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  1. Kernel 6.12+ RT patch Usage make your own kernel config with armbian build
  2. Have a thread about PREEMPT_RT https://forum.armbian.com/topic/50400-preempt_rt-patch-for-rockchip-rk-510-rkr8/#comment-214350 I Think you be the first to try or the second
  3. https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/2/5/b/9/e/FT232R_v104.pdf This 1 Megabaud RS232 You will need at least 1.5 Megabaud RS232 to debug it When he talks to you, tell us what he told you and we will see if he is okay
  4. I think you will need to create an u-boot DTS and CONFIG with this device enabled, the u-boot that I use is 2025.01
  5. Build Images: Armbian-unofficial_25.05.0-trunk Yy3568 noble vendor 6.1.99 Minimal Yy3568 noble vendor 6.1.99 gnome Desktop Yy3568 noble current 6.12.17 minimal Yy3568 noble current 6.12.17 gnome Desktop Joshua Riek Images https://github.com/hqnicolas/debug-rockchip/actions/runs/13767536453 ubuntu 22.04 kernel 5.1 Vendor Server https://github.com/hqnicolas/debug-rockchip/actions/runs/13767536453/artifacts/2724348355 Desktop https://github.com/hqnicolas/debug-rockchip/actions/runs/13767536453/artifacts/2724403700 ubuntu 24.04 kernel 6.1 Vendor Desktop https://github.com/hqnicolas/debug-rockchip/actions/runs/13767536453/artifacts/2724523437 Server https://github.com/hqnicolas/debug-rockchip/actions/runs/13767536453/artifacts/2724483900
  6. Since the Vendor Kernel don't work, I'm doing It from scratch: https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/pull/341 so far? dmsg:
  7. Download RKDevTool and also download this small file wipe_part. We will be using that shortly. Download the Clear_EMMC_YY3568 Unzip RKDevTool and run RKDevTool.exe Set the Config for RKDevTool "RkDevToolConfig.cfg" that was inside " Clear_EMMC_YY3568" Flash the U-boot, parameter.txt and MiniloaderAll from "Clear_EMMC_YY3568" Your Board will restart. Destroy All the partitions overrided by file wipe_part. Flash this MiniLoaderAll.bin it now boots from SD-Card
  8. Mainline Kernel 6.14 PR: https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/7908 cat dmesg
  9. Armbian's archives can be uncompressed with 7-Zip on Windows, Keka on OS X and 7z on Linux. Images shall only be written with imaging tools that validate burning results. This saves you from corrupted SD card contents. Approved Tools: USBImager a lightweight cross-platform imaging tool Balena Etcher an electron / node.js based cross-platform imaging tool (may contain spyware) Flashing Firmware on h96 max m9 rk3576 tv box h96 max m9 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1g63F8fGSLEA9iK2_Mqzd6F0xfaTRnGlm?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hbM1ZCH8NU_snjVeZ-_hfRlnC_dgFcrK/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n1Aw78G5zXKRYj5Nx19U_FrBIoU_NS6h/view?usp=sharing h96 max m9s https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q360l5XbTVsWIvWkqy2xJ0sLpqHRSApM?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n1Aw78G5zXKRYj5Nx19U_FrBIoU_NS6h/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hbM1ZCH8NU_snjVeZ-_hfRlnC_dgFcrK/view?usp=sharing - Download the desired version of the stock firmware from the link from the post with the firmware. - To make it easier to install the firmware, create in the root directory of any disk (section) a folder (directory) with a memorable name, Latin characters and without spaces, for example H96MAX . - In the download folder (where the downloaded files are saved) on your computer, copy or move to the created folder H96MAX the previously downloaded archive file RK3576_firmware_tools.com and the stock firmware file that you will install. - Go to the H96MAX folder and unpack the downloaded archive RK3576_firmware_tools.com. Enter the folder RK3576_firmware_tools and further to the folder DriverAssitant_v5.12. Highlight the file name DriverInstall.exe with the mouse cursor and right-click on this line (PCM), open the context menu and click on the line - Run as administrator. Confirm (Yes / OK) in the system window - "Allow ...". In the driver installer window that appears, click on the virtual driver removal button "Uninstall driver", wait for the successful driver removal window. Confirm OK. Close the driver installer window. To remove possible leftovers and traces of the previous driver in the registry and in the Windows system, restart your computer. This will only benefit your computer's operating system. Pre-installing the driver is done in order to exclude possible failures during driver installation, because you do not know exactly whether a particular version of the processor driver was installed and which version of Rockchip. - After restarting your computer, go back to the folder \ H96MAX \ RK3576_firmware_tools \ DriverAssitant_v5.12. Highlight the file name DriverInstall.exe with the mouse cursor and right-click on this line (PCM), open the context menu and click on the line - Run as administrator. Confirm (Yes / OK) in the system window - "Allow ...". In the driver installer window that appears, now click on the virtual driver installation button "Install driver", wait for the successful driver installation window. Confirm OK. Close the driver installer window. The entire driver is installed. - Go to the H96MAX folder. Make sure that it contains the previously downloaded archive of the desired firmware. Typically, firmware downloaded from publicly available links is packed with archivers - zip, 7z, etc., in order to reduce its size and minimize the risk of data damage. For the firmware program, it is not an archive file that is needed, but the firmware image packed with an archiver. Therefore, the downloaded archive must be unpacked to get the firmware image itself (a file with a unique name and an .img extension). Unpack the firmware file. Go to the new unpacked archive folder and check if there is a file with the unique name of the installed firmware image and the .img extension. If your computer is running Windows 7, then to unpack the firmware file you will need a third-party archiver - WinRAR, 7z, etc. After making sure that there is a firmware image, go back to the H96MAX folder, then to the RK3576_firmware_tools folder, then to the FactoryTool_v1.89 folder. Make sure that there is a FactoryTool.exe file. This is the executable file of the firmware program. Do not close the explorer window with the FactoryTool.exe program folder open. - Go to the console with the TV connected. If the prefix is on, with a long press on the Power button on the panel, call the system menu and select and confirm Disable in it. The prefix should turn off and not go into service. You can check this if you press any button on the remote control (except the Power button) and the prefix does not turn on. If the console is turned off, follow the following steps in the sequence as indicated. Confidently pull the BP cable plug out of the console's power socket. Turn off the TV. Disconnect the TV from the mains. Disconnect the HDMI cable from the console. Disconnected from all cables, transfer to the computer. - On your computer, open an Explorer window with the FactoryTool.exe program folder. Double-click on the FactoryTool.exe file name and run the firmware program. In the opened window of the running program, click on the "Firmware" button (top left corner of the window) and in the window that appears, go to the directory where the unpacked firmware image that needs to be installed is located. Highlight the image file name with the mouse cursor and click "Open". The file selection window will close automatically and the firmware window will become active. Make sure that the program displays the path and file name of the firmware image in the "Firmware" section under the button of the same name, and in the Bootloader and Chip lines, the bootloader version number and the RK3576 chip name are indicated respectively. Until the Factory Tool program window is active, click on the "Restore" tab. After that, the "Restore" radio button should become active (light up). Remove your hands from the mouse and keyboard, the FactoryTool window should remain active and in the foreground. That's it, you can proceed to the final part of the firmware process itself. - Securely insert the plug of a previously prepared USB cable into the working USB port of the computer. Insert the previously prepared (sharpened) match into the hole in the headrest on the rear panel of the console. Dip it into the hole until the characteristic click and with one hand, lock the match in this position. With the other hand, take an elongated cable plug and confidently insert it into the USB 3.0 port (blue) of the prefix. After 1-2 seconds, a line will appear in the FactoryTool firmware window with information about the system number of the hub to which the prefix was connected, the type of the Loader device. Release and remove the match. In the program window, click on the virtual button "Run" and the direct firmware process will begin. Wait until the process is complete. After 2-3 minutes, if the firmware is successful, the line with information will be highlighted in green, an inscription will appear Success (Success) and the time spent on the firmware. Press the virtual button "Stop" at the top of the program window, close the program window. Disconnect the USB cable plug from the console. Re-interrogation for the new version is done. Move the console to the TV. - Make sure the TV is completely disconnected from the mains. Reliably connect the cable from the TV HDMI input to the console's HDMI output. Turn on the TV from the mains. Turn on the TV from the remote control. Wait until the TV is completely loaded. Confidently insert the plug of the console's pin cable into the console's power socket, if the console's power supply was disconnected from the mains, connect it. When you turn it on for the first time after the overload, the firmware in the console's memory should start, this will take longer than the usual download after turning it off. When the console boots up, make the necessary device settings.
  10. according to this individual you should look for this individual and install this drivers and don't thank me, thank him
  11. TESTING ################################################################ none of the images I created worked, despite seeing the status post https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/releases/tag/v24.8.0-trunk.147 it seems there was a cut in the manufacturer's information and the project didn't move forward https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/pull/99 I will do all the steps from scratch ################################################################ cat dmesg
  12. Here will be published all the tweaks for the Youyeetoo YY3568 board to enter the mainline with armbian. Images Kernel Vendor 6.1: https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/commit/27a98750790114235c72e8420d45f44eff210461 Overlays: https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/commit/18f066190842fc6bd509662a2d19588eb9f04612 Kernel Vendor 5.1: https://github.com/armbian/linux-rockchip/commit/b5964f997e2267802db0a965e66ec299b8a1f437
  13. We don't have this board, but you can find users with this model in this link you could also find people on https://www.t95plus.com/ use other topics as development path
  14. @dfahren Your changes was made also for Joshua Riek project. https://github.com/Joshua-Riek/ubuntu-rockchip/pull/1179 I also generated some images: Joshua-Riek Vendor Images: 22.04-preinstalled-desktop-arm64-h96max-v56 22.04-preinstalled-server-arm64-h96max-v56 deal with wifi drivers for kernel 5.1 24.04-preinstalled-desktop-arm64-h96max-v56 24.04-preinstalled-server-arm64-h96max-v56 deal with wifi drivers and stutterings for Kernel 6.1 on mainline, the mainline images was deployed by the armbian community: Community Official Images: Armbian_community_25.2.0-trunk.410_H96-tvbox-3566_bookworm_current_6.12.11_minimal.img.xz Armbian_community_25.2.0-trunk.410_H96-tvbox-3566_noble_current_6.12.11_gnome_desktop.img.xz Now this board can Run RKNPU with frigate.
  15. @dfahren I see that you have a lot to add here, I would like you to participate in the integration of this board in Joshua Riek's project to enable RKNPU, where the board already works but there is the problem of the maskrom button, micro stuttering and the memory clock. edit: the u-boot 2025.01 for h96max v56 was merged, also wifi works out of the box, no patch needed. @maka @mvpwar @hzdm @dfahren @Vincenzoernst1 @pessimism please keep a copy from next armbian release for this board.
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