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Everything posted by Hqnicolas

  1. @xuandat09 I think you find Armbian H96Max in a Wrong time. @paradigman found an error on github images greater than 24.8.0-trunk.205 in this case you will need to use my backup images. If you have a backup from older images, just use it. and keep it for you. Google Driver Alternatives 24.8.0 Trunk6 Armbian 24.8.0 Noble Desktop Kernel 6.6 official Debian 12 Bookworm xfce Kernel 6.6 official Armbian 24.8.0 Jammy Server Kernel 6.6 official Armbian 24.8.0 Jammy Desktop Kernel 6.6 official
  2. @rpardini fix this erros Bumping u-boot @paradigman https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/config/boards/h96-tvbox-3566.tvb that's was fixed in last month for Station P2 if I have time I will fix that, also @pocosparc can do it on github https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/main/config/boards/station-p2.csc build instructions
  3. https://github.com/armbian/community/releases/tag/24.8.0-trunk.495 I Will test it, will need to remove my TTL enabled server. @paradigman I tested it in an TTL disabled and it doesn't boot. Tomorrow I will Migrate my TTL enabled server to test these images in a clear device. Update: TTL DEBUG:
  4. with a hammer or pliers? rockchip are unbrickable short circuit CLK with GND of EMMC and burn an original image
  5. the RKbatch is only for RK images. where did you find a tutorial for RKbatch tool in this topic? @xuandat09 you dont follow any instructions from this entire topic and want help? This program you used was never mentioned: v0.7 -> v0.9 -> v1.0 -> v1.1 you will need to short CLK and GND and follow v1.1 tutorial with 24.8.0-trunk.399
  6. https://docs.armbian.com/Developer-Guide_Build-Preparation/ Custom kernel config change DTS build
  7. will test it here, edit: downloaded and Tested with 7zip, it boot's on 8/64gb clear android ROM make sure you Unzip it With 7zip the system Uses 24gb (android emulator) + (kodi Games) +(debian Linux)+(wine Desktop) Next Week I will rebuild it for 4/32gb
  8. I/O error = missing pad or bad connection it's plug and play, the only thing that you need is the socket. when I do it I discard 4 units before it works.... be carefull with board cooper pads when change sockets Just flash the armbian image with balena etcher...... you dont need to format the sdcard after flash armbian image....
  9. generally the rk3566 cpu can handle 2gb of ram before it starts to trottle in workload you can figure it out by this example desktop image How to use it how to flash it make sure you Unzip it With 7zip
  10. need to be dumped the factory is a mess..... keep your eyes on (russians)4pda and factory(sh!t dumper)
  11. hello @loi xin unfortunately the laws in my country have changed for international shopping, we are now living in the North Korea format. I no longer have access to international products like last year, I believe you can perform all the methods that were exemplified in this topic Just create another topic to find people that have the same board as you Name it "Efforts to develop firmware for X96 X6 k3566 8/64G"
  12. you can use it on 2gb 16gb 4gb 32gb 8gb 64gb
  13. Nice! Now you can fast recovery from broken uboot and build ROM's from root.img
  14. pre-heat the board before soldering apply flux
  15. @paradigman you will need to extend partition size using the disc gui application from start menu. df -h sudo resize2fs /dev/mmcblk1p1 df -h Change language pack sudo apt-get install language-pack-[cod] sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-[cod] sudo apt-get install language-pack-[cod]-base sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-[cod]-base Example: es "spanish" sudo apt-get install language-pack-es sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-es sudo apt-get install language-pack-es-base sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-es-base and then change language on Pop_os! gui. @paradigman if you like the idea, you can build your own Pop_os! image. Download and install armbian regular image "desktop or server" and make this changes that I describe in my github repo https://github.com/hqnicolas/pop_os_arm64/tree/main
  16. I have tested the img file with V1.1 method it get corrupted zip, but here the raw image file was ok, I will change the zip method Re-UP will take 12h @paradigman REUPLOADED
  17. @pessimism did you try v1.1 EMMC flash?
  18. ################# FULL DESKTOP EXAMPLE ################ For the users who bought the device hoping to create a cheap desktop, here is an image that exemplifies this experience: 32gb: Example Desktop Image 64gb: Example Desktop Image Unzip Method About: Status: Unsafe (test only) User: user Passwd: user Version: 22.04 (pop) Language: PT-BR Device: H96-MAX RK3566 Flash Method: v1.1 After Install: Resize disc Change Language
  19. For the users who bought the device hoping to create a cheap desktop, here is an image that exemplifies this experience: Example Desktop Image About: Status: Unsafe (test only) User: user Passwd: user Version: 22.04 (pop) Language: PT-BR Device: H96-MAX RK3566
  20. Testing "AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.AppImage" Playstation 2 emulation Isn't compatible at all it requires OpenGL 3.3 but RK3566 only got 3.1: glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version" OpenGL version string: 3.1 Mesa 23.2.1-1ubuntu3.1~22.04.2 AetherSX2 works with Vulkan at 15fps on Guitar Hero II "unplayable" PS1 emulation works fine with 3x resolution on Retroarch from Snap Store. all olders emulators works fine aarch64-retroarch-cores.tar.xz
  21. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:liujianfeng1994/panfork-mesa sudo apt update sudo apt install libgl4es
  22. as an experienced TvBox GUI, for the sake of your sanity: keep out of TVbox! Banana Pi will launch BPI-M5 Pro with Rockchip RK3576 it will be an great Start point.....
  23. Today I Test the DXVK Wine against wined3d wrapper wined3d wrapper by default translate directx calls to the openGL api and it got Slower on Vulkan WTF! winetricks renderer=vulkan
  24. @Avatar Ng @Vincenzoernst1 I have spoted this model on Aliexpress (out of stock) other anoucement (out of stock) alternative (out of stock) alternative alternative
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