at the hardware level (why i picked RockChip as my main box in the first place.) if all else fails you short the two copper dots with a pair of angled tweezers and plug the usb into the 2.0 port as the 3.0 port won't work afaik in my testing so far...
i'll send links to the android 11 firmware along with 9 & 10 soon...
fabiobassa reacted to Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
here are some of the same dtb + kernel dumps of firmwares that seemed to work on my hk1 max rk3318 3328 fake?
fabiobassa got a reaction from Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
@RetroFan90 thank you so much, always is better to have original firmwares to inspect and study !!!
fabiobassa reacted to Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
here are the photos for my device
for some odd reason the heatsink was not making contact to the cpu and the cpu is marked
SBAKU28043 2039
9F22126 000
And the board silkscreen says :
and the info sticker says :
3318 D011?
QC2 4+64+6334Q
and the Wi-Fi can says :
and the other silkscreen marking is :
Sorry For The Wall Of Text, But I Hope This Helps.
Images Taken With An iPad mini Wifi on iOS 9.3.5 in HDR
fabiobassa reacted to Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
here is the firmware for h96 max based on rk3318/rk3328 avb board
magisk not needed comes pre rooted with su in /system/xbin (Android 10)
and here is the firmware that came on my hk1 max.
can't remember if it is pre rooted but these two files are the exact ones that the dtb dumps came from using extract_dtb on the Boot.img file for both of them.
Hope This Helps.
fabiobassa reacted to Ben N Voutour in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
here are the 2 dtb dumps
the photos will be up soon.
fabiobassa reacted to knish in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
just a few words to thank You. I have a HK1-MAX and was sitting in a drawer for a couple of years after worked as TV box until I upgraded with another one.
So... I followed all the steps and worked like a charm. Just the rk3318-config is missing but I don't know if is necessary.
I installed PI-hole and works fine.
Thank You a lot
fabiobassa reacted to otus in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
Hello, my H96MAX got a second life. I have damaged emmc memory.
Thanks to your instructions
I can still use it. Boot from sd card.
Great job, thank you.
fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
@Charles Bauer
Apparently you did not read the first page carefully:
Unbricking may be complicated, because neither me nor @fabiobassahad the chance to tinker with a board with eMCP.
The problem is most probably related to memory initialization. A serial log is required for confirmation, but we already have seen a situation like that and I don't think this is different.
Memory initialization is the first thing that is going to be done during bootstrap and thus, when it goes bad, the board is knocked down and requires manual intervention to get into maskrom mode. Doing this job require some skills in electronic and some non-common equipment because you need to find and ground the eMMC (eMCP in this case) clock pin.
What you can do to help development is send the bricked board to @fabiobassa for him to analyze
fabiobassa reacted to RaptorSDS in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
please look at page 33 @jock and a @gnusmag45 have this topic about the JWA60 memory its a eMCP Memory
fabiobassa reacted to RaptorSDS in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
for 1 - ok only nand thats ok
for 2 - please ignore i did not know multitool can handle gzip/XZ/tar and that the fat partition should be bigger ( its was maybe a bug that my sdcard had only 800mb fat partition)
for 3 - i work most of the time in CLI so "nano" it what i know feel free to use "vi" , thats my personal thought to change order and modifcate armbianEnv.txt direct after "rk322x-config"
fabiobassa reacted to Charles Bauer in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
Hi Fabio!
I will definitely do that. It was my failure due to the anxiety of creating the document and sharing our evolution. How should I reference you? By nicknames?
Charles Bauer
fabiobassa reacted to Charles Bauer in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
In English:
I would like to share a Portuguese tutorial to help installing armbian on RK3228 TV BOX model MXQ PRO. This tutorial helps dealing with black screen after first reboot, configuring Wifi, keyboard and Language. The link to the tutorial is https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v0bS7mFausicoExFPDP2PR-PKZeeeC3Di75XyB1g0AQ/edit?usp=sharing and can be found on this site too: https://www.gluee.com.br/index.php/learning-box
Em Português:
Eu gostaria de compartilhar este tutorial em Português para ajudar na instalação do Armbian na TV BOX MXQ PRO com processador RK3228. Este tutorial ajuda a tratar a tela preta após o primeiro boot, configurar wifi, teclado e idioma. O link para o tutorial é https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v0bS7mFausicoExFPDP2PR-PKZeeeC3Di75XyB1g0AQ/edit?usp=sharing e também pode ser encontrado no site https://www.gluee.com.br/index.php/learning-box
fabiobassa reacted to Charles Bauer in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
Hi all,
Just to share how this project is important.
We are working with our government to convert 500.000 tv boxes in Desktops to use on public Schools.
It´s a social project that I am leading. (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=en&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gluee.com.br%2Findex.php%2Flearning-box&sandbox=1)
We are already using Libreoffice and some IDE for programming on the pilot TV box.
The next phase is to try to use Google Classrom and to try to achieve good performance on a browser and youtube videos.
Any help will be valuable.
Regards and thanks for all!
fabiobassa got a reaction from ArkhanLK in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
ad Jock already said is not a problem of the soc per se , but netflix and other need DRM and this must be enabled in some way as libreelec already did.
I am very but very happy that you found this little black box usefull, I use plenty of those for the most wide purposes
fabiobassa reacted to ArkhanLK in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
Hi everyone, I'm doing really well on the board I have! I am sure this is a really capable board!
So far I have:
. Played emulator games and some old/retro games such as quake 1, 2, and doom;
. Web-browesed on Firefox to almost any website (netflix doesn't work, some issues with google meet as well);
. Edited photos and pdf with gimp, libreoffice draw, kolourpaint... Flawlessly!;
. Draw 2d cad with librecad and will be testing leocad soon!;
. When videos work, like in YouTube or twitch, I can watch them decent at 480p, very decent at 360p;
. Watched 1080p on kodi (at least on twitch), but the other services (Amazon, Netflix, Disney, YouTube...) I wasn't able to try yet.
Overall, this makes for a REALLY good and cheap basic desktop.
But just to be sure, let me ask something: is there any way to dual boot with android + armbian? That'd be possible with, I suppose, partitioning the emmc... I am aware that there is a way to install linux in Android and then ssh into it. But that's not the same thing I'm asking about!
As always, thanks a lot for the help and support here. You guys are awesome. Much love <3
fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK322x TV box boards
@ArkhanLK Glad you're finding the box useful and thanks for reporting!
Netflix and friends usually have other issues related to Digital Rights Management, but never really dig into. I know that on LibreELEC you need to download the Widevine plugin.
@jaum20 It should be already enabled, but honestly I never checked the coaxial SPDIF output. Will check right now
edit: just checked on both mainline and legacy kernel and it is working fine up to 192khz! Maybe you need to tell pulseaudio to use SPDIF (IEC958) from the speaker icon in the upper right corner
fabiobassa reacted to hexdump in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
@Dragao - dying emmc is something which happens from time to time with tv boxes - i had it on an amlogic box and i think @jock and @fabiobassa can sing a song about this topic too ... i think tv boxes are sometimes assembled from very low quality components to push prices down ...
fabiobassa reacted to hexdump in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
@elbuit - if nothing else works, this should usually work to get the device tree from a running android: https://github.com/hexdump0815/u-boot-misc/tree/master/misc.h616-legacy/android-device-tree-copy
best wishes and good luck - hexdump
fabiobassa reacted to jock in CSC Armbian for RK3318/RK3328 TV box boards
@elbuit cool, thanks!
Your board has a nice ap6255 wifi chip, looks life a fully fledged awesome board!
The original dtb is always welcome, as usual if you feel that something is not working as expected report here and we will see what can be done (I suspect bluetooth is the worst offender )