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Everything posted by RaptorSDS

  1. why this , i thing most of usb wifi adapter ( WIFI N or AC at 2.4GHZ ) are realtek 81xx or some RTK88xx , that are good support and already inside this armbian ,also some Broadcom USB things . please be arware most of 5GHZ WIFI AC ( dual Mode) are not as good supported at linux
  2. normally all are compatible but there are no 3228H , there is 3328A and 3228B and 3229 (all same ) but like we say always there are so many creepy box outside with so many variant hardware and HW quality there are always some issue . you can follow the tutorials
  3. two methods , 1. boot image first than automatic resize to bigger size ( most of the drive) , than put your image on card 2. use the compressed image of armbian on the sd card , the multotool also can use zip and tar and tar.xz and tar.gz
  4. wirte the armbian image to SD Card and than insert and start , than it should boot from SD card like the multitool i had nowadays 4 of this box, one old AMlogic s802 ( over 5 years in use with armbian scan and printserver) ) 1 xrk322x that work out of the box with armbian , one rk322x with resolder wifi from wired china chip to rtl8723ds , and now a rk3328 with android ( sadly sd card is on wrong sdio port)
  5. BCM433x are normally good supported , do have rk322x-config and setup the right led config its help also with wifi enable signal
  6. this looking not as rk322x , i thing thats another main chip like rk328x or newer , we see some box that boot multitool without rk322x
  7. Please can you be more clear did armbian boot befor without hdmi but with wifi ? or only android had wifi ? did you have a bootlog or dmesg with dmesg | grep 8723 or dmesg | sdio ; maybe dmesg | grep - i 8723 if this is positiv than only a driver issue , else also DTS/DTB maybe dont activate the wifi sdio
  8. please also show picture of boeard maybe board print name , some R29 boards have diffirent pin setting so ist maybe one of this creepy and non standart boards
  9. When a script is possible than uENV.txt should be the best point , also in thinging of rk322x-config where a question for user can be implement my thought was more that we support Multitool with 2 small xz files extractet and from 24.xx image and 21.01.01 image ( maybe later get update in newer multitool version) , and when he has problem he can use a new item point where the bootloader get write like the script above #!/bin/bash set -e # Path UENV_FILE="/boot/uENV.txt" # read variable out of uENV UPGRADEBOOT=$(grep -Po '(?<=Upgradeboot=)\d' "$UENV_FILE" || true) #or this maybe better UPGRADEBOOT=$(grep -Po '(?<=Upgradeboot=)\d' "$UENV_FILE" || echo "1") # Proof, Upgradeboot=0 if [ "$UPGRADEBOOT" -eq 0 ]; then echo "Upgradeboot is deactive, Installation abort." >&2 exit 1 fi preinstall script
  10. thats maybe a point which be can handle by multitool where the user has a option point (choose) , when have problem be more compatible (perfomance reduce) optee , when perfomance (with my incompatiple eg power-off ) flash TrustOS maybe with a hint that after a apt-Upgrade procedure has to renew
  11. When we now see thats is a moreover need part maybe it is also a good idea to integrate a point in Multitool where a this 2MB part is flash to emmc or nand to replace the bootloader from normal Armbian image
  12. thats look like a power or thermal problem maybe , did you managed to try (sdcard or usb) with cpu-stability to overlays= line in /boot/armbianEnv.txt or verbosity=7 and look in the Serial log maybe still always same step where it break hope you have a serial adapter at the box
  13. but thats tooo much too much thermal stress for chip and so on .... also the maskrom mode is more to get into SD/USB boot when you have a close bootloader or when you need to flash from pc , there you short that pin shortly only to say cpu internal loader use alternate drive , you have to release the short direct after boot to use the emmc and format it please look if you can boot still from usb/sd card , please dont use usb sdcard reader only direkt sd card
  14. HI @audio kees first of all do you have also Ram chips at underside of the board , else i would say that you have a eMCP ( emmc + ram combination) , eMCP are now possible with multitool and armbian but sometimes instable outside android for the brick , you dont need the clock under the chip , also possible to GND the clock at a resistor or test point , sometimes also at the pad for NAND on right side of your picture is possible but self with brick memory a boot from SD-Card or USB should always possible
  15. yes when LAN port work for you and the box get a ip adress its now possible to ssh do you have a usb cale keyboard attached to the tv box , you have to hit enter/space to except the license ( some wired and some wireless keyboard dont work under linux because they need some usb driver but that rare )
  16. i can share a version 15.06.2021 and 17.03.2022 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HR_wvgg6L5nkInjLSWeqi7eWsAzC0qlQ?usp=sharing
  17. @Jaisere to find the image look at first post below install SD-Casrd you find the link to Jock archive Armbian_22.02.0-trunk_Rk322x-box_focal_legacy_4.4.194_xfce_desktop.img.xz
  18. @k405@Bert Kortenbach also looking on picture its maybe not a emmc, more like a eMCP (emmc and DDr Ram in one chip) when looking at wifi part looks like a part of iphone chipset and not as a realtek of broadcom module more more of cheap things patch together , most times you dont know when ist maybe recyle part or obsolete or over aged part of the shelf
  19. @Benedito Portela thank you for information but n3o talk about DVI to HDMI that is a passiv , pinout adapter DVI-I is compatible to HDMI direct -> with and without 5V as i know
  20. in first first part --> at ddr and Board model U-Boot 2021.04-armbian (Aug 08 2021 - 18:00:55 +0200)
  21. but this isnt the kernel , that is the armbian base system update . my knowladge that kernel never get update at non offizial Armbain device with apt-upgrade , ever only the base system in some range also than we have the package with header linux-header-rk322x_23.x.x..... the new kernel only with new compile complete image files last year or maybe begin of 2023 i update header without base system this also break one box
  22. goggle first LIRC point , there are maybe some other when you need ffmpegs , video , you should more consiter Libreelec or CoreElec or something that is optimsie
  23. cmon really , you know that bluray need usb3 and decypher AACS and also Hardware encoding , i had a old lenovo t420 with i5 that struggle bluray , and now a small box sould do same lol yes this box can x264 but when you read first page and some thread that hardware video isnt the best friend but works for normal task (desktop , normal youtube and HD videos)
  24. there are some tools for linux and IR on this box it can be became complicate because GPIO and DTB and tools, relearn remote , so on ............. when you are lucky the right setting are already in dtb and the tool recognise the IR comannd than you need to relearn the remote inside the tool thats not topic of this board and dont relatet to rk322x , maybe smbv2 vs smbv1 , anyonmus account etc ..... please ask in the right place
  25. thats because it is mk41k412 data instead of mt29f128 data , so most likly its 600mhz or 660mhz ,else leave with default like i said before slower (defaut that run with your box) is better than not stable (528,600,660 etc)
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