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  1. I have tried this build https://github.com/ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-armbian/releases/download/Armbian_noble_save_2024.11/Armbian_24.11.0_amlogic_s912-t95z-plus_noble_6.6.62_server_2024.11.20.img.gz and it boots fine with default dtb. I just do not see emmc either, so it looks like common problem for these boxes. I have tried to edit that decompiled dts and change the emmc frequency to 5F5E100 which is half of the original value but the box even do not start with kernel panic. At least I am able to boot recent Armbian without restoring original Android firmware. Can it be that emmc is some kind of encrypted?
  2. I would like to use that box as a NAS server, maybe mpd and print server instead of Orange Pi. I just wonder how can just running some system from microsd card alter original Android firmware. That Android still boots fine without sd card inserted.
  3. Yes, it is a fork of Armbian. Sorry for asking, but is there any guide how to restore that Android firmware? Thanks!
  4. I think it is Armbian, I have it from here https://github.com/debiangamer/build
  5. Ok, I understand. But that build I run before is Armbian, so it should not be a problem, should it?
  6. Thanks. I have only tried that Sunvellt95zplus_Debian_sid_5.12.9_xfce.img, but never installed anything to emmc. Running just from microSD. In fact, I even did not have the option to run from emmc, cause emmc is invissible in that armbian OS.
  7. Sorry, how did you manage to boot it? I am trying the latest community build Armbian_community_25.2.0-trunk.13_Aml-s9xx-box_bookworm_current_6.6.60_minimal.img and it does not boot at all. another build, Sunvellt95zplus_Debian_sid_5.12.9_xfce.img boots fine, but it is a little outdated and neither it does not detect emmc. should I only set my dtb in extlinux.conf, right?
  8. I agree, I would make it a file server/NAS, print server, maybe mpd server. I have similar box and planning to use it instead of my Orange Pi PC.
  9. Where did you find that image, @Ian Coelho please? Armbian_community_24.11.0-trunk.66_Aml-s9xx-box_noble_current_6.6.47.img
  10. I am using meson-gxm-q200.dtb. Also tried to use this dtb from debiangamer's build (same name), it is slightly different, but it did not help. I know it will be a long way to solve it. I was just interested if anyone had similar box and got it working. When I fully updated debiangamer's build using apt, Firefox stopped working correctly, it had some issues with GUI and graphics, it was broken. Chromium worked still and even the sound still works there. But, when I test the audio in KDE system settings, I have the same error like in the latest Armbian community build (something with the driver). edit: the link to original (locked) post:
  11. I own a T95Z Plus box and tried that armbian build (lunar and sid). It works, but none of them have sound working. Sid does not have wifi working either. Tried also this and the sound works there. What may be a problem? https://github.com/debiangamer/build/releases/tag/v2021.05
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