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    mmie4jbcu reacted to SteeMan in RK3566 and Armbian   
    Yes, that added cost goes to paying people to provide the software support that users want and need.  Instead people demand software support from other people for free and get upset with Armbian and others when things don't work the way they want them too.  Nothing comes for free.
  2. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from MMorales in RK3566 and Armbian   
    @Hqnicolas Take a chill pill dude. I am not trying to prove/disprove anything.
    I am simply suggesting that the board may indeed be of 8/64 config. Sometimes, due to screwed up u-boot, not all the RAM is reported correctly. And here, I can see that adding up the memory (3.8) and zram (1.9), it comes to around 6GB. Hence, I suspect the memory is still there, it's just not reported correctly because of the zram/swap thing. Removing the swap/zram completely may indeed show it to be 8GB.
    On your note of TV boxes being unreliable, I never refuted your claim. I agree about the unreliability. At the same time, I own two of these x88 pro20 boxes (8/128 and 4/32) and looking at the chips and the markings on the board, I have certain confidence that it would be an 8/64 indeed.
    And, I own a total of 4 tv boxes, and a total of 4 sbcs (2 raspberry pis, one orange pi 5 plus, 1 starfive vision V 2), so I know what to expect and how wild things are out in the tv box world.
    I am sure you also know better than to claim to be the final authority on declaring all tv boxes as "unreliable"
  3. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from Energokom in RK3566 and Armbian   
    @Hqnicolas Take a chill pill dude. I am not trying to prove/disprove anything.
    I am simply suggesting that the board may indeed be of 8/64 config. Sometimes, due to screwed up u-boot, not all the RAM is reported correctly. And here, I can see that adding up the memory (3.8) and zram (1.9), it comes to around 6GB. Hence, I suspect the memory is still there, it's just not reported correctly because of the zram/swap thing. Removing the swap/zram completely may indeed show it to be 8GB.
    On your note of TV boxes being unreliable, I never refuted your claim. I agree about the unreliability. At the same time, I own two of these x88 pro20 boxes (8/128 and 4/32) and looking at the chips and the markings on the board, I have certain confidence that it would be an 8/64 indeed.
    And, I own a total of 4 tv boxes, and a total of 4 sbcs (2 raspberry pis, one orange pi 5 plus, 1 starfive vision V 2), so I know what to expect and how wild things are out in the tv box world.
    I am sure you also know better than to claim to be the final authority on declaring all tv boxes as "unreliable"
  4. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from FuSan in RK3566 and Armbian   
    @FuSan Cheers! Have fun with your device
    Do you mean which Armbian build I started with for my device? I started with Station M2 community builds (edge), because it is also a rk3566 device.
    These days I run Fedora on my box.
  5. Like
    mmie4jbcu reacted to SteeMan in RK3566 and Armbian   
    @FuSan The recommended way to switch kernels.in Armbian is through armbian-config
  6. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from FuSan in RK3566 and Armbian   
    @FuSan So, you have kernel 6.1.x running on your Armbian install. The driver for RTL8821CS chip was added in version 6.3 or 6.4 in the mainline kernel. You can change to a kernel with version 6.6 or later. Try searching for 'linux-image-rockchip64' using apt search command and install that kernel. I usually prefer the edge kernels because I like to stay on the bleeding edge
    Then, also install 'armbian-firmware-full' because it has firmware blobs to enable both wifi and bt for 8821cs.
  7. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from FuSan in RK3566 and Armbian   
    @FuSan Please share the output of the dmesg command just after you log in into Armbian.
    I recall that the swap configuration can be changed by editing the file /etc/default/armbian-zram-config. If you disable zram, then you will see almost 8GB ram in your htop output.
  8. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from FuSan in RK3566 and Armbian   
    Hi @FuSan
    The latest version of Armbian will work just fine. The mainline dtb named rk3566-box-demo.dtb has pretty much everything working for a x88 pro 20 box (except BT and USB 2.0 port)
    I have attached the dtb file that I use (and its source dts file too, in case you want to have a look). This dtb enables the bluetooth to work and also USB 2.0 port.
    Try it out and let us know.
    rk3566-box-demo.dtb rk3566-box-demo.dts
  9. Like
    mmie4jbcu reacted to SteeMan in Can't boot with 23.05 or later builds on s905x2 (g12a) or s905x3 (sm1)   
    This issue should now be fixed.  The s905x2 and s905x3 chain loaded u-boot has been updated to address the issue introduced with 23.02 and later builds.  Any build after 2023/01/31 should incorporate the fix (so the current community builds as of today have the fix) and this will appear in the 24.02 release builds.
  10. Like
    mmie4jbcu reacted to Devmfc in Can't boot with 23.05 or later builds on s905x2 (g12a) or s905x3 (sm1)   
    Hi all,
    I don't understand why you want or need to use those chain loaded u-boot blobs? 
    The vendor u-boot bootloaders can boot mainline Linux perfectly without them. So they are not needed.
    All it takes are some simple modifications of some of the Armbian u-boot scripts.
    Just copy the attached files to the fat partition of the Armbian image after burning the image to a USB disk. 
    Edit armbianEnv.txt for the right DTB (so not in extlinux.conf) and you can boot the newer Armbian images without u-boot.ext.
    I tested it with the Armbian_23.8.1_Aml-s9xx-box_bookworm_current_6.1.50_minimal.img.xz image on the following SOC's:
    S905x (GXL) S912 (GXM)  S905x2 (G12A) S922X (G12B) S905X3 (SM1) assumption: you have vendor u-boot (the one that came with the box) running on eMMC. If you don't, you can just restore the stock Android image with Amlogic USB Burning tool.
    All needed files and a more detailed description is on github
    aml_autoscript armbianEnv.txt gxl-fixup.scr s905_autoscript
  11. Like
    mmie4jbcu reacted to Hqnicolas in Efforts to develop firmware for H96 MAX V56 RK3566 4G/32G   
    🏆 help to add other boards in armbian standart, you don't need to be a programmer to help the community,
    just need a copy of the ARM BOARD and a x86 computer to compile new versions.
    If you like what you see here and want to help: Donate Armbian, the like button only costs a few dollars.
    Armbian Needs you help!
    ####################### Just a Few clicks to help ##################

    This is an internal mmc trick 2-step image!
    You no longer need to solder an SD-card Reader like the creepy Release Version v0.5 BETA that i made.

    check before if your device has the regulator: fan53555
    check before if your device has: tcs4525
    check before if your device has: RK809-5
    works with 4gb and 8gb devices

    How to use it:
    - install RKDevTool Drivers Rockchip
    - Use RkDevTool v2.86
    - Drop Config.cfg  the RkDevTool config file on folder
    Righ click on white background from RKDevTool
    click on Load Config
    Select the Config.cfg

    Step 1
    Extract this file.xz with 7zip
    Extract this file.tar with 7zip
    Connect Your device:
    How? press the back button with a toothpick and connect male to male USB to you computer.
    Flash the Update Image on entire device as an Upgrade Firmware
    After Complete ! ! Disconect your device ! !

    Step 2:
    Reconnect Your device:
    How? press the back button with a toothpick and connect male to male USB to you computer.

    Flash the GPT image inside the MMC GPT partition
    on RkDevTool v2.86
    double click the number on table
    set Address on 0x00000000
    set Name on gpt
    select the root file to flash on the "..." the dot right side of the table........
    mark, Write by address
    after flash, it's done, use HDMI and USB to create user and password, regular armbian install...

    The Gpt file
    The Server 4gb Update image
    The Server 8gb Update image
    Yes, you can Skip Root flash.
    But you can drop the v0.7 Root.img file.
    Please Reflash GPT.img after new Root.img
    Debian 12 BookWorm Server Minimal ROOT

    ##################################### END ##############################################
    ############################### HOT TO CREATE IMAGES #####################################
    if you wanna do all that creepy again with other devices and images, (please do it on other devices) and topic

    this is all you need to create this image,
    first step:
    Compile armbian on linux desktop
    dont forgot to do it with modified DTS file: 
    in this case DTB + DTS Files for you to edit because you want to help the community
    any resemblance to this topic is mere adaptation
    Mount that image virtual device like /media/armbian_boot
    fdisk -l your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img mount -o loop your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img /media/armbian_boot if you can't "like WSL2" sudo apt-get install kpartx sudo kpartx -av your-armbian-image-for-sd-card.img sudo mount -o loop /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /media/armbian_boot
    Second Step:  prepare an sd card or usb flash dummy , can be anithing with 6gb
    fdisk /dev/mmcblk1 N default default (lower this value to match the size of your root image) T 1 W
    third step: format that flash drive for ext4
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk1p1  
    fourth step: mount that clear partition and copy the entire virtual drive to the flash device
    mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/ rsync -avx /media/armbian_boot/ /mnt/  
    fifth Step: Edit your uuid From Armbian Boot config "uuid for /dev/mmcblk1p1"
    blkid nano -w /mnt/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf sync umount /mnt
    sixth step: make an hardware RAW.img from hardware flash drive with these parameters
    sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p1 of=~/root.img bs=4096 status=progress PS: can be /dev/SDA" I do it on my h96max" so it's mmcblk1
    If you want a GPT.img backup
    dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=gpt.img bs=16896 count=1 dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p1 of=gpt1.img bs=16896 count=1 dd if=/dev/mmcblk1p2 of=gpt2.img bs=16896 count=1  
    now you have an ROOT IMAGE MADE BY YOURSELF!
    CREATE the Update Image on linux with the rockchip software.
    Linux Pack Rockchip Firmware
    Uboot Legacy, Parameter.txt to create the Rockchip image
    this process generate two files:
    File1: Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/Image/update.img
    File2: Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/update.img
    I generally use the File2 to flash my device on upgrade Firmware RKDevTool
  12. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from Petru Susa in RK3566 and Armbian   
    > mmie4jbcu has reported armbian on x88 pro 20
    Thanks @maka for mentioning
    @Lelle I usually use the Station M2 edge images from the community builds: https://github.com/armbian/community
    I prefer the Ubuntu based images (lunar as of now).
    Most importantly, you'd need a proper dtb to point to. I have attached the rk3566-box-demo dtb (and its source dts) that I'm using right now. This dts is the latest from mainline kernel with an additional patch to allow the usb 2.0 port to function.
    I assume you know where to place the dtb file and how to update your extlinux.conf file to point to it. If not, then please feel free to ask further questions.
  13. Like
    mmie4jbcu reacted to Hqnicolas in Efforts to develop firmware for H96 MAX V56 RK3566 4G/32G   
    today, after work, I'm messing with the dtb.
    On Linux,android12.dtsandroid12.dtb
    dtc -I dtb -O dts -o android12.dts android12.dtb  
    The Result:

    The power domains config Looks same.

    &pmu_io_domains {
        pmuio2-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
        vccio1-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
        vccio3-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
        vccio4-supply = <&vcca_1v8>;
        vccio5-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
        vccio6-supply = <&vcca_1v8>;
        vccio7-supply = <&vcc_3v3>;
        status = "okay";

    on android 12 image we dont have DTB for sti8070 Just tcs4525
    so, let's work around this.
    i think this device is full compatible with 
    i will test it tomorrow.
  14. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from ewww in RK3566 and Armbian   
    > mmie4jbcu has reported armbian on x88 pro 20
    Thanks @maka for mentioning
    @Lelle I usually use the Station M2 edge images from the community builds: https://github.com/armbian/community
    I prefer the Ubuntu based images (lunar as of now).
    Most importantly, you'd need a proper dtb to point to. I have attached the rk3566-box-demo dtb (and its source dts) that I'm using right now. This dts is the latest from mainline kernel with an additional patch to allow the usb 2.0 port to function.
    I assume you know where to place the dtb file and how to update your extlinux.conf file to point to it. If not, then please feel free to ask further questions.
  15. Like
    mmie4jbcu reacted to maka in Efforts to develop firmware for H96 MAX V56 RK3566 4G/32G   
    I have found bulk errors in rk3566-box-demo.dtb and managed to mend the file. I attached the one for x96_x6. I just copied from other dts files :X)
    The errors were for usb ports, cpu ang gpu. Ethernet doesn't work in my box because also fails in android and don't know if it is a broken hardware phy.
    rk3566-box-demo_x96_x6.dts rk3566-box-demo_x96_x6.dtb
  16. Like
    mmie4jbcu got a reaction from ewww in Efforts to develop firmware for H96 MAX V56 RK3566 4G/32G   
    I have had success in running the latest versions of Armbian on a X88 Pro 20 box. It has RTL8821CS wifi chip and RTL8211F ethernet. I have 2 variants of the box - 4/32G and 8/128G. HDMI works and I have been able to install the Gnome DE and run it in full 4k resolution. Though, there are intermediate stutters while in 4k resolution. Youtube playback is bad. I haven't tested playing 4k video in VLC or any other player yet.
    HDMI - works
    Gigabit Ethernet - works
    Wifi (RTL8821CS) - works with additional work - I took the 8821CS source from https://github.com/rockchip-linux/kernel/tree/develop-5.10/drivers/net/wireless/rockchip_wlan/rtl8821cs  and built it after making some changes to support newer kernels.
    There are also patches submitted by Martin Blumenstingl for supporting 8821CS in the mainline. These are yet to be merged: rtw88: Add SDIO support
    I used the images(edge) for Station M2 and replaced the dtb with the one I built from mainline with the following patches and some minor changes:
    1. [v2,1/2] dt-bindings: rockchip: Add Rockchip rk3566 box demo board
    2. [v2,1/2] arm64: dts: rockchip: rk3566-box-demo: add io domain setting
    Here's the link of the dtb and dts, if anyone's interested to try out:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/rerctigo4mdin9p/rk3566-box-demo.zip?dl=0
    Big thanks to Andy Yan and Piotr Oniszczuk for the mainline patches for box demo dts.
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