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Posts posted by Werner

  1. For 1: The red led can be turn off or used for any other purpose. I am not at home so I cannot tell you the exact location but simply do something like du -a /sys|grep led and search for the orangepi red led and trigger. For example you can do echo heartbeat > trigger and it should flicker.

    For 2: Odd. As for me I never used the HDMI on it as I prefer SSH as well. Though you can give either an older or a newer dev build image a shot and check if anything changes. Makes it easier to track it down. You may also want to provide an armbianmonitor -u output here.

    For 3: No idea.

  2. It seems like in comparison between linux-mvebu64-legacy.config and linux-mvebu-legacy.config the whole dvb secion is missing for mvebu64. the only config file that includes dvb is linux-mvebu64-legacy.config. The entire section seems missing in any other mvebu(64) config.


    I'll try looking into that.


    PR provided. For current mvebu at least. Either wait until someone approves or build your own kernel using the updated config. https://github.com/armbian/build/pull/1707

  3. I assume you connected a serial console to get this information?

    Anyway as far as I see there is a problem with dns resolution.

    Check if /etc/resolv.conf containing valid dns server addresses.

    Check if you can ping a known IPv4 address like, or



    Also interesting


    It seems like for any reason the script did not stop here as it should...

  4. Armbianmonitor:

    Armbianmonitor for 5.4.6: http://ix.io/260C



    From switching between 4.19.x and 5.4.x kernels I noticed that the lower cpu frequencies got missing.

    It should start at 120MHz like this:

    root@horangepione:~# uname -a
    Linux honeypot2 4.19.84-sunxi #19.11.3 SMP Mon Nov 18 18:39:42 CET 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux
    root@horangepione:~# cpufreq-info -o
              minimum CPU frequency  -  maximum CPU frequency  -  governor
    CPU  0       120000 kHz ( 11 %)  -    1008000 kHz (100 %)  -  ondemand
    CPU  1       120000 kHz ( 11 %)  -    1008000 kHz (100 %)  -  ondemand
    CPU  2       120000 kHz ( 11 %)  -    1008000 kHz (100 %)  -  ondemand
    CPU  3       120000 kHz ( 11 %)  -    1008000 kHz (100 %)  -  ondemand

    Though on 5.4.x the minimum frequency is 480MHz.



    Since the default cpufrequtils file was not there I created one:

    cat /etc/default/cpufrequtils
    # WARNING: this file will be replaced on board support package (linux-root-...) upgrade

    It seems to have an effect because when changing the minimum frequency it clocks up as it should.


    Frequencies beyond 1.01GHz missing as well but that is a different story...I guess.




  5. Quote

    [    6.869660] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1320000 maxuV: 1320000, not supported by regulator
    [    6.869678] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1104000000)
    [    6.869789] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1320000 maxuV: 1320000, not supported by regulator
    [    6.869797] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1200000000)
    [    6.869880] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1340000 maxuV: 1340000, not supported by regulator
    [    6.869887] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1296000000)
    [    6.869990] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1400000 maxuV: 1400000, not supported by regulator
    [    6.869996] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1368000000)

    I think this is the reason for the cap. This is the same in all kernels from 4.19.84 up to 5.5.0-rc2



    Edit: Interesting. On 4.19.35 it is still capped, though more information in dmesg

    [    5.745212] cpu cpu0: Linked as a consumer to regulator.5
    [    5.745277] cpu cpu0: Dropping the link to regulator.5
    [    5.745464] cpu cpu0: Linked as a consumer to regulator.5
    [    5.746315] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1320000 maxuV: 1320000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.746328] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1056000000)
    [    5.746436] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1320000 maxuV: 1320000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.746443] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1104000000)
    [    5.746569] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1320000 maxuV: 1320000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.746579] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1152000000)
    [    5.746669] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1320000 maxuV: 1320000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.746676] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1200000000)
    [    5.746783] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1340000 maxuV: 1340000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.746790] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1224000000)
    [    5.746926] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1340000 maxuV: 1340000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.746935] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1248000000)
    [    5.747030] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1340000 maxuV: 1340000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.747038] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1296000000)
    [    5.747155] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1400000 maxuV: 1400000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.747163] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1344000000)
    [    5.747290] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1400000 maxuV: 1400000, not supported by regulator
    [    5.747299] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1368000000)


  6. Looking decent.

      ___  ____  _    ___
     / _ \|  _ \(_)  / _ \ _ __   ___
    | | | | |_) | | | | | | '_ \ / _ \
    | |_| |  __/| | | |_| | | | |  __/
     \___/|_|   |_|  \___/|_| |_|\___|
    Welcome to Armbian Buster with Linux 5.5.0-rc2-sunxi
    root@honeypot:~# lsmod
    Module                  Size  Used by
    wireguard              57344  0



    Edit: OPi0+ looking good too.

      ___  ____  _   _____                ____  _
     / _ \|  _ \(_) |__  /___ _ __ ___   |  _ \| |_   _ ___
    | | | | |_) | |   / // _ \ '__/ _ \  | |_) | | | | / __|
    | |_| |  __/| |  / /|  __/ | | (_) | |  __/| | |_| \__ \
     \___/|_|   |_| /____\___|_|  \___/  |_|   |_|\__,_|___/
    Welcome to Armbian buster with Linux 5.5.0-rc2-sunxi64

    Though CPU is capped to 1.01GHz while the H5 should work at 1.2GHz.

    Found this:

    [    6.037059] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1320000 maxuV: 1320000, not supported by regulator
    [    6.037083] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1104000000)
    [    6.037167] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1320000 maxuV: 1320000, not supported by regulator
    [    6.037174] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1200000000)
    [    6.037301] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1340000 maxuV: 1340000, not supported by regulator
    [    6.037309] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1296000000)
    [    6.037392] core: _opp_supported_by_regulators: OPP minuV: 1400000 maxuV: 1400000, not supported by regulator
    [    6.037400] cpu cpu0: _opp_add: OPP not supported by regulators (1368000000)

    Maybe something missing in the dts?

  7. 4 hours ago, guidol said:

    I did compile with 

    ./compile.sh EXPERT=yes WIREGUARD=no AUFS=no BUILD_KSRC=no

    and it did also work for for my non-64Bit-sunxi SBCs OPi Zero, OPi One and my BPi M2 Berry ;)

    At this time I have no need for WireGuard.

    Wireguard seems to work in 5.5.0-rc2. It compiled at least.

      LD [M]  drivers/net/wireguard/wireguard.ko
      LD [M]  net/wireguard/wireguard.ko
      INSTALL drivers/net/wireguard/wireguard.ko
      INSTALL net/wireguard/wireguard.ko


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