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Everything posted by amazingfate

  1. @IgorRock5 ITX is using a sata bridge connected to pcie, so an overlay won't fix this. Sometimes PCIE interface used by the 4 port sata is not detected by 6.1 kernel.
  2. What's the serial log when board is not booting? I never use armbian-config to switch kernel. I just use apt to install linux-dtb and linux-image packages and make sure apt runs fine.
  3. 4.3.1 moonlight is linked to ffmpeg 4.4, while new moonlight is linked to ffmpeg 6 because libavcode-dev in my ppa is updated to 6.0. Decoding time caculation is ffmpeg releated. I think moonlight can't distinguish decoding time and rendering time with new ffmpeg.
  4. Decoding time is ok if there is no frame drop.
  5. I just downloaded `Armbian_24.5.1_Rock-5c_noble_vendor_6.1.43.img.xz` and flashed it to tf card and my rock5c lite can boot with hdmi output, no issues.
  6. @peter.eismann I added patches to glibc: https://launchpad.net/~liujianfeng1994/+archive/ubuntu/rockchip-multimedia/+sourcefiles/glibc/1:2.35-0ubuntu3.4+2widevine/glibc_2.35-0ubuntu3.4+2widevine.debian.tar.xz But it seems that this patch is no longer needed with newer glibc: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/widevine
  7. @peter.eismannYou are using EGL as render method, which will only support NV12 format. You can try direct-to-plane.
  8. @peter.eismann I don't know about the netflix issue and I can't confirm that. Kodi does not run well inside a wayland session. You can try to login to a gbm session from display manager.
  9. I guess no. The method you use is trying to find /dev/dri/card* as gpu device, but with this kernel there is no such gpu device.
  10. That's because /dev/dri/card1 is npu, and opengl think it is a graphic card.
  11. @nyanmisakathanks, mpv with hwdec rkmpp works. And kodi in my ppa need patches to work.
  12. @Spooky kodi is not working with this version of ffmpeg, videos are displayed black. Mpv also not work, how did you get mpv work with hardware decoding?
  13. You didn't set the correct url. Open https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:amazingfate:panfork-mesa in browser, and click "Repositories", then click "Debian_12", then click "Go to download repository" to get the real repo url. You need to understand the document. Simple copy-paste usually not works.
  14. Take a look at obs's doc: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Debian_builds#Configuring_sources.list
  15. launchpad ppa doesn't support debian use obs repo for debian bookworm: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home:amazingfate:panfork-mesa
  16. @SpookyWill these packages work with old 5.10 legacy kernel? Some people may still using 5.10 kernel. I will test them later.
  17. @Spooky Many thanks to your work. My company is pushing me hard these days and I don't have time to test 6.1 kernel. If these packages is working for you I can just copy it to my ppa. I can see ffmpeg, librga, libv4l-rkmpp, mpp is updated to latest upstream version. What are the changes you make to librist, mpv and v4l-util?
  18. @roykHi, I find just adding quotation marks to rockchip,plane-mask/rockchip,primary-plane/cursor-win-id will fix kodi. No need to toggle primary plane and cursor plane. So this patch should work for rock5b: https://paste.armbian.com/exuhabuzim.diff
  19. Mpv doesn't controll rkmpp by hwdec. It just get what ffmpeg gives. You can set sw decoder by ffplay: ffplay -vcodec h264 test.mp4
  20. @roykYour overlay works. Maybe I have done something wrong by directly modify the devicetree. I will investigate it later.
  21. @royk Rock5B doesn't have `disable-win-move` in devicetree, so I just change the vp nodes.
  22. @roykI just tested on rock5b. The osd is back under `Direct to Plane`. But it can't play 10 bit video. At first the 10 bit video is played well, but when I move the mouse, there comes a black screen with osd control panel. Here is the video for test: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qrs97EBEWb6YxEp3WGoeFb-CarNJYYgp/view?usp=sharing
  23. lunar will soon be out of date. I will add support for the next LTS release.
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