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  1. mikaey

    Orange Pi 4

    Ok...so the verdict is I have a bad TTL adapter. I have a Rock64 and some jumper wires, and the Rock64 has a UART on it capable of running a 1500000 baud...so I wired up the debug pins on the OPi to the UART on the Rock64 -- and bam, I get stuff that I can at least read. (The only bad thing is that the Rock64 leaks voltage out of the UART pins...so the board tries to power on as soon as you hook it up.) Without the SD card? I think you're right -- it tries to boot into Android. I see a bunch of messages from the kernel, and then it drops into a shell. (Interestingly, it also spits out a bunch of errors b/c the filesystem is read-only...but whatever.) With the SD card? Here's what I get: �DDR Version 1.14 20180803 In Channel 0: LPDDR4,50MHz CS = 0 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x4D MR14=0x4D MR18=0x0 MR19=0x0 MR24=0x8 MR25=0x0 CS = 1 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR14=0x4D MR18=0x0 MR19=0x0 MR24=0x8 MR25=0x0 Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15/15 CS=2 Die Bus-Width=16 Size= LPDDR4,50MHz CS = 0 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x4D MR14=0x4D MR18=0x0 MR19=0x0 MR24=0x8 MR25=0x0 CSMR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x4D MR14=0x4D MR18=0x0 MR19=0x0 MR24=0x8 MR25=0x0 Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15/1S=2 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=2048MB 256B stride channel 0 CS = 0 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x7MR19=0x0 MR24=0x8 MR25=0x0 CS = 1 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x72 MR14=0x72 MR18=channel 1 CS = 0 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x7R19=0x0 MR24=0x8 MR25=0x0 CS = 1 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x72 MR14=0x72 MR18=0x0 MR 0 training pass! channel 1 training pass! change freq to 400MHz 0,1 channel 0 CS = 0 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x72 MR14=0x72 MR18=0x0 MR19=0x0 25=0x0 CS = 1 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x72 MR14=0x72 MR18=0x0 MR19=0x0 MR24=0x8 MR25=0x0 channel 1 CS = 0 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x72 MR14=0x72 MR18=0x0 MR19=0x0 MR0=0x18 MR4=0x1 MR5=0x1 MR8=0x8 MR12=0x72 MR14=0x72 MR18=0x0 MR19=0x0 MR24=0x8 MR25=0x0 channel 0 training pass! channel change freq to 800MHz 1,0 ch 0 ddrconfig = 0x101, ddrsize = 0x2020 ch 1 ddrconfig = 0x101, ddrsize = 0x2020 pmugrf_os_reg[2] = Boot1: 2018-08-06, version: 1.15 CPUId = 0x0 ChipType = 0x10, SdmmcInit=2 0 BootCapSize=100000 UserCapSize=14910MB FwPartOfmmc0:cmd5,20 SdmmcInit=0 0 BootCapSize=0 UserCapSize=15193MB FwPartOffset=2000 , 0 StorageInit ok = 182421 SecureMode = 0 SecureInit read PBA: 0x4 SecureInit read PBA: 0x404 SecureInit read PBA: 0x804 SecureInit read PBA: 0xc04 SecureInit read PBA: 0x1004 SecureInit read PBA: 0x1404 SecureInit read PBA: 0x1804 SecureInit read PBA: 0x1c04 SecureInit ret = 0, SecureMode = 0 GPT 0x3190d20 signature is wrong LoadTrust Addr:0x4000 No find bl30.bin No find bl32.bin Load uboot, ReadLba = 2000 Load OK, addr=0x200000, size=0xa69c4 RunBL31 0x10000 NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(debug):f947c7e NOTICE: BL31: Built : 20:19 BTW -- I didn't have to connect TP50625 to anything to get it to boot off the SD card. So...next step -- maybe try to build a new U-Boot?
  2. Also, if you are going to use the board for LUKS encrypted storage, you may want to have good disk IO performance. So you should probably aim for something with USB3 or PCI support. Rock64 seems like a good option to me, if you want something affordable.
  3. Many thanks for your response. I just don't understand why. With my old system stretch-openmediavault-rock64-0.9.14-1159-armhf.img everything worked without problems. Now I have determined: after about 30min to 1st hour I can quite normally use hostname on e.g. Access OMV GUI. That is very confusing.
  4. Hi guys, I was wondering whether the image for, e.g., the Rock64 can be expected to work also on a TV-Box with RK3328 chipset, for example this one? Cheers, chessplayer
  5. Sorry for the long delay ... I used the Espressobin and Rock64 pro. With my espressobin I noticed the extra material in the slot was stressing the connector. I ended up going with another carrier board like this - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T7NJZTY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I tried several kinds, the ones with the little flip SIM card holder held the sim card more consistently. The little snap in types kept snapping out. Some have minute sizing differences, one fit perfectly on the espressobin, some wouldn't clip in. I really dug that little sim card adapter at first, but it ends up being a real pain if you do anything but put it in and leave it.
  6. I have a 4G Rev 2 Rock64 that is running like a champ on current - 5.4.2 as of this writing, as far as USB and Ethernet are concerned. I did have to blacklist UAS for all my USB drives, and now the board is rock solid even with heavy disk and network IO. I do have one problem though, I have no sound. I have the following loaded (automatically): root@chdock:/home/sugata# cat /proc/modules |grep snd snd_soc_rk3328 16384 0 - Live 0xffff800008dc9000 And yet, I get this: root@chdock:/home/sugata# aplay -l aplay: device_list:272: no soundcards found... I searched around this forum and nothing obvious came up. Any ideas?
  7. Same here, after updating to the 5.3.11 kernel my Rock64 4GB rev2 doesn't come up from the SD. I have a USB SATA-SSD, but no HDMI attached. The 4.4 kernel works perfectly fine, so I reverted back to that one. I guess we'll have to wait some time for the current branch to become fully stable.
  8. After 2 boot crash restarts my Rock64 4GB rev2 on Micro SD has come up on 5.3.11 kernel. rock64:~$ uname -a Linux rock64 5.3.11-rockchip64 #19.11.3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 18 21:03:09 CET 2019 aarch64 GNU/Linux It looks like the first two times `pstate: 60000085` then on the 3rd time: `pstate: 20000005`. 3rd time still has stack trace related to zstd but otherwise makes it through. I have USB SATA-SSD (Pine store), eMMC (pine store) cards and another 6 Rock64's if there is anything I can do/provide. I'm tempted to try load up Kubernetes on them all with this image and see how stable it is. Okay, it lasted about 5 minutes. Has a Pine store heatsink. Failed during apt upgrade (download fast 1Gbps) but nothing after that. Have switched to a 30A 5V supply running 5V (multimeter) just in case the Pine store PSU is too weak but haven't been able to get it to boot again. ArchlinuxARM has come up on first boot with 5.3.1 and crashed after a few minutes.
  9. Thanks for fixing this! I couldn't do umlauts on my Rock64 via ssh. The internet suggested editing etc/inputrc, but I figured this couldn't be the root of the problem. So have been a little lost here for a while. --- food for search engine: (arg: 6)
  10. If you follow the link I posted above, you will see at the status matrix that, indeed, encoding is not yet implemented. It has the most standard and easy to implement and use interface, v4l2-m2m XU4, MC1 and HC1 are sold now for less than $50, which I consider cheap considering its power, features and stability. Take into consideration that one of these can do the work of four to six H3 boards, for example. And if you want to build a farm, you can stack several HC1 or MC1, and put a fan on them, which will make them run steadily at maximum frequency. If you still want something cheaper with HW encoding, then you can go for a 1Gb Rock64, but these boards are having lots of stability problems lately.
  11. Hello, this was my way to make RTC DS3231 works on rock64. apt-get install i2c-tools - /etc/rc.local /lib/udev/hwclock-set /dev/rtc1 exit 0 - /lib/udev/hwclock-set if [ -e /run/systemd/system ] ; then # exit 0 /bin/enable_dtoverlay i2c0 i2c@ff150000 okay echo ds1307 0x68 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/new_device fi #if [ -e /run/udev/hwclock-set ]; then # exit 0 #fi HCTOSYS_DEVICE=rtc1 Copy to /bin/ and make executable https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-package/master/root/usr/local/sbin/enable_dtoverlay systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd.service systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd.service systemctl stop fake-hwclock.service systemctl disable fake-hwclock.service sudo apt-get -y remove fake-hwclock apt install chrony
  12. Hi all, and thanks for this great install script! I've been using a Raspberry Pi 3 as my main video player for a while and I recently switched to a Rock64. After installing the required dependencies with the media script and using mpv-gbm for playback, I noticed that the video playback was choppy and mpv would drop frames, even for "small" (i.e. non-4k) videos. I tracked down the problem to the display mode not being set right by mpv: whatever the video format, my display would be set to 3840x2160p60 (as seen from /var/log/kern.log). After manually setting the right display mode, the video playback is perfectly smooth and there are no more frame drops. For example: mpv-gbm --drm-mode=25 bbb_sunflower_1080p_30fps_normal.mp4 mpv-gbm --drm-mode=19 bbb_sunflower_1080p_60fps_normal.mp4 You can get a list of the DRM display modes with: cat /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/modes | nl -v 0 As a side note, I have not been able to play 2160p content at more than 15 fps and trying to play 2160p60 content even resulted in a corrupt display (green bands and pieces of picture jumping around). Thanks again!
  13. Sigh, no change using /dev/mmcblk1p2. Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr 2949 bytes read in 21 ms (136.7 KiB/s) ## Executing script at 00500000 Boot script loaded from mmc 1 reading /boot/uInitrd ** Unable to read file /boot/uInitrd ** reading /boot/Image ** Unable to read file /boot/Image ** reading /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dtb ** Unable to read file /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dtb **
  14. Well, firstly don't overwrite your u-boot sectors with a fat partition. Nothing works. Secondly: rootdev=/dev/mmcblk0p2 isn't it either. I get: This seems like the relevant portion of the log: mmc1 is current device Scanning mmc 1:2... Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr 2949 bytes read in 21 ms (136.7 KiB/s) ## Executing script at 00500000 Boot script loaded from mmc 1 reading /boot/uInitrd ** Unable to read file /boot/uInitrd ** reading /boot/Image ** Unable to read file /boot/Image ** reading /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dtb ** Unable to read file /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dtb ** It appears it found /boot/boot.scr, but then didn't find other files. Oh - maybe it's mmcblk1p2...
  15. Hello, here the result: sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/mmc0/ios [sudo] password for rock64: clock: 0 Hz vdd: 0 (invalid) bus mode: 2 (push-pull) chip select: 0 (don't care) power mode: 0 (off) bus width: 0 (1 bits) timing spec: 0 (legacy) signal voltage: 0 (1.80 V) driver type: 0 (driver type B) sudo stress-ng --cpu 4 --cpu-method matrixprod --metrics-brief --perf -t 600 stress-ng: info: [13868] dispatching hogs: 4 cpu stress-ng: info: [13868] cache allocate: using built-in defaults as unable to determine cache details stress-ng: info: [13868] successful run completed in 600.76s (10 mins, 0.76 secs) stress-ng: info: [13868] stressor bogo ops real time usr time sys time bogo ops/s bogo ops/s stress-ng: info: [13868] (secs) (secs) (secs) (real time) (usr+sys time) stress-ng: info: [13868] cpu 3571 600.32 2236.16 4.99 5.95 1.59 stress-ng: info: [13868] cpu: stress-ng: info: [13868] 288 System Call Enter 0.48 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 284 System Call Exit 0.47 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 57,160 Kmalloc 95.15 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Kmalloc Node 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 124,180 Kfree 206.70 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 74,176 Kmem Cache Alloc 123.47 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Kmem Cache Alloc Node 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 160,896 Kmem Cache Free 267.82 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 2,072 MM Page Alloc 3.45 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 10,656 MM Page Free 17.74 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 1,481,848 RCU Utilization 2.47 K/sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 2,992 Sched Migrate Task 4.98 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Sched Move NUMA 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 83,780 Sched Wakeup 139.46 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Sched Proc Exec 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Sched Proc Exit 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Sched Proc Fork 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 288 Sched Proc Free 0.48 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Sched Proc Hang 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Sched Proc Wait 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 102,808 Sched Switch 171.13 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 4 Signal Generate 0.01 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 4 Signal Deliver 0.01 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 616,276 IRQ Entry 1.03 K/sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 616,276 IRQ Exit 1.03 K/sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 689,484 Soft IRQ Entry 1.15 K/sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 689,484 Soft IRQ Exit 1.15 K/sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Writeback Dirty Inode 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Writeback Dirty Page 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 Migrate MM Pages 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 63,200 SKB Consume 105.20 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 180 SKB Kfree 0.30 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 IOMMU IO Page Fault 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 IOMMU Map 0.00 /sec stress-ng: info: [13868] 0 IOMMU Unmap 0.00 /sec Is that good? Pls check.
  16. It would be interesting to try the new kernel 5.x . If the hardware that is responsible for the work of eMMC is all right and the device works stably from the SD card, then the problem is in the settings for eMMC and need to check the settings of DTB to work with eMMC or u-boot. P.S. I don't have Rock64, so all of the above is just a guess. On TV boxes with rk3328 and the built-in eMMC at me everything works without problems from eMMC.
  17. Hello, I've the Rock64 4G v2.0 - 2017-0713. I tried to install different OS but I get similar errors and problems as yours. The SBC stuck after a while or lost the connection after high I/O traffic with my SSD on the USB3. If It can help you, I describe here how I could installed a clean Armbian on my rock64: - Download u-boot-flash-spi-rock64.img.xz from here and use Etcher to write to a new micro SD card; I used SanDisk Ultra 16GB microSDHC, Class 10. - Download OS image “Armbian 5.69 Ubuntu Bionic default, Kernel 4.4.167” from the archive here and use Etcher to write to the SSD. - I both a new power supply because I get some under voltage errors. But I still have to measure the differences. I've got this by amazon. - Insert the SD card into Rock64 and boot it. It will automatically flash the SPI memory. Wait until the white LED on Rock64 blink once per second. Wait for some more time just to ensure the writing is done and then remove the SD card and power off the board. - Connect network cable to Rock64 and attach the SSD to USB 3.0 port and then boot Rock64. Log in only with HDMI monitor and Keyboard and change the pw and user name. - Connect the SSD to another linux and check and repair the partition (job 1) and extend it till the end (job 2). - Re-connect the SSD and go to armbian-config and then freeze the Kernel and File System. Check desmeg results. Try also to connect with ssh. I get now a clean and stable board and I´m happy after many month trials. If I can help someone would be nice. Let me know.
  18. So, I'm out of ideas now. I have done all of the above, in-fact mounted the whole filesystem (eg. /root) as RO so definitely there are no writes happening on the EMMC card (double checking with iostat -dzp 1). And _still_ the board crashes! This is debian Buster with Armbian 5.98 Linux 4.4.192-rockchip64. Debian Buster with Armbian Linux ttyS2 hattusa login: [ 136.670721] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 1dd659848 [ 136.670724] Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 1dd644848 [ 136.670728] pgd = ffffffc0ec1f5000 [ 136.670739] [1dd644848] *pgd=0000000000000000, *pud=0000000000000000 [ 136.670745] Internal error: Oops: 96000005 [#1] SMP [ 136.670765] Modules linked in: af_packet lz4hc lz4hc_compress zlib rk_vcodec lzo zram overlay ip_tables x_tables autofs4 uas usb_storage [ 136.670772] CPU: 1 PID: 1342 Comm: rslsync Not tainted 4.4.192-rockchip64 #1 [ 136.670774] Hardware name: Pine64 Rock64 (DT) [ 136.670777] task: ffffffc0e7810000 task.stack: ffffffc0f7adc000 [ 136.670787] PC is at handle_mm_fault+0x88/0x10ac [ 136.670790] LR is at handle_mm_fault+0x74/0x10ac [ 136.670793] pc : [<ffffff80081bd74c>] lr : [<ffffff80081bd738>] pstate: a0000145 [ 136.670795] sp : ffffffc0f7adfcb0 [ 136.670799] x29: ffffffc0f7adfcb0 x28: ffffffc0e799f790 [ 136.670802] x27: 0000000000000002 x26: ffffffc0f7f08f00 [ 136.670806] x25: ffffff8009137000 x24: ffffffc0f7f08f00 [ 136.670810] x23: 0000000000000055 x22: 0000000092000047 [ 136.670814] x21: 0000007f413ba000 x20: 0000007f413ba003 [ 136.670817] x19: ffffffc0e799f790 x18: 0000000034bddbef [ 136.670821] x17: 00000000f20a47b5 x16: 00000000d84b3fe7 [ 136.670824] x15: 0000000054eb0551 x14: 0000000300000001 [ 136.670828] x13: 0000000000000002 x12: 0000000000000379 [ 136.670832] x11: 00000000000003ad x10: 0000000000000a30 [ 136.670836] x9 : ffffffc0f7adfc70 x8 : ffffffc0e7810a90 [ 136.670839] x7 : 00000000000003ac x6 : 000000000000bc3a [ 136.670843] x5 : 0000000000000001 x4 : 0000001fd2352c66 [ 136.670847] x3 : 000000000008704b x2 : 0000000000000000 [ 136.670850] x1 : 00000040f5e5d000 x0 : 00000001dd644848 [ 136.670853] [ 136.670853] PC: 0xffffff80081bd6cc: [ 136.670863] d6cc a90153f3 a9025bf5 a90363f7 a9046bf9 a90573fb aa0003fa aa0103f3 aa1e03e0 [ 136.670872] d6ec aa0203f5 2a0303f7 d503201f d5384100 f9000c1f b0007900 91302000 d538d081 [ 136.670881] d70c 8b010000 c85f7c03 91000463 c8027c03 35ffffa2 d0007bd9 b9410f20 7100001f [ 136.670890] d72c 5400018d f9419f40 9400aada b4000120 f1415800 d538d081 91012000 8b010000 [ 136.670899] d74c c85f7c03 91000463 c8027c03 35ffffa2 d5384100 b944d801 11000422 b904d802 [ 136.670909] d76c 7101003f 5400006d f9425000 97fff28f 121a02e0 b90067a0 36300137 d5384100 [ 136.670918] d78c 39542000 36100040 d4210000 d5384101 39542020 321e0000 39142020 f9402a60 [ 136.670927] d7ac 36b00100 2a1703e3 aa1503e2 aa1303e1 aa1a03e0 9400648c 2a0003f4 14000036 [ 136.670929] [ 136.670929] LR: 0xffffff80081bd6b8: [ 136.670938] d6b8 17ffffef 128002a0 17ffffed a9b47bfd 910003fd a90153f3 a9025bf5 a90363f7 [ 136.670947] d6d8 a9046bf9 a90573fb aa0003fa aa0103f3 aa1e03e0 aa0203f5 2a0303f7 d503201f [ 136.670957] d6f8 d5384100 f9000c1f b0007900 91302000 d538d081 8b010000 c85f7c03 91000463 [ 136.670966] d718 c8027c03 35ffffa2 d0007bd9 b9410f20 7100001f 5400018d f9419f40 9400aada [ 136.670975] d738 b4000120 f1415800 d538d081 91012000 8b010000 c85f7c03 91000463 c8027c03 [ 136.670984] d758 35ffffa2 d5384100 b944d801 11000422 b904d802 7101003f 5400006d f9425000 [ 136.670993] d778 97fff28f 121a02e0 b90067a0 36300137 d5384100 39542000 36100040 d4210000 [ 136.671002] d798 d5384101 39542020 321e0000 39142020 f9402a60 36b00100 2a1703e3 aa1503e2 [ 136.671004] [ 136.671004] SP: 0xffffffc0f7adfc30: [ 136.671013] fc30 92000047 00000000 00000055 00000000 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 09137000 ffffff80 [ 136.671022] fc50 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 00000002 00000000 e799f790 ffffffc0 f7adfcb0 ffffffc0 [ 136.671031] fc70 081bd738 ffffff80 f7adfcb0 ffffffc0 081bd74c ffffff80 a0000145 00000000 [ 136.671040] fc90 f7adfcb0 ffffffc0 081bd738 ffffff80 00000000 00000080 e7810000 ffffffc0 [ 136.671050] fcb0 f7adfd70 ffffffc0 08093304 ffffff80 f7adfec0 ffffffc0 413ba003 0000007f [ 136.671059] fcd0 00000055 00000000 92000047 00000000 e7810000 ffffffc0 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 [ 136.671068] fcf0 00000024 00000000 f7f08f80 ffffffc0 00000002 00000000 e799f790 ffffffc0 [ 136.671078] fd10 f7f08f80 ffffffc0 413ba003 0000007f f7adfd40 ffffffc0 081c04b4 ffffff80 [ 136.671082] [ 136.671082] X8: 0xffffffc0e7810a10: [ 136.671091] 0a10 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671100] 0a30 f9a10e00 ffffffc0 e7810000 ffffffc0 f9a10e00 ffffffc0 090d7000 ffffff80 [ 136.671109] 0a50 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 090e1000 ffffff80 fef3e200 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671118] 0a70 09117000 ffffff80 e7810688 ffffffc0 f7adfc70 ffffffc0 f7adfc70 ffffffc0 [ 136.671127] 0a90 08085004 ffffff80 7fcf88c0 0000007f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671136] 0ab0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 47b2b726 9480da9b 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671145] 0ad0 268ce9ea d684c432 00000000 00000000 f22ffb0c 0e6260f2 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671155] 0af0 287d0760 4bd0ee23 00000000 00000000 4d369d0e 2ac549ae 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671157] [ 136.671157] X9: 0xffffffc0f7adfbf0: [ 136.671166] fbf0 00000001 00000003 54eb0551 00000000 d84b3fe7 00000000 f20a47b5 00000000 [ 136.671175] fc10 34bddbef 00000000 e799f790 ffffffc0 413ba003 0000007f 413ba000 0000007f [ 136.671184] fc30 92000040000 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671413] 6fc0 00000000 00000000 f9905a10 ffffffc0 f9905a10 ffffffc0 00000001 0000000c [ 136.671422] 6fe0 00000000 dead4ead ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671431] 7000 00000000 00000000 f7bf62d0 ffffffc0 092f14c8 ffffff80 08142658 ffffff80 [ 136.671440] 7020 081400c0 ffffff80 08144c00 ffffff80 08144bb4 ffffff80 0813f910 ffffff80 [ 136.671449] 7040 08e7c2bf ffffff80 00000000 00000000 08144560 ffffff80 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671458] 7060 00000000 00000000 081404a0 ffffff80 00000000 00000000 09140480 ffffff80 [ 136.671460] [ 136.671460] X26: 0xffffffc0f7f08e80: [ 136.671470] 8e80 0912bca0 ffffff80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671479] 8ea0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671487] 8ec0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671496] 8ee0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 136.671505] 8f00 e6bef2c0 ffffffc0 f7927180 ffffffc0 000013c9 00000000 081c2174 ffffff80 [ 136.671515] 8f20 81ae4000 0000007f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000080 c3993000 0000007f [ 136.671524] 8f40 ec1f5000 ffffffc0 00000011 00000001 00000054 00000000 00000006 00000000 [ 136.671533] 8f60 00000081 00000000 06bb06bb dead4ead ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff [ 136.671536] [ 136.671536] X28: 0xffffffc0e799f710: [ 136.671545] f710 00000000 00000000 00201000 00000000 f7f08f00 ffffffc0081bd74c>] handle_mm_fault+0x88/0x10ac [ 136.671856] [<ffffff8008093304>] do_page_fault+0x1f4/0x368 [ 136.671861] [<ffffff80080934cc>] do_translation_fault+0x54/0xc8 [ 136.671865] [<ffffff8008080b04>] do_mem_abort+0x54/0xac [ 136.671868] Exception stack(0xffffffc0f7adfe20 to 0xffffffc0f7adff50) [ 136.671872] fe20: 0000000000000000 00000040f5e5d000 ffffffffffffffff 00000055713462d8 [ 136.671876] fe40: ffffffc0f7f08f00 ffffff80090e1000 ffffffc0f7adfeb0 ffffff8008ba7c18 [ 136.671880] fe60: ffffffc0f7adfec0 00000040f5e5d000 ffffffffffffffff 0000005571346264 [ 136.671884] fe80: 0000000020000000 000000004d763b3b ffffffc0fef34060 ffffffc0fef38050 [ 136.671888] fea0: 0000000000000005 ffffffc0e7810000 ffffffc0fef38040 ffffff8008082e1c [ 136.671892] fec0: 00000000f978823f 0000007f413ba000 00000000a6c61300 000000006c9d6983 [ 136.671896] fee0: 00000000ebc7659f 00000000c535fabf 0000000000000078 00000055715cb520 [ 136.671899] ff00: 00000055715cbd20 00000055715cc120 0000007f48000f80 00000000000000eb [ 136.671904] ff20: 00000055715cb920 00000000ecd54a13 000000000000000a 0000000054eb0551 [ 136.671906] ff40: 00000000d84b3fe7 00000000f20a47b5 [ 136.671911] [<ffffff8008082b30>] el0_da+0x20/0x24 [ 13[ 137.605051] x9 : ffffffc0f7f13c70 x8 : ffffffc0e7811890 [ 137.608938] x7 : ffffffc0fef4f0c0 x6 : 000000000000bc3a [ 137.612795] x5 : 0000000000000001 x4 : 0000001fd234fc8c [ 137.616612] x3 : 000000000007b196 x2 : 0000000000000000 [ 137.620417] x1 : 00000040f5e72000 x0 : 00000001dd659848 [ 137.624208] [ 137.624208] PC: 0xffffff80081bd6cc: [ 137.631101] d6cc a90153f3 a9025bf5 a90363f7 a9046bf9 a90573fb aa0003fa aa0103f3 aa1e03e0 [ 137.635253] d6ec aa0203f5 2a0303f7 d503201f d5384100 f9000c1f b0007900 91302000 d538d081 [ 137.639442] d70c 8b010000 c85f7c03 91000463 c8027c03 35ffffa2 d0007bd9 b9410f20 7100001f [ 137.643679] d72c 5400018d f9419f40 9400aada b4000120 f9415800 d538d081 91012000 8b010000 [ 137.647961] d74c c85f7c03 91000463 c8027c03 35ffffa2 d5384100 b944d801 11000422 b904d802 [ 137.652258] d76c 7101003f 5400006d f9425000 97fff28f 121a02e0 b90067a0 36300137 d5384100 [ 137.656549] d78c 39542000 36100040 d4210000 d5384101 39542020 321e0000 39142020 f9402a60 [ 137.660853] d7ac 36b00100 2a1703e3 aa1503e2 aa1303e1 aa1a03e0 9400648c 2a0003f4 14000036 [ 137.665186] [ 137.665186] LR: 0xffffff80081bd6b8: [ 137.672544] d6b8 17ffffef 128002a0 17ffffed a9b47bfd 910003fd a90153f3 a9025bf5 a90363f7 [ 137.676919] d6d8 a9046bf9 a90573fb aa0003fa aa0103f3 aa1e03e0 aa0203f5 2a0303f7 d503201f [ 137.681334] d6f8 d5384100 f9000c1f b0007900 91302000 d538d081 8b010000 c85f7c03 91000463 [ 137.685785] d718 c8027c03 35fff[ 137.791049] f120 00000002 00000000 cd848400 0000001f 00000000 00000000 ffff606c 00000000 [ 137.795661] [ 137.795661] X8: 0xffffffc0e7811810: [ 137.803704] 1810 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 [ 137.808460] 1830 f9a11c00 ffffffc0 e7810e00 ffffffc0 f9a11c00 ffffffc0 090d7000 ffffff80 [ 137.813257] 1850 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 090e1000 ffffff80 fef53200 ffffffc0 00000000 00000000 [ 137.818061] 1870 09117000 ffffff80 e7811488 ffffffc0 f7f13c70 ffffffc0 f7f13c70 ffffffc0 [ 137.822896] 1890 08085004 ffffff80 80cfa8c0 0000007f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 137.827776] 18b0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 dbd19a98 fcb90a8c 00000000 00000000 [ 137.832654] 18d0 9a2282f0 ceb0c38b 00000000 00000000 38f7ce29 9542eff5 00000000 00000000 [ 137.837555] 18f0 c29e73d7 0f05487d 00000000 00000000 ebce47b8 b2d5ad1a 00000000 00000000 [ 137.842400] [ 137.842400] X9: 0xffffffc0f7f13bf0: [ 137.850711] 3bf0 00000001 00000003 10772a3a 00000000 f36daa59 00000000 23d0c9ea 00000000 [ 137.855531] 3c10 ea4ee309 00000000 e799f790 ffffffc0 40ff7003 0000007f 40ff7000 0000007f [ 137.860328] 3c30 92000047 00000000 00000055 00000000 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 09137000 ffffff80 [ 137.865122] 3c50 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 00000002 00000000 e799f790 ffffffc0 f7f13cb0 ffffffc0 [ 137.869879] 3c70 081bd738 ffffff80 f7f13cb0 ffffffc0 081bd74c ffffff80 a0000145 00000000 [ 137.874625] 3c90 f7f13cb0 ffffffc0 081bd738 ffffff80 00000000 00000080 e7810e00 ffffffc0 [ 137.879339] 3cb0 f7f13d70 ffffffc0 08093304 ffffff80 f7f13ec0 ffffffc0 40ff7003 0000007f [ 137.884087] 3cd0 00000055 00000000 92000047 00000000 e7810e00 ffffffc0 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 [ 137.888818] [ 137.888818] X19: 0xfff000000 [ 138.002537] 7000 00000000 00000000 f7bf62d0 ffffffc0 092f14c8 ffffff80 08142658 ffffff80 [ 138.006945] 7020 081400c0 ffffff80 08144c00 ffffff80 08144bb4 ffffff80 0813f910 ffffff80 [ 138.011305] 7040 08e7c2bf ffffff80 00000000 00000000 08144560 ffffff80 00000000 00000000 [ 138.015691] 7060 00000000 00000000 081404a0 ffffff80 00000000 00000000 09140480 ffffff80 [ 138.020054] [ 138.020054] X26: 0xffffffc0f7f08e80: [ 138.027468] 8e80 0912bca0 ffffff80 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 138.031881] 8ea0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 138.036239] 8ec0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 138.040541] 8ee0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 138.044799] 8f00 e6bef2c0 ffffffc0 f7927180 ffffffc0 000013c9 00000000 081c2174 ffffff80 [ 138.049083] 8f20 81ae4000 0000007f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000080 c3993000 0000007f [ 138.053339] 8f40 ec1f5000 ffffffc0 00000010 00000002 00000054 00000000 00000006 00000000 [ 138.057615] 8f60 00000081 00000000 06bb06bb dead4ead ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff [ 138.061877] [ 138.061877] X28: 0xffffffc0e799f710: [ 138.069061] f710 00000000 00000000 00201000 00000000 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 00000f53 00600000 [ 138.073355] f730 00100073 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 138.077610] f750 00000000 00000000 e799f758 ffffffc0 e799f758 ffffffc0 eb5e2068 ffffffc0 [ 138.081867] f770 00000000 00000000 07f431f4 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 138.086134] f790 40fdb000 0000007f 41fe8000 0000007f ec083dc0 ffffffc0 ec083840 ffffffc0 [ 138.090392] f7b0 ec0830d1 ffffffc0 ec083de0 ffffffc0 ec083860 ffffffc0 00202000 00000000 [ 138.094621] f7d0 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 00000f53 00600000 00100073 00000000 00000000 00000000 [ 138.098886] f7f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 e7aa0210 ffffffc0 [ 138.103103] [ 138.103103] X29: 0xffffffc0f7f13c30: [ 138.110273] 3c30 92000047 00000000 00000055 00000000 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 09137000 ffffff80 [ 138.114540] 3c50 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 00000002 00000000 e799f790 ffffffc0 f7f13cb0 ffffffc0 [ 138.118789] 3c70 081bd738 ffffff80 f7f13cb0 ffffffc0 081bd74c ffffff80 a0000145 00000000 [ 138.123037] 3c90 f7f13cb0 ffffffc0 081bd738 ffffff80 00000000 00000080 e7810e00 ffffffc0 [ 138.127299] 3cb0 f7f13d70 ffffffc0 08093304 ffffff80 f7f13ec0 ffffffc0 40ff7003 0000007f [ 138.131567] 3cd0 00000055 00000000 92000047 00000000 e7810e00 ffffffc0 f7f08f00 ffffffc0 [ 138.135809] 3cf0 00000024 00000000 f7f08f80 ffffffc0 00000002 00000000 e799f790 ffffffc0 [ 138.140079] 3d10 f7f08f80 ffffffc0 40ff7003 0000007f f7f13d40 ffffffc0 081c04b4 ffffff80 [ 138.144332] [ 138.147897] Process rslsync (pid: 1340, stack limit = 0xffffffc0f7f10000) [ 138.152086] Stack: (0xffffffc0f7f13cb0 to 0xffffffc0f7f14000) [ 138.156254] 3ca0: ffffffc0f7f13d70 ffffff8008093304 [ 138.160663] 3cc0: ffffffc0f7f13ec0 0000007f40ff7003 0000000000000055 0000000092000047 [ 138.165086] 3ce0: ffffffc0e7810e00 ffffffc0f7f08f00 0000000000000024 ffffffc0f7f08f80 [ 138.169521] 3d00: 0000000000000002 ffffffc0e799f790 ffffffc0f7f08f80 0000007f40ff7003 [ 138.173959] 3d20: ffffffc0f7f13d40 ffffff80081c04b4 ffffffc0e799f790 0000007f40ff7003 [ 138.178345] 3d40: ffffffc0f7f13d70 ffffff8008093264 ffffffc0f7f13ec0 0000007f40ff7003 [ 138.182718] 3d60: 0000000000000055 ffffffc0e7810e80 ffffffc0f7f13de0 ffffff80080934cc [ 138.187052] 3d80: ffffffc0f7f13ec0 0000007f40ff7003 0000000092000047 ffffffc0f7f13ec0 [ 138.191469] 3da0: 0000000060000000 0000000000000024 0000000092000047 0000007f40ff7003 [ 138.195895] 3dc0: 0000000000000005 ffffffc0e7810e00 ffffffc0f7f13df0 0000000008baada0 [ 138.200335] 3de0: ffffffc0f7f13e10 ffffff8008080b04 0000000092000047 0000007f40ff7003 [ 138.204774] 3e00: ffffff8008bc70b8 ffffffc0f7f13ec0 0000000000000000 ffffff8008082b30 [ 138.209222] 3e20: 0000000000000000 00000040f5e72000 ffffffffffffffff 00000055713462d8 [ 138.213704] 3e40: ffffffc0f7f08f00 ffffff80090e1000 ffffffc0f7f13eb0 ffffff8008ba7c18 [ 138.218180] 3e60: ffffffc0f7f13ec0 00000040f5e72000 ffffffffffffffff 0000005571346210 [ 138.222616] 3e80: 0000000060000000 0000000013ebf8f8 ffffffc0fef49060 ffffffc0fef4d050 [ 138.227098] 3ea0: 0000000000000005 ffffffc0e7810e00 ffffffc0fef4d040 ffffff8008082e1c [ 138.231526] 3ec0: 0000000047b06c4d 0000007f40ff7000 0000000092915000 00000000f9f86ee0 [ 138.236009] 3ee0: 0000000002ac62db 0000000074adc60f 00000000000000b0 00000055715cb520 [ 138.240537] 3f00: 00000055715cbd20 00000055715cc120 0000007f6c0011f0 0000000000000002 [ 138.245123] 3f20: 00000055715cb920 00000000d882091e 000000000000000a 0000000010772a3a [ 138.249679] 3f40: 00000000f36daa59 0000000023d0c9ea 00000000ea4ee309 00000000a3a3fe5d [ 138.254206] 3f60: 0000000098b32b98 00000000eeee29c7 00000000345c6834 0000000081819819 [ 138.258737] 3f80: 0000000004f1f5f5 00000000319595a4 000000003c281414 0000000000000005 [ 138.263236] 3fa0: 0000000097e00000 0000007f80cf95d0 000000000f684568 0000007f80cf95d0 [ 138.267687] 3fc0: 00000055713462d8 0000000060000000 0000000000000000 ffffffffffffffff [ 138.272169] 3fe0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 [ 138.276592] Call trace: [ 138.280521] Exception stack(0xffffffc0f7f13ae0 to 0xffffffc0f7f13c10) [ 138.284866] 3ae0: ffffffc0e799f790 0000008000000000 ffffffc0f7f13cb0 ffffff80081bd74c [ 138.289365] 3b00: ffffffc0f7f13c10 ffffff80080f896c ffffffc0fef53200 ffffffc0e7810e00 [ 138.293850] 3b20: ffffffc0fef53288 0000000000000000 0000000000000002 ffffff8009115000 [ 138.298326] 3b40: ffffff8009115720 0000000000000002 ffffffc0f98f3c00 00000000ffff6166 [ 138.302804] 3b60: ffffffc0f7f13c10 ffffffc0fef29c00 ffffffc0e7813800 ffffff800911570c [ 138.307293] 3b80: 00000001dd659848 00000040f5e72000 0000000000000000 000000000007b196 [ 138.311763] 3ba0: 0000001fd234fc8c 0000000000000001 000000000000bc3a ffffffc0fef4f0c0 [ 138.316265] 3bc0: ffffffc0e7811890 ffffffc0f7f13c70 0000000000000a30 00000000000003ad [ 138.320735] 3be0: 0000000000000379 0000000000000002 0000000300000001 0000000010772a3a [ 138.325219] 3c00: 00000000f36daa59 0000000023d0c9ea [ 138.329405] [<ffffff80081bd74c>] handle_mm_fault+0x88/0x10ac [ 138.333661] [<ffffff8008093304>] do_page_fault+0x1f4/0x368 [ 138.337887] [<ffffff80080934cc>] do_translation_fault+0x54/0xc8 [ 138.342121] [<ffffff8008080b04>] do_mem_abort+0x54/0xac [ 138.346269] Exception stack(0xffffffc0f7f13e20 to 0xffffffc0f7f13f50) [ 138.350541] 3e20: 0000000000000000 00000040f5e72000 ffffffffffffffff 00000055713462d8 [ 138.354946] 3e40: ffffffc0f7f08f00 ffffff80090e1000 ffffffc0f7f13eb0 ffffff8008ba7c18 [ 138.359340] 3e60: ffffffc0f7f13ec0 00000040f5e72000 ffffffffffffffff 0000005571346210 [ 138.363714] 3e80: 0000000060000000 0000000013ebf8f8 ffffffc0fef49060 ffffffc0fef4d050 [ 138.368061] 3ea0: 0000000000000005 ffffffc0e7810e00 ffffffc0fef4d040 ffffff8008082e1c [ 138.372359] 3ec0: 0000000047b06c4d 0000007f40ff7000 0000000092915000 00000000f9f86ee0 [ 138.376679] 3ee0: 0000000002ac62db 0000000074adc60f 00000000000000b0 00000055715cb520 [ 138.380968] 3f00: 00000055715cbd20 00000055715cc120 0000007f6c0011f0 0000000000000002 [ 138.385265] 3f20: 00000055715cb920 00000000d882091e 000000000000000a 0000000010772a3a [ 138.389581] 3f40: 00000000f36daa59 0000000023d0c9ea [ 138.393603] [<ffffff8008082b30>] el0_da+0x20/0x24 [ 138.397579] Code: f9415800 d538d081 91012000 8b010000 (c85f7c03) [ 138.401705] ---[ end trace 12e0d942746f1dff ]--- Nice little stack trace above. The machine stayed up but something was hogging the CPU so much it was unusable and I had to reboot. I've moved the HDD to the USB2 port and I just had a crazy kernel panic and the board rebooted by itself. I did get _one_ step further. Remember when I said the board was stable previously? It was with the sd-card in it, not the emmc. It also seems that the board is more stable with the serial cable plugged in. I will double check, but it would seem that even in RO mode running the OS off of the EMMC is batshit unstable. Anyone experienced this and might have ideas to resolve it?
  19. serial terminal this unit was booting fine one day and then not the next. it will boot to the serial terminal but not far enough for ssh or even a functional ethernet. this is running on a rock64 w/16GB eMMC. nothing else is really unique about it.
  20. I don't know what is using zram. Is it just installed, enabled, or turned on by Armbian by default? executing $sudo apt install zram-config: $ sudo apt install zram-config Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package zram-config is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source However the following packages replace it: linux-buster-root-espressobin linux-buster-root-xt-q8l-v10:armhf linux-buster-root-tinkerboard:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepizeroplus2-h3:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepizero:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepiplus2e:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepiplus:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepipcplus:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepipc:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepione:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepilite:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepi2:armhf linux-buster-root-orangepi-r1:armhf linux-buster-root-odroidxu4:armhf linux-buster-root-next-xt-q8l-v10:armhf linux-buster-root-next-udoo:armhf linux-buster-root-next-tritium-h3:armhf linux-buster-root-next-tinkerboard:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepizeroplus2-h3:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepizero:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepiplus2e:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepiplus:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepipcplus:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepipc:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepione:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepilite:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepi2:armhf linux-buster-root-next-orangepi-r1:armhf linux-buster-root-next-odroidxu4:armhf linux-buster-root-next-odroidc1:armhf linux-buster-root-next-nanopineo:armhf linux-buster-root-next-nanopim1:armhf linux-buster-root-next-nanopiduo2:armhf linux-buster-root-next-nanopiduo:armhf linux-buster-root-next-nanopiair:armhf linux-buster-root-next-nanopi-r1:armhf linux-buster-root-next-lime2:armhf linux-buster-root-next-lime:armhf linux-buster-root-next-helios4:armhf linux-buster-root-next-cubox-i:armhf linux-buster-root-next-cubietruck:armhf linux-buster-root-next-clearfogpro:armhf linux-buster-root-next-clearfogbase:armhf linux-buster-root-next-bananapipro:armhf linux-buster-root-next-bananapim2plus:armhf linux-buster-root-next-bananapi:armhf linux-buster-root-nanopineo:armhf linux-buster-root-nanopim1:armhf linux-buster-root-nanopiduo:armhf linux-buster-root-nanopiair:armhf linux-buster-root-lime2:armhf linux-buster-root-helios4:armhf linux-buster-root-cubox-i:armhf linux-buster-root-cubietruck:armhf linux-buster-root-clearfogpro:armhf linux-buster-root-clearfogbase:armhf linux-buster-root-bananapipro:armhf linux-buster-root-bananapim2plus:armhf linux-buster-root-bananapi:armhf linux-buster-root-z28pro linux-buster-root-rockpro64 linux-buster-root-rockpi-4b linux-buster-root-rock64 linux-buster-root-renegade linux-buster-root-pinebook-a64 linux-buster-root-pine64so linux-buster-root-pine64 linux-buster-root-orangepiwin linux-buster-root-orangepi-rk3399 linux-buster-root-odroidn2 linux-buster-root-odroidc2 linux-buster-root-next-tritium-h5 linux-buster-root-next-teres-a64 linux-buster-root-next-pineh64 linux-buster-root-next-pinebook-a64 linux-buster-root-next-pine64so linux-buster-root-next-pine64 linux-buster-root-next-orangepizeroplus2-h5 linux-buster-root-next-orangepizeroplus linux-buster-root-next-orangepiwin linux-buster-root-next-orangepiprime linux-buster-root-next-orangepipc2 linux-buster-root-next-orangepioneplus linux-buster-root-next-orangepilite2 linux-buster-root-next-orangepi3 linux-buster-root-next-odroidc2 linux-buster-root-next-nanopineoplus2 linux-buster-root-next-nanopineocore2 linux-buster-root-next-nanopineo2 linux-buster-root-next-nanopim3 linux-buster-root-next-nanopik2-s905 linux-buster-root-next-nanopik1plus linux-buster-root-next-nanopifire3 linux-buster-root-next-nanopct3plus linux-buster-root-next-nanopct3 linux-buster-root-next-lime-a64 linux-buster-root-next-lepotato linux-buster-root-next-espressobin linux-buster-root-next-bananapim64 linux-buster-root-nanopineo4 linux-buster-root-nanopim4 linux-buster-root-nanopik2-s905 linux-buster-root-nanopct4 linux-buster-root-macchiatobin-doubleshot linux-buster-root-lime-a64 linux-buster-root-lepotato E: Package 'zram-config' has no installation candidate And, executing $sudo apt remove zram-config: $ sudo apt remove zram-config Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package 'zram-config' is not installed, so not removed 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  21. If it's any consolation... I have 7 Rock64 v2. 3x emmc, 3x USB2 SSD, 1x sd card. All from pine store. Bought and wired up 30A 5v DC power supply but haven't tested. One of the emmc is dead. One of the boards crash loops no matter what drive. None of them run usb3 reliably. Archlinux was newest most reliable kernel around 4.19 or 20. Haven't been able to get above 4.4 otherwise and wanted to use Ubuntu for home cluster so Arch out. Plus wanted over 4.9 for Linux network functionality. Put a bit of money into this setup. Naive. RPI not enough memory and new ones expensive. Given up and gone back to amd64 VM's.
  22. I am quite upset. Reading around more it looks like the FORESEE emmc cards sold on the rock64 shop are utter crap. The only reason I bought them from their shop because I trusted them to deliver good quality components with the board. Teaches me right. I contacted support about the card, they waived me off with "you only have 30 days guarantee, but anyways you should limit the number of writes to the card as otherwise you can kill it within a week". Thanks for that. I've read around a bit more and my last hope is a few more tweaks before I give up and just buy a raspberry pi. 1. Lower the emmc clock frequency to 150MHz from 200MHz as it seems many cards/boards cannot take the higher frequency. You do this through "echo 150000000 > /sys/kernel/debug/mmc0/clock". See here https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=5258&pid=39964#pid39964 2. As many problems seem to be around usb3 people suggest to disable the uas driver. See here https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=5137&pid=32107#pid32107 3. Mount whatever I can on a tmpfs and other options, see here for tips https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/169/how-can-i-extend-the-life-of-my-sd-card 4. Try and use the HDD on the usb2 port and get a usb power splitter After this I'm out of ideas. Sent from my Mi A2 using Tapatalk
  23. On my Rock64 v1.1, I have no issue with USB, they are present. I'm using self-made build 5.4.0-rc1 stretch...
  24. Okay, I tried Armbian_5.99.191031_Rock64_Debian_buster_dev_5.3.0-rc4_minimal.img on my ROCK64 4GB v2.0 It booted fine to the point I could SSH into it. dmesg said it timed out waiting for /dev/ttyFIQ0 all USB2 and USB3 ports were not working did apt update && apt upgrade and it hang power cycled it. it responds to ping with ~28% packet loss but does not answer to SSH. Back on the shelf to collect dust for another month
  25. Well, the specs of rock64 looks good, until you use it to do some actual work... It even can't survive make -j 4 for aria2
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