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Posts posted by guidol

  1. 1 hour ago, Dante Alighieri said:

    Why bother with this garbage? Get a proper machine with PROPER software instead of this waste of time

    because we can ;)
    If you dont like other SBCs like the RPi (I did read all your content on this forum) then do ua a favour and use only RPI-SBCs.
    If you also could see we didnt support here the RPi.
    If you want to help us its OK, but only to tell that we use "garbage" SBCs isnt helpful. And many here can use this "garbage" very well and

    they arent a copy, because they use very different hardware.
    If they were a cop they could use the "great Raspbian".

    But for us armbian is mostly better. The Raspberry and Raspbian has a much wider user-base and more support from companys - thats right, but also

    they doesnt do all things right ans so for some soultion a alternativ SBC and OS is better for some of us.

  2. 2 hours ago, Igor said:

    Manual way: removing current -dev armbian packages and install -edge variants. But stable base doesn't have u-boot packages ... 

    @Igor I replaced (by the meaning of u-boot)


    linux-u-boot-nanopineo2-edge ( linux-u-boot-edge-nanopineo2_21.05.0-trunk_arm64.deb )

    But Iam searching for the -edge replacement for linux-buster-root-dev-nanopineo2, because apt has only for "linux edge":
    [EDIT] this was created at 



    Did edit the instructions above ;)



  3. maybe a stupid little question :(

    Is there an "official" way to update kernel-package from dev to edge without recompiling/installing the newest image?


    I did manually for one of my NanoPi Neo2:

    apt remove linux-u-boot-nanopineo2-dev -y
    apt remove linux-dtb-dev-sunxi64 -y
    apt remove linux-image-dev-sunxi64 -y
    apt remove linux-buster-root-dev-nanopineo2 -y
    dpkg -i ./linux-u-boot-edge-nanopineo2_21.05.0-trunk_arm64.deb 
    dpkg -i ./linux-buster-root-edge-nanopineo2_21.05.0-trunk_arm64.deb
    dpkg -i ./linux-dtb-edge-sunxi64_21.05.0-trunk_arm64.deb 
    dpkg -i ./linux-image-edge-sunxi64_21.05.0-trunk_arm64.deb
    dpkg -i ./armbian-zsh_21.05.0-trunk_all.deb 
    dpkg -i ./armbian-firmware_21.05.0-trunk_all.deb 
    dpkg -i ./armbian-config_21.05.0-trunk_all.deb



     _   _ ____  _   _   _              ____
    | \ | |  _ \(_) | \ | | ___  ___   |___ \
    |  \| | |_) | | |  \| |/ _ \/ _ \    __) |
    | |\  |  __/| | | |\  |  __/ (_) |  / __/
    |_| \_|_|   |_| |_| \_|\___|\___/  |_____|
    Welcome to Armbian 21.05.0-trunk Buster with bleeding edge Linux 5.11.11-sunxi64
    No end-user support: built from trunk
    package bsp-kernel[21.05.0-trunk] u-boot[21.05.0-trunk] dtb   [21.05.0-trunk]
    firmware          [21.05.0-trunk] config[21.05.0-trunk] branch[edge]


    System diagnosis information has been uploaded to http://ix.io/2UJG

  4. 6 hours ago, IgorS said:

    Hello Armbian,

    Since long time ago, build system is stuck at mainline kernel version 5.10.21 (for OrangePi H2+ H3 and H5 boards).

    Am I doing something wrong or what?

    Do you generate - with the build system - only "current"-images?


    Because  in DEV for H2+/H3 I got 5.11.2 on the NanoPi Neo (sunxi):

    5.11.2-sunxi #trunk SMP Tue Mar 2 18:14:30 +03 2021 armv7l GNU/Linux


    and 5.11.3 at he H5 CPU with a NanoPi Neo2 (sunxi64):

    5.11.3-sunxi64 #trunk SMP Mon Mar 8 23:00:36 +03 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux


  5. If you want to use a "real" Terminal - instead of SSH / Ser2Net- like the TTGO VGA32 FabGL ANSI-Terminal and you dont have a 3.3V <-> 5.0V logic level converter available then using the NanoPi K1 Plus (or any other armbian device with 2 USB-ports) as a "mediator" may be possible using the "socat"-command ;) 


    To use socat we should disable (disable for every boot or stop until the next boot) the ser2net service:

    Usage: /etc/init.d/ser2net {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload|status}
    sudo service ser2net restart
    sudo service ser2net stop
    sudo service ser2net start
    sudo systemctl disable ser2net
    sudo systemctl enable ser2net


    We do connect 2 USB-TTL-serial-Adapters to the SBC (one for 3.3V TTL-Level and one for 5V TTL-Level).
    Via software (socat = apt install socat) we tie them together:

    socat /dev/ttyUSB0,raw,echo=0,crnl,b115200 /dev/ttyUSB1,raw,echo=0,crnl,b115200


    For the correct backspace-function the FabGL-ANSI-Terminal has to be in "ANSI Legacy"-Mode, because in normal "ANSI"-Mode the backspace-key doenst work right with the output of the Z80-MBC2 ;) 




  6. The Z80-MBC2 is a 4-chip Z80-computer which can run CP/M and has a 5V TTL-serial-port.
    The Z80-MBC2 is powered and accessable via a USB-TTL-serial-adapter (configured to 5V - not 3.3V) type CP2102 seen as /dev/ttyUSB0


    The easy way would be to connect the USB-adapter to a Pi-style computer wth armbian, login via SSH and start minicom for the port.

    But that way doenst look as good - to me - as the following way ;) 


    First we need to install ser2net and telnet (telnet doesnt seem to be installed as standard) in armbian via

    apt install ser2net telnet


    Then we have to edit /etc/ser2net.conf (delete all lines after the comments and insert these):

    BANNER:banner:\r\nser2net port \p device \d [\s] (Debian GNU/Linux)\r\n\r\n
    BANNER:z80mbc2:\r\nZ80-MBC2 via Telnet on Port [\p]\r\nDevice connected to         [\d]\r\nConnection Speed            [\s]\r\n
    # 2000:telnet:600:/dev/ttyS0:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
    # 2001:telnet:600:/dev/ttyS1:9600 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
    # 3000:telnet:600:/dev/ttyS0:19200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner
    # 3001:telnet:600:/dev/ttyS1:19200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT banner,2023:telnet:0:/dev/ttyUSB0:115200 8DATABITS NONE 1STOPBIT z80mbc2


    Now create a login "shell"/pogram for the new local user z80mbc2 as /usr/local/bin/z80mbc2 :

    /usr/bin/telnet 2023

    Do a chmod 755  /usr/local/bin/z80mbc2


    Now we can create the new local user z80mbc2 as seen on

    adduser --shell /usr/local/bin/z80mbc2.sh -q z80mbc2


    If you havent done - connect your TTL-USB-Dongle to your SBC - and it should show up as /dev/ttyUSB0 :

    [354660.047087] usb 7-1: Product: CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller
    [354660.047099] usb 7-1: Manufacturer: Silicon Labs
    [354660.047109] usb 7-1: SerialNumber: 0001
    [354660.112318] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
    [354660.112414] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic
    [354660.131499] usbcore: registered new interface driver cp210x
    [354660.131617] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for cp210x
    [354660.131902] cp210x 7-1:1.0: cp210x converter detected
    [354660.141405] usb 7-1: cp210x converter now attached to ttyUSB0

    Now its time to reboot your SBC (I used my NanoPi K1 Plus) via

    to automatically let start ser2net-service while booting


    Now when you connect to your SBC via SSH and use the z80mbc2 User to login, you should generate a automatic and local ( telnet-login to Port 2023 where /dev/ttyUSB0 a.k.a the Z80-MBC2 device is configured.


    PS: other (german) interesting Page about ser2net:






  7. 7 hours ago, malaga said:
    I need a Operating-System for 

    - Alwinner /banana Pi A 20 
    - Udoo Quad Makerboard Rev. D.
    - Orange PI Prime rev 1.0 


    find at https://www.armbian.com/download/ all downloads ;)


    - Alwinner /banana Pi A 20


    - Udoo Quad Makerboard Rev. D.


    - Orange PI Prime rev 1.0 


  8. 14 hours ago, 9acca9 said:

    I plan to use Stockfish, but it turns out that the "pc" where I am mounting everything is a raspberry pi zero w ... and the truth is that it is very slow

    will you have any information on how to put stockfish as a server in windows 10?

    (or maybe how run stockfish with better results on a rpi zero.

    @9acca9 No wonder :) the RPi Zero is only a Single-Core SBC with max. 1GHz.
    OK - this sounds much for a normal chess-computer, but not for stockfish. You also get what you paid for :( 

    You did better buy something like a Orange Pi Zero ( a chep QuadCore SBC).

    I dont know (az this time) how to setup a Win10-Chess Server, because stockfish for Windows is only a commandline program and I dont know how to connect it externally via TCP or serial.
    All Windows GUI Chess programs can use the command-line UCI connection to use stockfish ( https://stockfishchess.org/download/windows/ )

  9. 6 hours ago, Werner said:

    Never heard of etcher.net. Maybe scam?

    Make sure you grab the tool from https://www.balena.io/etcher/


    Info on Reddit


    DO NOT download etcher from etcher.NET!

    I made this mistake while going from windows 10 to pop os. If you're going to use etcher (balena etcher) to flash a usb go to [balena.io/etcher/]. This is their real site! etcher.NET gives you nothing but a bogus installer that tries to get you to install several unwanted software, before proceeding to NOT install etcher. This is what I get for trying Bing, which recommended this above the legitimate site.


  10. where did you get the .deb for the linux-image (5.10.21-meson64)?


    Why didnt you used armbian-config (System -> Other -> Switch to other Kernel) to change the kernel/image?


    When you did selfcompile the image via armbian-build-system....did you try to update the packages like u-boot, firmware and so on before the linux-image?

  11. 1 hour ago, Elclaudio said:

    @guidol : it's possible, while, I'm not sure of it, that it work for you because you're on a 100Mbps link ?

    I've heard some reports that eth0 used to work on 100M but not on 1G in the past.

    Or it could be the environnement, connected usb device at boot, power supply.

    I don't recall also if your using an emmc or an sdcard ?

    @Elclaudio I have only power (Single-USB-Power 5V/1A from an old "Palm"-Power-Supply (PSU 157-10108-00))


    and ethernet (100MBit) connected.


    For you ;) I switched a short time my C2 to the 1GBit-Switch rebooted/tested - works also:

    [87945.551990] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down
    [87967.818374] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 100Mbps/Full - flow control off
    [88095.093734] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: Link is Down
    [88097.665953] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off
    root@odroid-c2-3( reboot
    [    2.190284] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: IRQ eth_wake_irq not found
    [    2.190304] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: IRQ eth_lpi not found
    [    2.190399] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: PTP uses main clock
    [    2.193291] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: User ID: 0x11, Synopsys ID: 0x37
    [    2.193319] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet:         DWMAC1000
    [    2.193326] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: DMA HW capability register supported
    [    2.193331] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: RX Checksum Offload Engine supported
    [    2.193336] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: COE Type 2
    [    2.193340] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: TX Checksum insertion supported
    [    2.193345] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: Wake-Up On Lan supported
    [    2.193683] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: Normal descriptors
    [    2.193695] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: Ring mode enabled
    [    2.193700] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet: Enable RX Mitigation via HW Watchdog Timer
    [    6.964191] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: PHY [stmmac-0:00] driver [RTL8211F Gigabit Ethernet] (irq=46)
    [    6.968309] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: No Safety Features support found
    [    6.968332] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: PTP not supported by HW
    [    6.968697] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: configuring for phy/rgmii link mode
    [   10.263501] meson8b-dwmac c9410000.ethernet eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control rx/tx


    On some GBit devices I use sometimes the ethtool to set speed to 100MBit but the C2 does it right on a 100MBit-Port:

    .# /etc/rc.local
    # for a 100MBit device - comment out for 1GBit
    # ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 autoneg off


    Here is the reboot with 1GBit on eth0 of my C2 (5-Port DLINK GBIt Switch):
    System diagnosis information has been uploaded to http://ix.io/2Sh8

  12. @Igor @Elclaudio

    My C2 did already work/reboot with 

    U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 14:32:21 +0300) odroid-c2


    But today I compiled the new u-boot

    U-Boot 2021.04-rc3-armbian (Mar 08 2021 - 18:12:26 +0300) odroid-c2

    which does also work/reboot fine on my C2

    System diagnosis information has been uploaded to http://ix.io/2SaS



    does also work with newer dev-kernel

    FROM Linux 5.10.19-meson64 TO Linux 5.11.4-meson64

    System diagnosis information has been uploaded to http://ix.io/2SaU




    # dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/tmp/installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
    1376+0 Datensätze ein
    1376+0 Datensätze aus
    704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0,0525366 s, 13,4 MB/s
    # strings /tmp/installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
    U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 14:32:21 +0300) odroid-c2
    # dpkg -i ./linux-u-boot-dev-odroidc2_21.05.0-trunk_arm64.deb
    cd /usr/lib/linux-u-boot-dev-odroidc2_21.05.0-trunk_arm64
    dd if=./bl1.bin.hardkernel of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1 count=442 conv=fsync > /dev/null 2>&1;
    dd if=./bl1.bin.hardkernel of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 skip=1 seek=1 conv=fsync > /dev/null 2>&1;
    dd if=./u-boot.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=97 conv=fsync > /dev/null 2>&1 
    # dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/tmp/installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
    1376+0 Datensätze ein
    1376+0 Datensätze aus
    704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0,04659 s, 15,1 MB/s
    # strings /tmp/installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
    U-Boot 2021.04-rc3-armbian (Mar 08 2021 - 18:12:26 +0300) odroid-c2



  13. @Igor just one more "repaired" patient :)
    After getting at Tuesday the NanoPi Neo working fine with his eth0 - I did gave my Orange Pi R1 a new "ride" today.


    The last months (or year) I did think his eth0 is defective, because when ethernet there is inserted the orange-led blinks only on/off and isnt accessable when the Orange Pi R1 is booted. I could only use the second ethernet port (WITH THE SAME cable) which is onboard conected via USB (enx-device)


    Today I put him on the same 1st 2x4 ports of my 16 port 100MBit Hub - and the blinking orange led stays on and does work as eth0 :)


    System diagnosis information has been uploaded to http://ix.io/2RUJ


    Because I have no more feee ports I had to move another system from the 1st to the 2nd part of the Ethernet-Switch.


    So also the Orange Pi R1 - like the NanoPi Neo - seems to have a difference on their eth0-port (phy?)  against other systems.

    Strange for me was that the 2nd onboard-USB-connected Ethernet-port did work on the same Ethernet-cable (and Switch-Port), but not on the onboard chipset-included eth0.


    So in the past we took that as some "Voodoo" and many other people with other Ethernet-Switches.

    The "solution" of @Adrian Cable should be tested in future by such network problems :)

  14. Some "strange" behaviour:

    I compiled a fresh dev-version, which has u-boot "U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 14:32:21 +0300) odroid-c2"

    and flashed it on a new sdcard:

      ___      _           _     _    ____ ____
     / _ \  __| |_ __ ___ (_) __| |  / ___|___ \
    | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \| |/ _` | | |     __) |
    | |_| | (_| | | | (_) | | (_| | | |___ / __/
     \___/ \__,_|_|  \___/|_|\__,_|  \____|_____|
    Welcome to Armbian 21.05.0-trunk Buster with Linux 5.10.19-meson64
    No end-user support: built from trunk
    package bsp-kernel[21.05.0-trunk] u-boot[21.05.0-trunk] dtb   [21.05.0-trunk]
    firmware          [21.05.0-trunk] config[21.05.0-trunk] branch[dev]
    System load:   36%              Up time:       1 min
    Memory usage:  5% of 1.85G      IP:  
    CPU temp:      45°C             Usage of /:    5% of 30G
    root@odroid-c2-3 : /home/guido# 
    dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
    1376+0 Datensätze ein
    1376+0 Datensätze aus
    704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0,0871237 s, 8,1 MB/s
    root@odroid-c2-3 : /home/guido# 
    strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
    U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Mar 03 2021 - 14:32:21 +0300) odroid-c2


    at the first boot it did boot normally. I did some changes/updated and rebooted and got this problem with eth0 like some here.

    So I think I was prepared and copied with another NanoPi the old u-boot in my home-directory on the card for flashing it to mmcblk0.


    I did expect to see the same eth0-problem on the 3rd boot, but now it does work again with the new u-boot.

    OK - not every reboot does reboot, but after pulling the power-plug - waiting 5 seconds an reconnect the power the C2 does boot here with the new u-boot like with the old u-boot of 2019 (armbian 5.77)


    I dont know if there much difference between current and dev u-boot or kernel, but for me it seems to work with the dev-version.

    Maybe a little bit tricky, but OK for a dev-version.
    I will attach here the actual dev-u-boot files for compare/test - maybe they are different to current?


    Also a boot-system-Info: uploaded to http://ix.io/2RzH



  15. @Elclaudio @Igor for your and my security here is the u-boot 

    U-Boot 2019.01-armbian (Mar 25 2019 - 18:08:02 +0300) odroid-c2

    strings ./u-boot.bin | grep 'U-Boot 20'
    U-Boot 2019.01-armbian (Mar 25 2019 - 18:08:02 +0300) odroid-c2


    out of my archive Armbian_5.77_Odroidc2_Debian_stretch_dev_5.0.4.img.zip

    (isnt armbian 5.95, but near/close for the u-boot :) )


    This u-boot is currently installed/working on my C2 in mmcblk0

    So if we want to test a newer version we can go back to a surely working ethernet-version

    (which should be newwer than from your kernel 4.19)



  16. 11 hours ago, Elclaudio said:


    Backup the current u-boot: (md5 checked against original u-boot.bin file match) the count value my be different on yours

    And check it's version :

    Indeed if you have a 2019.xx version you are ok apparently :rolleyes:

    Yes its seems also like a 2019-version (didnt changed the count - becaus it isnt a backup - only to get version:

    root@odroid-c2 : /home/guido# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=./installed_uboot.bin skip=97 count=1376
    1376+0 records in
    1376+0 records out
    704512 bytes (705 kB, 688 KiB) copied, 0.0463896 s, 15.2 MB/s
    root@odroid-c2 : /home/guido# strings ./installed_uboot.bin | grep "U-Boot 20"
    U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Dec 01 2019 - 09:31:42 +0300) odroid-c2


  17. 10 minutes ago, Elclaudio said:


    I know it's weird but hex viewing the sectors show it, the working version I installed is U-Boot 2019.07-armbian (Sep 02 2019 - 01:17:47 +0200) VS the one preinstalled which doesn't work : U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Feb 04 2021 - 00:08:45 +0100)


    The command

    strings /dev/mmcblk0 | grep 'U-Boot 20'

    gives me

    U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Dec 01 2019 - 09:31:42 +0300) odroid-c2
    # U-Boot 2020.04 Configuration
    Compiled with U-Boot 2019.01+dfsg-7
    # U-Boot 2021.01 Configuration
    # U-Boot 2021.01 Configuration
    # U-Boot 2019.10 Configuration
    U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Feb 11 2021 - 21:19:38 +0300) odroid-c2
    U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 26 2021 - 12:00:46 +0300) odroid-c2
    U-Boot 2020.10-armbian (Jan 12 2021 - 14:55:44 +0300) odroid-c2
    # U-Boot 2021.01 Configuration
    U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Feb 04 2021 - 00:09:42 +0100) odroid-c2
    U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-geb98797 (Dec 13 2017 - 15:44:38) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2011.09-rc1-00000-gc1cb2f9 (May 30 2014 - 10:19:03) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2013.10-rc2-08400-g0490093 (Oct 11 2013 - 00:40:21) Allwinner Technology
    U-Boot 2021.01-armbian (Feb 04 2021 - 00:09:42 +0100) odroid-c2


    So I think the real on my C2 working version (booting only from SDCard- so no newer u-boot flashed to emmc)  is

    U-Boot 2019.10-armbian (Dec 01 2019 - 09:31:42 +0300) odroid-c2

    because its the first entry.


    The later ones may be from the first partition? mmcblk0p1?

  18. 24 minutes ago, Elclaudio said:


    OK I FOUND THE CULPRIT ! the issue come from UBOOT like I imagined.

    After installing older uboot ETH0 worked straight away



    Is there any way (away from serial TTL boot-log) to found out which u-boot is installed on mmcblk0?


    I know I got the u-boot package

    linux-u-boot-odroidc2-dev 21.02.1  arm64 Uboot loader 2021.01

    on my C2, but doent know if this is with the .deb installed on mmcblk0.


    Because the C2 hasnt a standard pin-header (and I think 3.3V? ) I didnt got the chance for a serial boot-log on my C2 :(

    and I often do update the u-boot-packages (u-boot, kernel-image, dtb, firmware etc) but didnt flash a new image for this to the card there could be a chance that Iam using an older u-boot in mmcblk0!?

  19. On 11/28/2019 at 5:38 PM, guidol said:

    I have the feeling its could have to do with using 1GBit/1000MBit devices on the same 100MBit-Ethernet-Hub, because I do get much more of these messages when my armbian-build-system-PC is on (which uses a onboard GBit-Ethernet-Card).
    On the 100MBit-Hub there are also some other 1GBit-Devices like the NanoPi Neo2.


    @Igor and who also have an interest in this issue/topic

    After a long time - today Ethnernet is since hours stable again on my NanoPi Neo (no Network/eth0 down/up)
    BUT I didnt changed the software (armbian)

    Yesterday my NanoPi Neo had down/up (also) with Kernel 5.11.2-dev and debian buster and now today its stable since hours!


    What I did? No it wasnt the software, nor the ethernet-cable, nor the Power-Supply, nor the eth0-setting.

    I have a 16-port-Ethnernet-Hub with 100MBit, but its optical devided in 2x(2x4):

    1st   2nd
    2x4 + 2x4  = 16 ports 
    ####  ####
    ####  ####


    The nanoPi Neo was in the 2nd 2x4 ports with the problem and after putting him in the 1st 2x4 port section the NanoPi Neo port did go stable.


    In the 1st 2x4 ports are more or mostly (or only?) 100MBit devices and in the 2nd 2x4 are some/more 1GBit-devices.


    I - personally - think the NanoPi Neo Ethernet-PHY didnt/doesnt tolerate some sort of ethernet-phy at the 2nd 2x4 port-part.

    At the 1st 2x4port-part it seems he found ethernet-phys he could tolerate.

    This is for today my "absurd" theory ;) - BECAUSE it does work now for hours without a single up/down message in dmesg

  20. 2 hours ago, Elclaudio said:

    Could anyone tell me where is the u-boot file(s) on the image, I couldn't identify where it is stored. Is it possible to try another u-boot version without breaking things ?

    from the extracted (example) u-boot.deb there are  2 directorys under /usr/lib/ with 5 files, but I think it isnt a good idea to change them by hand.



    I think the best way would be via a "u-boot" .deb-file (and the kernel/dtb and so on - created via the armbian-build-system)


  21. 1 hour ago, Elclaudio said:

    Your log showed that you are connected through a 100Mbps link only.

    Yes - thats because I only got a 5-port GBit-Switch. There is my primary-PC and the Samba-Servers.
    The other part of my Network is on a 24-port 100MBit-Switch - and my C2 as DNS-Filter doenst need 1GBit ;)

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