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  1. Are there any plans to add support for the MCP7940 real-time clock? It's much cheaper than the DS1307 and mostly compatible. The biggest difference is Reg0b7 which is "Clock-Halt" in the 1307 but "STart" in the 7940. The 7940 also has some extra register bits like OSCEN which are default 0 in the 1307. I tried naively enabling the rtc-ds1307 module and it didn't work. An actual DS1307 chip worked immediately (just hot-plugging the break-out boards while executing "hwclock -rf /dev/rtc1"). The actual error I get is: "Timed out while waiting for the time to change", "The Hardware Clock registers contain values that are either invalid (e.g. 50th day of the month) or beyond the range we can handle (e.g. Year 2095)". I tried setting the time to a known good value and got just "Timed out while waiting for the time to change".
  2. HI, I success use follow UDEV rules for mount usb dev. But have problem, this can mount only one usb dev in directory /media/usb How make a multiple mounts like: /media/usb/dev1 /media/usb/dev2 etc... ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd*", SYMLINK+="usbdisk%n" ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd*", RUN+="/bin/mount /dev/%k /media/usb", OWNER="root" KERNEL=="sd[a-d][0-9]", OWNER="root" ACTION=="remove", KERNEL=="sd*", RUN+="/bin/umount /media/usb"
  3. Hi all! I need to install other packages and make a custom configuration of OS. Can I do at image building time: - Remove Armbian packages - Add other packages - Save configs at location /etc/ - Setup user name + password and Bash profiles
  4. <p style="text-align: justify;">Mbappe chia sẻ đ&atilde; suy nghĩ rất nghi&ecirc;m t&uacute;c về vấn đề sẽ chuyển sang Arsenal, Barca t&igrave;m được Iniesta mới. L&agrave; những tin ch&iacute;nh trong s&aacute;ng nay.<br /><br /><strong>Nếu kh&ocirc;ng c&oacute; PSG, Mbappe đ&atilde; l&agrave; người của Arsenal.</strong><br /><br />Kylian Mbappe đ&atilde; x&aacute;c nhận rằng Arsenal đ&atilde; gửi lời mời đến anh trong kỳ chuyển nhượng m&ugrave;a h&egrave; vừa rồi.<br />Trong chia sẻ mới nhất của m&igrave;nh, cựu tiền đạo của Monaco đ&atilde; n&oacute;i rằng Arsenal l&agrave; một nơi đến rất l&yacute; tưởng v&agrave; anh đ&atilde; suy nghĩ nghi&ecirc;m t&uacute;c về điều n&agrave;y.<br /><br />Xem th&ecirc;m:&nbsp;<strong><a href="https://bantinthethao.tv/kq-bd-ket-qua-bong-da-hom-nay.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">kết quả b&oacute;ng đ&aacute; trực tuyến</a></strong>&nbsp;<br /><br /></p> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/oePKENj.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><em>Mbappe chia sẻ rằng anh đ&atilde; từng suy nghĩ rất nghi&ecirc;m t&uacute;c về việc sẽ chuyển đến Arsenal</em></div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br />Như ch&uacute;ng ta đ&atilde; biết, cuối c&ugrave;ng Mbappe cũng đ&atilde; quyết định đầu qu&acirc;n sang PSG. Đội b&oacute;ng thủ đ&ocirc; nước Ph&aacute;p đ&atilde; c&oacute; bản hợp đồng với Monaco mượn Mbappe 1 m&ugrave;a giải, trước khi mua đứt với gi&aacute; 165 triệu bảng.<br /><br />HLV Wenger của Arsenal đ&atilde; rất muốn đưa Mbappe về với s&acirc;n Emirates. Thậm ch&iacute; họ đ&atilde; c&oacute; cuộc n&oacute;i chuyện k&eacute;o d&agrave;i 3 tiếng đồng hồ ở thủ đ&ocirc; nước Ph&aacute;p.<br /><br />&ldquo;T&ocirc;i đ&atilde; gặp Arsene Wenger, một HLV vĩ đại&rdquo;. Mbappe n&oacute;i tr&ecirc;n tờ Daily Telegraph.<br /><br />&ldquo;&Ocirc;ng ấy rất c&oacute; danh tiếng ở nước Ph&aacute;p. Ai cũng coi trọng &ocirc;ng ấy v&agrave; đ&aacute;nh gi&aacute; &ocirc;ng ấy rất cao. &Ocirc;ng ấy cũng lu&ocirc;n ch&uacute; trọng ph&aacute;t triển những t&agrave;i năng trẻ. Tuy nhi&ecirc;n t&ocirc;i vẫn muốn ở lại nước Ph&aacute;p v&agrave; cuối c&ugrave;ng đ&atilde; chọn PSG&rdquo;.<br /><br />Tiền đạo 18 tuổi n&agrave;y đ&atilde; l&agrave; mục ti&ecirc;u săn đuổi của rất nhiều những &ldquo;đại gia&rdquo; ở kỳ chuyển nhượng m&ugrave;a h&egrave; rồi. Nhưng Arsenal v&agrave; PSG l&agrave; những đội quyết t&acirc;m mang anh về nhất.<br /><br />Arsene Wenger đang rất muốn củng cố lại nh&acirc;n sự của m&igrave;nh khi Alexis Sanchez kh&ocirc;ng c&ograve;n t&acirc;m &yacute; ở lại, c&ograve;n Oezil th&igrave; c&agrave;ng ng&agrave;y chơi c&agrave;ng tệ.<br /><br />&Ocirc;ng chọn Mbappe v&igrave; d&ugrave; sao tiền đạo 18 tuổi cũng đ&atilde; c&oacute; ch&uacute;t kinh nghiệm ở b&oacute;ng đ&aacute; Anh. Chắc kh&ocirc;ng nhiều người biết Mbappe đ&atilde; từng thử việc ở Chelsea trước khi trở th&agrave;nh cầu thủ chuy&ecirc;n nghiệp.<br /><br />L&uacute;c đ&oacute; Mbappe đ&atilde; được tiếp x&uacute;c với rất nhiều ng&ocirc;i sao ở Stamford Bridge, như Didier Drogba, Florent Malouda...<br />&ldquo;Đấy l&agrave; một trải nghiệm qu&yacute; b&aacute;u. Chelsea l&agrave; một CLB lớn đầu ti&ecirc;n m&agrave; t&ocirc;i được tiếp x&uacute;c&rdquo;. Mbappe nhớ lại.<br /><br />&ldquo;L&uacute;c ấy t&ocirc;i vẫn l&agrave; một cậu b&eacute; chơi b&oacute;ng nghiệp dư, mọi chuyện ho&agrave;n to&agrave;n lạ lẫm m&agrave; trước đ&acirc;y t&ocirc;i đ&atilde; được học. Trước khi tới Chelsea, t&ocirc;i đ&atilde; chuẩn bị t&acirc;m l&yacute; rất kỹ. Nhưng vẫn bị ngợp bởi sự chuy&ecirc;n nghiệp v&agrave; h&agrave;o nho&aacute;ng của họ&rdquo;.<br /><br />&ldquo;Đ&uacute;ng thế, mọi thứ đều rất chuy&ecirc;n nghiệp. Từ phong th&aacute;i của họ, c&aacute;ch họ tập luyện v&agrave; thi đấu cho đến những cơ sở vật chất&rdquo;.<br /><br />&ldquo;L&uacute;c đấy t&ocirc;i đ&atilde; tự nhủ rằng t&ocirc;i phải chơi cho một đội b&oacute;ng như vậy. T&ocirc;i muốn l&agrave; một phần trong số họ. Lu&ocirc;n thi đấu hết m&igrave;nh v&agrave; mang đến những niềm vui cho mọi người&rdquo;.<br /><br /><strong>L&ograve; đ&agrave;o tạo La Masia lại sinh ra một nh&acirc;n t&agrave;i mới.</strong><br /><br />Carles Alena được cho l&agrave; một thần đồng ở La Masia. V&agrave; mới đấy Barcelona đ&atilde; phải k&yacute; hợp đồng với tiền vệ t&agrave;i năng n&agrave;y v&igrave; kh&ocirc;ng muốn sớm để mất anh v&agrave;o tay những đội b&oacute;ng kh&aacute;c.<br /><br />Năm nay mới bước sang tuổi 19, nhưng Alena đ&atilde; buộc Barca phải nhanh ch&oacute;ng k&yacute; hợp đồng gia hạn th&ecirc;m 3 năm với cầu thủ n&agrave;y, k&egrave;m theo điều khoản sẽ tự động gia hạn th&ecirc;m 2 năm nữa nếu như anh được l&ecirc;n đội 1 của Barcelona.<br /><br /></p> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/Evgs1nR.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><em>Barca đ&atilde; k&yacute; hợp đồng 3 năm với Carles Alena</em></div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br />Alena đ&atilde; c&oacute; b&agrave;n thắng ra mắt của m&igrave;nh trước Hercules trong Copa del Rey m&ugrave;a trước v&agrave; anh cũng đ&atilde; c&oacute; th&ecirc;m 3 lần v&agrave;o s&acirc;n thay người ở La Liga.<br /><br />Gia nhập l&ograve; đ&agrave;o tạo La Masia từ năm l&ecirc;n 7 tuổi, Alena được coi l&agrave; một cầu thủ c&oacute; triển vọng s&aacute;ng nhất của CLB.<br />Điều khoản mua lại hợp đồng mới của anh được Barca ấn định với mức gi&aacute; 75 triệu euro.<br /><br />Chủ tịch của Barca, &ocirc;ng Josep Maria Bartomeu chia sẻ: &ldquo;Ch&uacute;ng t&ocirc;i đ&atilde; đạt được thỏa thuận với Carles Alena. V&agrave; hợp đồng giữa hai b&ecirc;n đ&atilde; được k&yacute; kết. Ch&uacute;ng ta đ&atilde; c&oacute; th&ecirc;m một cầu thủ trẻ t&agrave;i năng mới, với sự cống hiến kh&ocirc;ng ngừng nghỉ. Xin ch&uacute;c mừng&rdquo;.<br /><br />Trong khoảng 2 năm trở lại đ&acirc;y, Alena đ&atilde; trở th&agrave;nh một trụ cột ở La Masia. Trong m&ugrave;a giải trước cầu thủ 19 tuổi n&agrave;y cũng đ&atilde; được HLV Luis Enrique thử nghiệm trong một, hai trận đấu của Barca v&agrave; nh&igrave;n chung anh đều thể hiện kh&aacute; tốt.<br /><br />V&agrave; ngay từ khi tiếp quản chiếc ghế của HLV Luis Enrique, Valverde đ&atilde; nhấn mạnh sẽ tiếp tục duy tr&igrave; v&agrave; ph&aacute;t triển l&ograve; La Masia lớn mạnh hơn nữa để tiếp nối truyền thống của CLB. V&agrave; Alena ch&iacute;nh l&agrave; sản phẩm mới nhất của họ.<br /><br /></p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Xem th&ecirc;m:&nbsp;<strong><a href="https://bantinthethao.tv/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">B&oacute;ng đ&aacute; online</a></strong>&nbsp;</p> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/mZbagg3.jpg" alt="" border="0" /></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><em>Iniesta (b&ecirc;n tr&aacute;i) l&agrave; thần tượng của Carles Alena</em></div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><br />Barca đ&atilde; kh&ocirc;ng thể c&oacute; được chữ k&yacute; của những ng&ocirc;i sao như Marco Verratti hay Philippe Coutinho trong m&ugrave;a h&egrave; n&agrave;y n&ecirc;n việc ph&aacute;t triển v&agrave; t&igrave;m kiếm nh&acirc;n sự thay thế ở La Masia l&agrave; tối quan trọng. Carles Alena được coi l&agrave; hiện th&acirc;n mới của Andres Iniesta.<br /><br />Thừa hưởng niềm đam m&ecirc; b&oacute;ng đ&aacute; từ người cha ruột vốn l&agrave; một cầu thủ nghiệp dư, Alena nhanh ch&oacute;ng bộc lộ được những phẩm chất của m&igrave;nh từ hồi c&ograve;n b&eacute; v&agrave; anh mơ ước sẽ được l&agrave; một cầu thủ nổi tiếng.<br /><br />Alena c&oacute; d&aacute;ng người nhỏ th&oacute; (giống với Iniesta, thần tượng của anh). Nhưng kh&ocirc;ng v&igrave; thế m&agrave; anh bị người kh&aacute;c coi thường. Ngược lại, những đối thủ phải e d&egrave; anh, khi nh&igrave;n v&agrave;o chiếc &aacute;o số 10 m&agrave; anh đang mang, nhất l&agrave; mỗi khi Alena c&oacute; b&oacute;ng.<br /><br />Bị ảnh hưởng bởi lối chơi của Rivaldo, đặc biệt l&agrave; Iniesta, Alena cũng thường c&oacute; những pha đi b&oacute;ng xộc thẳng v&agrave;o trung lộ của đối phương v&agrave; tung ra những c&uacute; s&uacute;t mang t&iacute;nh &ldquo;chết ch&oacute;c&rdquo;.<br /><br />B&agrave;n thắng v&agrave;o lưới Hercules trong C&uacute;p Nh&agrave; Vua m&ugrave;a trước ch&iacute;nh l&agrave; minh chứng r&otilde; n&eacute;t nhất cho điều n&agrave;y.<br />Ở nước Anh, M.U cũng đ&atilde; nh&ograve;m ng&oacute; tới tiền vệ 19 tuổi của Barca. Nhưng Alena muốn ở lại Barca v&agrave; được c&aacute;c Cule c&ocirc;ng nhận như l&agrave; một phần lịch sử của đội b&oacute;ng xứ Catalunya, giống với thần tượng của anh, Andres Iniesta.<br /><br /><strong>Nguồn:&nbsp;<a href="https://bantinthethao.tv/mbappe-suyt-dong-long-wenger-barca-tim-duoc-mot-iniesta-moi.html" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://bantinthethao.tv/mbappe-suyt-dong-long-wenger-barca-tim-duoc-mot-iniesta-moi.html</a></strong></p> Hello, I bought Orange Pi Plus 2Xin chào, tôi đã mua Orange Pi Plus 2 and I have a banana router r1 on both devices I installed armbian it works good but I need just server + nginx + lua could you please help me, how to reduce the size of installed OS because 1.6Gb its too much Thank you
  5. Hi Guys, My current system has 128MB of SWAP area for RAM. I think it's located on SD card by default, however I have eMMC (8GB) on board. Is there any way to extend SWAP area to use this 8GB or less of eMMC which can be faster than SD card. Is there any way to extend SWAP area even on SD card on working system?
  6. I have an orange pi 2e running armbian 5.31. I wanted to use it as a pihole for blocking advertisements however it seems that it only has a link local address but no IPV6 connection to the internet. pinging 2001:4860:4860::8888 will show destination unreachable: Beyond scope of source address. However I have another PI, windows desktop on the same network than can ping the same IPV6 address. Is there a way to force "enable" IPV6?
  7. Hello! I asked this question here: https://github.com/zador-blood-stained/fel-mass-storage/issues/1, but I decided to ask again. Is there a way to boot the current mainline u-boot via FEL? Is it easy to support this issue? I would be happy to receive any help. Thanks, Aleksandr
  8. Hi Do anyone know how to disable boot directly Gui ( auto login and start gui ) I m using armbian desktop. Please help. tks
  9. Hi guys, I am tying to get HW video acceleration to work without a full desktop environment. Right now, I am able to get videos to start to play with startx /usr/bin/mpv --vo=x11 video.mkv. However, the video seems to be software decoded. I have tried startx /usr/bin/mpv --vo=vdpau video.mkv but mpv failed to start with an error message "[vo/vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 1Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.Video: no videoA0". I have also tried startx /usr/bin/mpv --vo=x11 --hwdec=vdpau video.mkv but the video doesn't seem to be hardware accelerated. Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks!
  10. I need connection MFRC522 and Mifare DESFire EV1 with python. Use code this project def __init__(self, dev='/dev/spidev1.0', spd=1000000): spi.openSPI(device=dev,speed=spd) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.output(self.NRSTPD, 1) self.MFRC522_Init() def MFRC522_Init(self): GPIO.output(self.NRSTPD, 1) self.MFRC522_Reset(); self.Write_MFRC522(self.TModeReg, 0x8D) self.Write_MFRC522(self.TPrescalerReg, 0x3E) self.Write_MFRC522(self.TReloadRegL, 30) self.Write_MFRC522(self.TReloadRegH, 0) self.Write_MFRC522(self.TxAutoReg, 0x40) self.Write_MFRC522(self.ModeReg, 0x3D) self.AntennaOn() Code for Tags Information: (status,TagType) = MIFAREReader.MFRC522_Request(MIFAREReader.PICC_REQIDL) It will return (status,TagType): (2,0) for DESFIre - its NO DATA. (0, 16) for mifare classis - GOod data Dont see MIFARE DESFire and good work with china classic mifare cards I need help and pay 100$ for real solution
  11. Hi, I'm new at this forum and I'm a little more than a newbie about linux for embedded systems. I need quickly to start an application on login of armbian, after the autologin of the user(no root). I don't know how to do. I did it in the past on archlinux using getty on tty1, but on armbian it not work. I put my application on /home/user/.profile. The system start, then I connect with ssh and my application start. It seems start as no logged user. Maybe is my board(nanopi neo) that has not output video and I can see output only with ssh or serial cable. Any advice ? Thanks a lot in advance
  12. Tutorial for ili9325 and spfd5408 soon tutorial for fastes ili9341
  13. I had problems When i tried- To change root password at Boot as asked and the system always halted.i tried différent sd card and goût the sa me issue. What should i do?
  14. Hi, I wanted to upgrade armbian today, but unfortunately I get a lot of errors: ... (many same errors before) dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/acpi/acpi_bus.h': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/acpi/acpi.h': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/acpi/acoutput.h': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/acpi/acnames.h': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/acpi/acexcep.h': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/acpi/acconfig.h': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/acpi/acbuffer.h': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-installed version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/acpi': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include/Kbuild': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-installed version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/include': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/Module.symvers': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-extracted version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi/.config': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to remove newly-installed version of `/usr/src/linux-headers-4.11.6-sunxi': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to restore backup version of `/usr/share/doc/linux-headers-next-sunxi/copyright': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to restore backup version of `/usr/share/doc/linux-headers-next-sunxi/changelog.Debian.gz': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to securely remove '/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci': Read-only file system dpkg: error while cleaning up: unable to securely remove '/var/lib/dpkg/reassemble.deb': Read-only file system dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-next-sunxi_5.32_armhf.deb (--unpack): error ensuring `/var/lib/dpkg/reassemble.deb' doesn't exist: Read-only file system dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-u-boot-bananapi-next_5.31_armhf.deb (--unpack): error ensuring `/var/lib/dpkg/reassemble.deb' doesn't exist: Read-only file system dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/sudo_1.8.10p3-1+deb8u4_armhf.deb (--unpack): error ensuring `/var/lib/dpkg/reassemble.deb' doesn't exist: Read-only file system dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/sunxi-tools_1.4.2-1~armbian5.31+1_armhf.deb (--unpack): error ensuring `/var/lib/dpkg/reassemble.deb' doesn't exist: Read-only file system dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/unzip_6.0-16+deb8u3_armhf.deb (--unpack): error ensuring `/var/lib/dpkg/reassemble.deb' doesn't exist: Read-only file system Processing triggers for man-db ( ... dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: unable to flush updated status of `man-db': Read-only file system dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe) E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) E: Failed to write temporary StateFile /var/lib/apt/extended_states.tmp Why is there a read-only file system?? Upgrades/Updates worked before flawlessly. server@bananaserver:~$ mount sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) proc on /proc type proc (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,relatime,size=10240k,nr_inodes=125346,mode=755) devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000) tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,size=204828k,mode=755) /dev/mmcblk0p1 on / type ext4 (ro,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600) securityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime) tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev) tmpfs on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=5120k) tmpfs on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,release_agent=/lib/systemd/systemd-cgroups-agent,name=systemd) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,blkio) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/memory type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/devices type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls,net_prio type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls,net_prio) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,perf_event) cgroup on /sys/fs/cgroup/pids type cgroup (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,pids) systemd-1 on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type autofs (rw,relatime,fd=23,pgrp=1,timeout=300,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct) debugfs on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw,relatime) mqueue on /dev/mqueue type mqueue (rw,relatime) configfs on /sys/kernel/config type configfs (rw,relatime) fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw,relatime) tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime) /dev/sda1 on /mnt/nas-speicher type ext4 (rw,noatime,data=ordered) tracefs on /sys/kernel/debug/tracing type tracefs (rw,relatime) tmpfs on /run/user/1000 type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,size=102416k,mode=700,uid=1000,gid=1000) Any help on how to solve this issue is very welcome!! :-) Thank you for reading! schoolbian ...teacher and "admin" in primary school :-)
  15. Hi all! I just interested, what it is sunxi-CODEC and what's the difference between sunxi-sndi2s? card 0: sunxicodec [sunxi-CODEC], device 0: M1 PCM [sunxi PCM] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 1: sunxisndi2s [sunxi-sndi2s], device 0: SUNXI-I2S sndi2s-0 [] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 Regards, Alex
  16. How use s_rsb0 as TWI ???
  17. Hi, I'm testing a clone of Waveshare 3.5" (A) TFT with the mainline kernel and I've trouble with colors With legacy kernel works very well until SPI driver hangs (see https://github.com/notro/fbtft/issues/413 for reference) due to a bug So I've decided to test it with the new kernel The TFT is attached on SPI1 and I'm able to correctly load fbtft_device (with ILI9486) and I'm able to start xorg, executing SDL & GLX application But all the colors are wrong. I've also tested bgr or mode args during modprobe without any results I attach a photo of the display running glxgears with kernel module loaded as follow modprobe fbtft_device custom name=fb_ili9486 buswidth=8 gpios=dc:18,reset:2 speed=16000000 busnum=1 rotate=0 width=320 height=480 Any suggestion? PS original glxgears colors
  18. Hello people, I am interested in designing a cooler for OPI Zero and OPI LIte. Next is the formula of calculus: I am NOT able to find next parameters: T_Jmax = this is the DIE(microprocessor) wanted temperature ---> is this 30-40 degrees best temperature for OPI for well functioning in parameters? P_DMAX = power that is generated by the losses of OPI Zero board and OPI Lite board. Q_jc = thermal resistance between DIE(microcontroller) and case Can please someone help? Thanks.
  19. I have a small C program where a GPIO pin on Orange Pi is polled using digitalRead. It works fine and detects HIGH and LOW as expected. When I put a dupont wire with nothing connected at the other end (ie. just extend the GPIO pin) digitalRead starts registering intermittent HIGHs and LOWs wildly. What the heck am I seeing? I have a Raspberry 3 nearby and it does not show this phenomenom. Using digitalWrite on the pin works as expected.
  20. Hi, I'm using H2+ at the moment with Ubuntu Server. But I can switch to Armbian if that will solve the issues. The board is powered from battery. Power consumption is essential. I totally don't need GPU and USB. Any idea how I can disable them? Thanks
  21. Hi, I ran into an issue when configuring ssh. As it seems, ssh listens only to the first interface that is enabled (it seems it is always eth0). Probably, if I set a listen to 192.168.x.x in the config file of the sshd (same as the IP set in the wlan0), and a different network on the ethernet, it would work, but as I won't be using ethernet I would rather disable it completly. I tried already ifdown, ifconfig down, ifconfig eth0 down && rmmod -f sunxi_gmac, and some others. I even tried removing nmtui just to check if that was causing the problem. all what that step does is removing the bond0 interface (something I would like to do too). I checked the interface config file and everything seems in order (even tried to comment out everything and also comment out everything and just leaving auto eth0 and the inet dhcp thing - same for wlan0). But when I reboot, the interface becomes active again. (sorry if the post is duplicated, but I didn't find anything on the forum) Is there anything else I can do? Thanks!
  22. Hello everyone I own some noname chinese Android stick, which has Allwinner A20 CPU. Unfortunately, long time ago seller cheated me and device has 512 MB ram instead of 1GB (4 gigabit chips..). It has some "Android" firmware (which shows 1GB), but I cannot find nor backup, neither upgrade firmware. Not a big deal, since device not in active use. I tried Armbian Cubeiboard2 and pcDuino3 builds - everything working like a charm, desktop starts, so I want to run sata-nand install for Armbian for legacy kernel - /dev/nand is here, and I can even dump a "backup" of NAND to have it "just in case". Some help is really appreciated (some questions): I run "sata-nand-install" or whatever it called - it will erase/repartition nand and install the system... Is there a catch ? Assuming NAND is detected, working and writable - what bad things can happen ? If (1) will run smoothly, can I prepare system on microSD (like replace firefox to something more robust, enable ZRAM, etc) and will settings/applications will be transferred to NAND via install script ? I tried only Cubieboard 2 and pcDuino3 - but there are more devices A20 in download section. May be some other device image is more suitable for such experiments ? How I can disable ethernet - via editing script.bin or should I recompile kernel ? pcDuino build tries to enable gmac, fails and I can continue, but Cubieboard2 builds keeps probing until I will say "ifdown eth0". I tried sunxi kernels longtime ago (before active Armbian development) and script.bin patching helped... If script.bin is good way to do this, please point me please to armbian-style-compatible tutorail Thanks a lot for your answers in advance.
  23. Good morning, I'm new to the community and I'm having problems with wifi adapters driver. I tested some changes that were not recognized. Now I'm testing a RTL8088CU, it came to be recognized at first, but after typing the wifi password it restarted itself and when the call back goes into conflict with the bluetooth dongle and back off. I'm interpreting this as a driver problem, where can I find the usb wifi driver and do its installation? Thank you
  24. Hi, All! I have modified w1-therm kernel module. Now device directory contains two more files w1_read and w1_convert_all. You can read sensor memory without triggering temperature conversion using the first one and you can trigger the temperature conversion on all sensors (implemented using "skip ROM") with the second one. I needed this modification to speed up sensor reading. Now I start temperature measurement on all sensors (it takes 750ms on 18B20) and then read the results. Earlier reading sensor (using w1_slave) required 750+ms for each sensor. Here is the result for my 10sensors 1wire network (using the usual w1_slave required 8.5sec, with new features of the modified w1_term reading required 1.2sec). I have tested it on the Orange PI PC Plus board with 10 DS18B20 sensors in the network. Is anybody interested? What should I do to share my work? P.S. The patch is here https://github.com/sov1178/linux/commit/3775c3506830cd3c5b60e79f57ed15f2ac86a4f8
  25. Can anyone confirm that they have been able to view a 4K video, output to a 4K display (@30fps) on Orange Pi (lower end boards like One/Lite)? What software/configuration were used?
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