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    lafalken reacted to kasparsd in Install PHP7 on OrangePiPC 3.4.113-sun8i   
    I've created this script for building the latest version of PHP7 on any Debian based distribution:
    It worked great on Orange Pi Zero -- here is it running WordPress.
  2. Like
    lafalken reacted to zador.blood.stained in Install PHP7 on OrangePiPC 3.4.113-sun8i   
    It depends on OS distribution. Debian Jessie based images have only PHP5 available in the default repositories, and Ubuntu Xenial images do have PHP7.
  3. Like
    lafalken reacted to infinity in Prefer NginX and MariaDB from other repositories (newer versions)   
    For the record:
    This advice is absolutely awesome Thank you soooo much!! I did not know how simulating an installation was possible and was frustrated everytime when I screwed my testing system...
    Solving my original question:
    apt-cache policy  and
    apt-cache policy nginx showed me the current pin-priority and after adding my prefered repo I could follow whether this would be considered or not. And then I just needed to setup a corresponding preferences file:
    Package: *                       Pin: release a=unstable           Pin-Priority: 400              Package: *nginx*                Pin: release a=unstable Pin-Priority: 600                Package: *mariadb-server*       Pin: release a=unstable Pin-Priority: 600 First part lowers the priority for the whole unstable repo. The other two sections raise priority specificly for nginx and mariadb. Of course I ran into dependency problems with mariadb-server, but thats another story. Anyways... with your -s parameter I was able to see what is going to happen, thus solving everything I needed.
    Thanks again zador.blood.stained
  4. Like
    lafalken reacted to tkaiser in RK3328 Kernel   
    Ignoring your 'irony' for obvious reasons since this is not Kindergarten here but a forum with a very active thread visited/watched by many users:
    'Overclocking' including prerequisits is addressed already at download page: https://www.armbian.com/tinkerboard/ The reason for testing with cpuminer is that it's a nice tool to educate users in shortest time possible how/whether they're affected by insufficient heat dissipation and/or insufficient powering. And for developers like @TonyMac32and others trying to improve settings minerd --benchmark is also great since it's the most efficient way to come up with sane dvfs/cpufreq OPP tables. That's the only reason why I recommended it. Wrt khash/s differences between Cortex-A17 running at 1.8 GHz and Cortex-A15 running at 2.0 GHz this is also interesting since cpuminer uses NEON optimizations and with other workloads A17 and A15 seems to perform identical at same clockspeeds. So that's just something that moved onto my TODO list to be checked later (later means once Armbian is running fine on Tinkerboard & Co. I'll get an older RK3288 Chromebook on eBay to have a cheap laptop without Google crap spying on me)  
  5. Like
    lafalken reacted to TonyMac32 in RK3328 Kernel   
    Right, but like I've said before, my setup cools quite well, I used a thermal epoxy since there's no hope of a nice mechanical attachment. (25x50 mm heatsink with a little notch to clear that inductor beside the codec), this processor is simply capable of some serious dissipation.  It was unlikely mine would go clear to shutdown, although I didn't let it either way, it was simply significantly exceeding the trip points. I also have no such issues with 4.11 or 4.12.  ;-)  I've made the adjustments to the dtb and am testing.  Definite improvement, however I need to look at the hysteresis values I think, it's jumping to higher clocks prematurely.
    Forgot to say, no fan, only larger heatsink I'm seeing 75 C maximum (25 minutes test).  I hit 85 C within 5 minutes before stopping the test before the patch to the tree.  I'm also evaluating the core voltages used here.
    [edit]  Patch with updated polling and trip points in, voltages will not be experimented with until proper stability testing is performed. 
    The system was up for just over 2 hours running minerd with the patch, temperature never climbed above 75 C with or without fan.  Try it out, I don't have the same cooling solution as the rest of you, I want the feedback. 
  6. Like
    lafalken reacted to Igor in RK3328 Kernel   
    Than inside you have three branches, default, next and dev. You are using next branch now ... try switching between them in armbian-config.
  7. Like
    lafalken reacted to traumfaenger in RK3328 Kernel   
    Hello again, I've got a new SD card, SanDisk Ultra 32GB UHS-I.
    Because of the restart bug in newer kernel builds, I have flashed the 4.4.66 kernel, made apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ... and reboot is not working properly.
    Is the reboot patch applied to your armbian 5.27 version with 4.4.66 kernel build for our Tinker?
    EDIT: I've flashed the SD with Etcher, ~15MB/s with validation successful
  8. Like
    lafalken reacted to TonyMac32 in RK3328 Kernel   
    Dev (4.12-rc1) will build now.  Note that I changed only what was needed to make it build, so some of the patches may not be needed/may not help/etc.
    @Myy I had to take out the post-mali UMP patch, UMP is failing to build for some reason or another on 4.12 using this build system. 
    Otherwise it appears to be at the same level of functionality as 4.11, although I did notice a marked improvement in USB audio (external cards, not the built-in codec), even though it does still try to blow my eardrums out of my head using the browser with certain source materials.  (I haven't tried to mess with PA yet).
    I am building a "Hat" or "Shield" or (more likely) "tombstone" for the board to see if I can power it via the gpio pins and avoid the micro USB.  If it powers on with a smaller supply, I'll build to suit the Odroid XU4 4A adapter.  (Obviously this board is going to be trouble power wise, however, since I've already got one I'm going to make it work for me)
    OK, back to the job that pays me.  ;-)
  9. Like
    lafalken reacted to TonyMac32 in RK3328 Kernel   
    I still have to get the patches submitted, but:
    |_ _(_)_ __ | | _____ _ __| |__ ___ __ _ _ __ __| | | | | | '_ \| |/ / _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ / _` | '__/ _` | | | | | | | | < __/ | | |_) | (_) | (_| | | | (_| | |_| |_|_| |_|_|\_\___|_| |_.__/ \___/ \__,_|_| \__,_| Welcome to ARMBIAN 5.27 stable Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS 4.12.0-rockchip System load: 0.48 0.14 0.05 Up time: 0 min Memory usage: 2 % of 2007MB IP:, CPU temp: 32°C Usage of /: 8% of 29G  
  10. Like
    lafalken reacted to traumfaenger in RK3328 Kernel   
    Status update on power usage:
    @tkaiser suggested to test power supply stability by sysbench and stress commands. My power supply seems to be the same as @cyberks because hes data for the power source is following: 5V and 10W, what gives us
    P = U*I --> I=P/U --> I=10/5 --> 2A
    My power supply unit is also 5V/2A. Well, here comes the testing:
    Temperature in idle state: 34°C
    Test #1: sysbench, ran once, 2 Threads: passed
    Test #2: sysbench, ran once, 4 Threads: passed
    More interesting is the stress command:
    Test #3: stress, 2 Threads, 15Min execution time (measured by CPU Time in top): passed, Temp from 34°C to 50°C
    Test #4: stress, 4 Threads, 15Min execution time (measured by CPU Time in top): failed after 3Mins, reboot followed
    Conclusion: During the benchmark my 2,5" HDD drive and a 80mmx80mm FAN were attached. It is clear, supply rated 5V/2A is not enough (what was told many times :))
    After, I replaced the power supply by RPi3 official supply 5V/2,5A and ran the test again:
    Test #5: stress, 4 Threads, 15Min execution time (measured by CPU Time in top): passed, Temp from 34°C to ~61°C
    I would suggest using at least 5V/2,5A power supply. My RPi3 won't get it back
    And in terms of USB cable, use one, which can also establish a data link between a device and computer, because they have better quality as those cheap-ones with charging-only function.
  11. Like
    lafalken reacted to Tido in Quick review of Orange Pi PC   
    By accident I came across this brilliant review, if you start from the begin he explains about the short comings of PSU and if you start at 4min it is just about the IKEA PSU. At the very end you find his conclusion
  12. Like
    lafalken reacted to tkaiser in RK3328 Kernel   
    And that's due to to these PoE splitters using USB cables as short as 20cm so you don't run into the normal issues related to Micro USB (huge voltage drop even preventing this powerful board to boot): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4EIhh0VT5g#t=2m19s
    @MickMakereported 1.7A peak current while booting (Micro USB maximum current rating is 1.8A!). In case this Tinkerboard has been designed by 'engineers' then at this point they had to stop, pull the Micro USB crap off the board, replace it with a barrel jack and convince their management to ship this only bundled with a good 5.2V/3A PSU.
    This obvisouly hasn't happened, now people get this thing not even to boot, then users fool themselves and others by recommending PSUs with higher amperage ratings (helps against voltage drops only by accident if the more powerful PSU uses an own cable that doesn't suck that much as usual) and have then a board that seems to run fine until something needs a bit more juice since then it freezes/reboots (and the more freezes/reboots happen the larger the chance that the filesystem on the SD card gets corrupted so even if the user manages to fix insufficient powering later his Tinkerboard will still crash since now installation is broken). That's all just caused by a greedy management forcing engineers to use an absolutely insufficient power connector so they can advertise this Tinkerthing as direct replacement for Raspberries.
    Are you able to run 'stress -c 4' or 'stress -c 2 -m 2' or 'sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run --num-threads=$(grep -c '^processor' /proc/cpuinfo)'?
  13. Like
    lafalken reacted to tkaiser in RK3328 Kernel   
    In case you want to skip the entire review just look at 2:19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4EIhh0VT5g#t=2m19s
    There's explained why you shouldn't buy this board unless you have a bench power supply and can increase input voltage to 5.3V or even more. Since Micro USB sucks and makes this board just another support nightmare (people will combine crappy chargers with crappy cables leading to all sorts of instabilities and freezes and blame the software/distro instead of the hardware 'engineers' putting this Micro USB crap on such a powerful board)
  14. Like
    lafalken reacted to traumfaenger in RK3328 Kernel   
    Dude, I like you
    Seriously, I agree with you, but there is something what I won't do, simply because of the use-case I am up to. You see, you are right, 60€ and not even a proper SoC to USB output, I mean, there have to be soldered 2/4 lines from the SoC to USB to be able to provide fully operational port, but they didn't.
    But what expectations do I have. What will I be using it for. What is going the board you are talking about cost?
    For me, it's about a fast CPU, to handle the network requests. I want fast Adblocker (PiHole), own DNS Service with local caching, openvpn to be able to connect to my data on network, and simple cloud solution That's all. And for this scenario I think this board has still more potential than RPi3
    I had this awful Banana pi m2u whick looked hardware-wise indeed very promising, but it's software was a no-go.
    And if I wait for a board, I mean, we all know PC industry. You can basically wait all the time, and you get better and better devices for your money.
    And that's why I'd like to thank everyone who is contributing to this project I have basic knowledge of C# and Cpp but it's by far not enough to slip into kernel-thingy. 
    I am actually pretty happy when I can compile some user-space driver (ntfs-3g)
  15. Like
    lafalken reacted to traumfaenger in RK3328 Kernel   
    Thank you very much
    Well, it's a small and powerful SBC which shows compatability to RPi, and I think it will attract people to deal with this platform.
    These are also kinda good news, because work is being done. What I hope, apart of you guys here @Armbian,
    is the fact, that ASUS is not a small non-sence China corp. So I hope they will deliver
    Has anyone experienced "dnsmasq", which is present, but is not working properly. When I restart the service, it will come back online,
    but again, after coule of mins my browser can not resolve IP address. Pi-Hole uses it to block ads on DNS-level.
    Update: Pi Hole seems to be running fine. I'm excited to test this box with Seafile  Maybe I'll get over 2,3MB/s as it was the case with RPi3
  16. Like
    lafalken reacted to lucifercipher in RK3328 Kernel   
    I understand where you are coming from. If it helps, the TinkerOS beta 1.8 release has addressed those problems.  Could be a reference perhaps? I did not find the source code for it. 
  17. Like
    lafalken reacted to TonyMac32 in RK3328 Kernel   
    I'm using some cables I spec'd online, I can' tremember the exact source, however their voltage drop is minimal and so far they've worked well.  That said I'd prefer a better solution, if someone were to take care to use adequate protection, it looks like putting 5V on the GPIO (pins 2-3) will supply VCC_SYS, which is what the RK808 uses to get all the system voltages.  You'd only be missing the surge suppressor, current limiter, and usb charge detector. (that one might be a sticking point, I think it might signal power OK)
  18. Like
    lafalken reacted to Igor in RK3328 Kernel   
    200+ USD does not counts as affordable. 
  19. Like
    lafalken reacted to tkaiser in RK3328 Kernel   
    No, not that again!
    Sysbench's cpu 'benchmark' is NOT a hardware test.
    http://www.cnx-software.com/2017/04/28/cavium-thunderx-based-scaleway-armv8-cloud-servers-go-for-2-99-euros-per-month-and-up/#comment-541962 https://forum.armbian.com/index.php?/topic/1748-sbc-consumptionperformance-comparisons/ https://forum.armbian.com/index.php?/topic/4199-you-have-to-choose/&do=findComment&comment=31095  
    By looking at your numbers Orange Pi PC 2 is 9.5 times faster than Tinkerboard. Who should believe this?
    TL;DR: Sysbench doesn't test hardware.
  20. Like
    lafalken reacted to TonyMac32 in RK3328 Kernel   
    Built, no longer getting the "error, address not set" on the ethernet at boot.  Getting late, can't dig in much further but I'd guess it's a success.
  21. Like
    lafalken reacted to Igor in RK3328 Kernel   
    I put them both to build, but haven't test yet - only for building.
  22. Like
    lafalken reacted to Tido in RK3328 Kernel   
    Two excerpts from the FAQ document dated: 15. February 2017 - I guess no changes so far.
    6.What type of hardware interfaces does the Tinker board have
    Tinker board has 4 x USB 2.0 ports, 1 x GbE LAN, 1 x 3.5mm audio jack with 192K/24bit audio, MIPI DSI/CSI
    28. Is sound supported through HDMI
    Yes, the sound output can be worked from HDMI or the 192K/24bit audio jack.
    Did you have any luck with rebooting by now ?
  23. Like
    lafalken reacted to tkaiser in MicroSD Image Backup Problem   
    That's why 'backups' are failing. Since people don't test.
    Besides that using dd is always wrong (but this will never change since the whole Internet is just copy&paste of outdated/wrong information over and over again). Cloning SD cards should be done using ddrescue and re-imaging should always happen with Etcher. To get the idea simply use Armbian's search function and search for 'ddrescue'.
  24. Like
    lafalken reacted to BigG2017 in MicroSD Image Backup Problem   
    Well, I may have found an ubuntu post that helped answer my question/solve my problem:
    Insert the original sd card and check the name of the device (usually mmcblkX or sdcX):
    sudo fdisk -l In my case the sd card is /dev/mmsbkl0. Now you have to unmount the device:
    sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0 Now to create an image of the device:
    sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=~/sd-card-copy.img This will take a while.
    Once it's finished, insert the empty sd card. If the device is different (USB or other type of sd card reader) verify its name and be sure to unmount it:
    sudo fdisk -l sudo umount /dev/mmcblk0 Write the image to the device:
    sudo dd if=~/sd-card-copy.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 Those directions appear to have made a .img file using my Fedora 25 machine; however, I have not tried to write that image to a micro sd card to test it.  Waiting until that's required!
  25. Like
    lafalken reacted to TonyMac32 in RK3328 Kernel   
    I would guess.  The info I've found for both drivers was that they were I2C only, so I'm poking through the Tinker OS 1.4 kernel for some insight, if any is to be had.
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