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Posts posted by martinayotte

  1. Not exactly ... dashes need to be removed ...

    /home/ogn/rtlsdr-ogn/ogn-rf LJNMT.conf &
    /home/ogn/rtlsdr-ogn/ogn-decode LJNMT.conf &

    Also, maybe not the case, some programs don't wish to be executed from any arbitrary paths, but only from their own location.

    If it is the case, maybe wrap it differently using it own bash script, such as /home/ogn/rtlsdr-ogn/start.sh :

    cd /home/ogn/rtlsdr-ogn/
    ./ogn-rf LJNMT.conf &
    ./ogn-decode LJNMT.conf &

    And call that script in /etc/rc.local that way :

    /home/ogn/rtlsdr-ogn/start.sh &
  2. Hi Zador,

    I've done such small piggyback adaptor for SPI-NOR during my SPI-Boot works, it is currently attached on my Pine64.

    I get access to it thru Python, but I didn't rebuilt Pine64 U-Boot since few weeks.

    I should probalby do, and therefore been able to boot from USB ... :)


    BTW, did you saw that APriztel offically submitted his patches for A64 ?

    (I'm still stuggling them along with ATF for H5, I will email him later)

  3. In fact, H3 has 64 bytes FIFO, while some other AllWinner SoC has 128 bytes FIFO.

    Yes, the patch committed few days ago allow large transfer, example, using flashcp to upload SPL into SPI Flash, it produce transfers of 4096 bytes.

    I didn't check with a logic analyser how the CS line is reacting during such large transfer, but I presume kernel driver should only asserting CS to LOW during the whole transfer.

    I will verify that when I get chance ...

  4. edit /etc/rc.local with your favorite editor and add your required commands the before the line showing "exit 0".

    Maybe your commands will need to be inserted with full path of the application location, such as "/home/andrej/openglider/ogn-rf /home/andrej/openglider/LJNMT.conf" and "/home/andrej/openglider/ogn-decode /home/andrej/openglider/LJNMT.conf".

    And if one of those commands are not starting in background process, add an ampersand "&" symbol at the end of the line.

  5. There is a thread where someone tweak the kernel to get this functionality :


    But it seem that he never completed the task to provide actual patch for Armbian build.


    Looking at kernel history, I saw that someone else done it a different way :


    It should be done like :

    echo 12 > /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000005a2fac5/w1_slave

    But comments say that this change is volatile and will be reset at next power recycle :

    Writing a value between 9 and 12 to the sysfs w1_slave file will change the precision of the sensor for the next readings. This value is in (volatile) SRAM, so it is reset when the sensor gets power-cycled. To store the current precision configuration into EEPROM, the value 0 has to be written to the sysfs w1_slave file. Since the EEPROM has a limited amount of writes (>50k), this command should be used wisely.
  6. Yes, sorry for the typo ...

    I means :

    cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@01c28400/status
    cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@01c28800/status
    cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@01c28c00/status

    it should not get empty, check carefully, because it doesn't do \r\n, so it is appearing just before shell prompt, it is "okay" or "disabled", no other values.

  7. Well, there are several manual steps to accomplish that.

    First, you need to make sure the SPIDEV is enabled in DT, either in main DTB or by using DT Overlay.

    You need to grab "flashrom" sources, tweak the flashchip.c file for making sure the SPI transfer size ".page_size" is 64 for the chip you are using, then compile.

    Then, you are ready for Flash upload (adjust the 4096 according to your flash size) :

    dd if=/dev/zero count=4096 bs=1K | tr '\000' '\377' > spi.img
    dd if=/usr/lib/linux-u-boot-dev-orangepizero_5.24_armhf/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin of=spi.img bs=1k conv=notrunc
    flashrom-0.9.9/flashrom -p linux_spi:dev=/dev/spidev0.0 -w spi.img

    In the future, we will probably provide a script that does all the tasks automatically.

  8. Your DTS looks Ok.

    Did you recompile it into DTB and reboot ?

    Still no new tty ?

    Strange ...


    What those commands showing ?

    cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@01c28400
    cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@01c28800
    cat /proc/device-tree/soc/serial@01c28c00

    it should print "okay" for each one ...

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