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Hans Kurscheidt

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    Hans Kurscheidt got a reaction from robertoj in OPi Zero + H5 unable to update/upgrade from Bulleye Sunxi 64 Kernel 6.1.92 to 6.6.nn   
    Well, I tried my very best to find a solution, just to run into other Armbian peculiarities. 
    1st, the problem with the missing signature can be solved by telling apt to ignore it.
    Hence I created my apt.config settings in /etc/apt/apt.config.d as following:
    cat 99mysettings Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories "1"; Acquire::AllowWeakRepositories "0"; Acquire::AllowDowngradeToInsecureRepositories "1"; So apt started to work on it, giving the appropriate warnings:

    which I ignored, so it started the upgrade:

    just to learn, that I'm stuck again w/ Armbian. something w/ "unknown compression"
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    Hans Kurscheidt reacted to usual user in GPIO depreciation sysfs on O-PI; No /sys/class/gpio/... anymore?   
    The task of my discussion was to define a uniform GPIO naming scheme for the 40-pin connector of different devices, so that if e.g. user space addresses "con1-07", it does not matter on which device it is executed. It will always access pin 7 of the 40 pin connector. The mapping is done in an one effort via a devicetree-overlay and you get portable user space tools. However, this must be done in a collaborative effort, as no one has access to all devices to create the collection of overlays. Users can then reuse tools written for a specific task regardless of the current device and have no mapping problems like e.g. with WiringPi.
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    Hans Kurscheidt got a reaction from lanefu in Issues: Forum vs. GitHub   
    I have recently posted several issues wrt. OPi0+. GPIO (sysfs), armbian-config (bug confirmed by Igor), WiFi AP, GPIO event handling. Except for GPIO, where high activity is going on, I cannot find anything in "GitHub-issues" about the other problems, I have raised. I therefore would like to know, what would be the right place to rise issues? Here in the forum, or in GitHub?
    I mean "issues", not "how tos"
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    Hans Kurscheidt reacted to schwar3kat in GPIO depreciation sysfs on O-PI; No /sys/class/gpio/... anymore?   
    Happy that it works. 😀
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    Hans Kurscheidt reacted to lanefu in GPIO depreciation sysfs on O-PI; No /sys/class/gpio/... anymore?   
    This functionality existed in our pervious stable kernel 5.10.y and should absolutely continue to be supported. It was a breaking change that should not have happened.
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    Hans Kurscheidt got a reaction from guidol in Where is "default_trigger" set at boot for red LED Allwinner H5   
    Thank-you, that did the trick!
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