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  1. Yes, I tried all the dtb files of rk3328, now again.I don't know what the problem is. rk3328-a5x.dtb no eth0 rk3328-a5x-1500.dtb no eth0 rk3328-a5x-mx10.dtb no eth0 rk3328-box.dtb no eth0 rk3328-box-liantong.dtb system not start rk3328-box-trn9.dtb no inet rk3328-box-trn9-1500.dtb no inet rk3328-box-z28.dtb no eth0 rk3328-evb.dtb no eth0 rk3328-evb-100m.dtb no eth0 rk3328-evb-android.dtb system not start rk3328-mx10.dtb no eth0 rk3328-mx10-fast.dtb no eth0 rk3328-mx10-low.dtb no eth0 rk3328-roc-cc.dtb no inet rk3328-rock64.dtb no eth0 rk3328-rock64-android.dtb no inet rk3328-rockbox.dtb no eth0 rk3328-t9-android.dtb system not start no eth0 like this no inet like this
  2. So it started to do this after an upgrade? I only asked if you were using the media script to know if that's not the problem. You didn't need to install it. But it could help, you never know. I'm not sure it works on the RockPro64. Did you try another browser? Firefox? Vivaldi? I know what browser crashes look like, I've had enough of them myself. I've worked with the Rock64 this week and always had them. I then tried an older kernel and it was better. Maybe it's the same problem, or related. @JMCC Could it be? Did you find anything? What are the crashes like? Different kinds of crashes? Messages you get? You could run Chromium with the terminal (just type chromium)and see if it gives any clues to what's going on.
  3. I just purchased a 4GB Rock64. I've tried both the Ubuntu (Armbian Bionic Desktop 4.4.y) and Debian (Armbian Stretch Desktop 4.4.y) distros. I'm finding that the Debian distro is very sluggish compared to the Ubuntu distro. The desktop is sluggish in responding to mouse clicks and in Chromium, a basic web page takes about 3 seconds to display compared to about 1 second with Ubuntu. Is this the same performance difference that other people are finding with these distros on the Rock64? Is there some configuration tweak I need to make to improve Debian performance? Is there another distro that I should check out that would give me better performance?
  4. I haven't had any luck with reliable USB3 and SSD's on my Rock64's (7x), so I'm using USB2. Tried powered usb hubs, etc. There are a bunch of threads about it on here and arch forums, plus ayufan's github. Sorry If you spot something I'll be keen to hear.
  5. My sentence was a bit unclear. I menth something like, "I've got the simular C2 that I like a lot, but other people don't like it." So that's why I thought I'm not sure it's the best choice to make for him. I would always say to buy the NanoPi M4 before anything else for desktop use. I've been struggling with the Rock64 a whole week, + with the RPi3B+. Yesterday I again turned the M4 on after a week not using it, boy how happy I was to be back on it. So fast, stable, pleasant, ... There's nothing like it(that I have yet) I just ordered the Odroid N2. So maybe the M4 isn't going to stay my favorite. But I've got to wait +2 weeks for it to arrive, why haven't we got a time machine yet. It's 2019 g*d damned.
  6. There is no such problem with RK. This is the problem of the manufacturer of the specific equipment (or rather the problem of support of this equipment). I have TV boxes on the basis of RK3328. On them everything works without problems (Armbian and LibreELEC). Including video and audio output in 4K mode (using a media script). The only problem is, you need to modify the cooling. The same applies to rk3399, if you select the correct model , the user receives a fully complete and ready to use equipment. On rk3328 can normally be used as a mini PC with the desktop resolution up to 1080p. For those who need a desktop resolution of 4K or max performance model rk3399. PS I would be interested to check a few assumptions, if there are owners of Renegad or Rock64, write, discuss the steps.
  7. The Renegade is RK3328 like the Rock64, I have one on my desk. It has DDR4, however there have been the same frustrations concerning the RK3328 support in general from Rockchip. I know Armbian has put a few bugfixes out there, Ayufan has been doing double time on it, but without some vendor assistance there is only so much you can do. It is a very nice board, but I don't know that a move from the Potato to it would show you any benefit (same cores, same clock speed, better/more ram.)
  8. ? Which problems? I actually have more issues with my C2 and K2... There is also the likelihood of that SoC (The S905) being EOL'd (if it hasn't already been) Don't get me wrong, the C2 is a great board, but it is at best on equal support footing with the Le Potato. The issues with the Rock64 are honestly more Rockchip issues, their support of that SoC hasn't really seemed to hit the level of the RK3288 or RK3399. The RK3288 is still my favorite Rockchip for "normies" because it just works. No games, no BS, it's about as close to plug and play as you're going to get. Unfortunately it didn't fit enough buzzwords, so the only boards using it are the MiQi and Tinker Board, with a proper power supply the Tinker is a solid choice, and will run circles around a quad-core A53 in desktop use. The only competitors so far desktop wise are the RK3399 (support isn't quite there yet) and the Odroid XU4. (H6 is still pretty buggy I think)
  9. Thank you, that's some extensive testing. You clearly are having the same experience as I have. This doesn't seem to be the same with everybody. I'm using a Rock64 with 4GB, you the Renegade 4GB. So the problem isn't with my board(too bad). @JMCC Someone made a useful comment on the video "Hi, I can see you are playing youtube video in vp09 format. Try to use h264ify addon to force h264 format, it should help a lot. I dont know if hardware acceleration is supported for vp09 codec." I did try h264ify, but it wasn't much better. I'll give more info tonight on this, it still didn't say h264, but it wasn't vp09 either. It also crashed with this installed, maybe 1080p played a bit smoother, but image quality was a lot worse than 720p vp09. The fact that Firefox does exact the same things makes me think the problem isn't with the browsers, but some compatibillity problem with the script or so. Or did we both forget something? I don't think so? With the NanoPi M4 I've never had any issue like this. That seems to work perfectly for me. I've also tried Ayufan his images but those were not bootable. He seems to have made images with VPU/GPU too. I told them to try Armbian with your script. They answered : "Using the latest Armbian build but get a NIC failure about once a week. Bunch of TX error.... Hoping these new builds and patched kernel will fix this as it's a known issue with the rockchip... Funnily enough the older 0.56 stable build never had this issue that i recall." I do not use the Rock64 a lot and don't follow threads about it. I think it's a known issue, but I'm not sure. Cheers
  10. in the setiathome-forum you did wrote you only tested os-versions with kernel 4.4.176 - maybe that was the problem? Like for my NanoPi K1 Plus I compiled armbian 5.77 with kernel 5.0.4 for my NanoPi A64 (its not offiicial in the build-system)... And via the BOINC-Manager on the PC I started on the NanoPi A64 setiathome So why not try the armbian-build-system for your rock64? There seems to be also 5.0.0 (or more) kernel dev-image possible for rock64: [ o.k. ] Checking git sources [ u-boot-rockchip64 rockchip-master ] [ .... ] Creating local copy [ .... ] Fetching updates [ o.k. ] Checking git sources [ linux-rockchip64 5.0.0-1092-ayufan ] [ .... ] Creating local copy [ .... ] Fetching updates remote: Enumerating objects: 67035, done.
  11. I was getting computational errors, the task would fail. If I ran 2 task, the system could handle it. My rock64 is active cooled and that was not the problem. When I tried 5 different flavors of linux, all failed, but this last worked. This has been the only platform I have struggled with. here is my thread on setiathome. https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=84052&postid=1987458#1987458 maybe if I can build a buster version of armbian, it will a fun experiment.
  12. wouldn't agree on this one.. IMO overall pine build decent SBCs with a design which makes sense for a really competitive price. This thread together with this one: just show that you rush through multiple ideas trying to fix something which might need some time to fix. E.g. updating to 4.14 (or 5.0) or whatever kernel you want from 4.4 doesn't mean that things get automatically better. The 4.4 kernel for Rockchips is based on Rockchips opensource 4.4 kernel whereas all others (4.14 ++) are based on upstream.. So as long as the needed drivers aren't in mainline, the BSP kernel will support more features than upstream kernels. I would suggest you go for a more problem solving approach than trying various random things/boards which might frustrate you even more. E.g. install the official image for the Rock64, test if the things you need work and if they do, compare it with the configuration we use for armbian (e.g. devicetree, kernelconfig). Fill in the missing bits and things will work. In case not, pine has also a community forum where you can open issues that *random feature* doesn't work.. probably they read their own forum and try to help things fixed. It's very likely that my next SBC will be a Rock64 cause the board has some nice features and the price is really competitive for my use-cases. IMO rockchips is one of the few companies for which armbian builds images where the SoC maker cares to mainline their features.. Are they perfect? for sure not. but at least they try it.. Whereas allwinner was a pure community push to get those SoCs in mainline, and for the Amlogic, a lot of funding happened due to SBC makers cared about it (tbh I really don't follow Amlogic support cause their boards are mostly boring for my needs - seems that they're great multimedia devices but just not my use-case).
  13. Didn't see anything from a search of the forums, so ... on a Rock64 with Armbian, I have compiled the 8723bu driver since it is missing. However, when this driver is loaded, only 2G wifi APs are visible. I am trying to connect to a 5G wifi AP. Other devices do not have a problem connecting to this AP. The Armbian install just can't seem to see it. I see the usb wifi in iw and in iwconfig. I'm just not sure how to get the usb wifi to connect to 5G when only 2G wifi APs show up. I've tried the usb wifi in all three different USB ports, and in all cases it still can't see 5G wifi, only 2G. Is there some config file or manual command that I can issue that will support my wifi in seeing 5G wifi APs? Thanks.
  14. The M4 is also a RockChip. But the company behind it, FriendlyElec is a lot better with support. And almost everything seems to work well. I use it daily, I use it for Blender rendering, for video editing, for gaming, programming, watching youtube... The Rock64 isn't good for those things. It's best to use as a NAS. It was the first cheap one with USB3 + GigE. But Pine64 is just the worst company when it comes to software support. So the Pine64 boards or best for Linux freaks who like to test and tinker a lot. I would not advice it for a normal user. I've just made a video about the Media Script on the Rock64, and how to overclock it to 1.5Ghz. Now rendering and in an hour it'll be online. I say it many times there are better boards for these things... Good luck
  15. Well, then all you need more is audio and you've got everything you need. You can easily install the arduino ide on Armbian. And it works fine. I also use it with sbc's. But the Rock64 was not the best choice to make. You should have done a bit more homework to know what's best for you. Ask someone, or read forum threads about it. I know what it is, I've bought some in the past that I thought would be awesome. But they never were. At least the Rock64 is cheap, mine weren't.(+$100) For what you want the NanoPi M4 would have been a lot better. Great for media playback, surfing, very powerful and easy to use. Amazing for gaming. All things the Rock64 isn't/hasn't.
  16. If that's all you want, then you may try using LibreELEC, or plain Android. If you want to do those things in Linux, then you must be aware that all of that is something under development, and that's precisely the fun of it. In other words: If you want a cheap device for playing multimedia content, then you should go for a TV box, or use your Rock64 as a TV box, installing Android or LibreELEC. Other than that, the Rock64 is a "development board", that is, a device intended for developers to experiment and learn. So, if that's what you want, you are welcome to join the community, share your experiences, ask questions and contribute with your findings. But if you just bought a $40 ARM device expecting it to be a fully functional desktop out-of-the-box, as if it were a $800 Intel machine, then you will certainly be disappointed.
  17. I don't know about that. I know hdmi is working. I haven't tried 3.5mm Have a look here. Maybe you'll find something. I'll check tomorrow evening. I know hdmi sound works, and usb audio devices too. https://forum.armbian.com/search/?q=rock64 sound&fromCSE=1
  18. This is not the right way to start a topic. Better was to just ask help. Download Armbian Bionic Desktop and install it. https://www.armbian.com/rock64/ Then download this script, and follow the insctructions in the readme. Simple said, unzip everything until you've got the folder media-script. Copy that folder to the main folder where Desktop and Documents is. Then go to console and type: cd media-script sudo /bin/bash ./media-rk3328.sh Then yes, ok, armsoc. And reboot. With that you should have good youtube playback and up to 4k video playback. Sound is just volume control, and disable the one you're not using.(I think volume control, on the most right tab) Let me know how the youtube playback is. Does it play 1080p well? Any higher? @JMCC(ain't that a nice coincidence) I hope that can calm your frustration. Indeed, Pine is the worst in support. "We are not a software company" is their motto.
  19. I am so frustrated with my rock64 (SoC RK3328), there is no support. Pine 64 takes the money and dumps all the issues on a community. The product is a lemon. Can’t watch YouTube, there is no audio I am very disappointed in Pine64, I will try and return this device.
  20. @JMCC - testing on rockpro64 with ayufan's bionic here, almost got it .. working on getting the drm_getunqiue patch applied to ayufan's 4.4.167 rock64/rockpro64 kernel now and all should work. This should get kodi-gbm working with rock64 also. sidenote - was also able to install/boot ayufan's kernel on Armbian rockpro64 bionic. It has /dev/mali, etc, and should work there also once this patch is applied. EDIT: new kernel is up with patch applied -- this kernel should work with armbian bionic rockpro64 rk3399 media-script. https://github.com/ayufan-rock64/linux-kernel/releases
  21. I will do that. I'll also say not yet to use it on a productive image. I'll also ask to leave a comment on the video on how well it works. I wonder if it's me having these buffer issues or if it's all Rock64's. I've been watching youtube now for hours with little problems. But it just crashed again. Hard crash, no reboot, everything blocked. So there's still something wrong. I hope it's with my Rock64. I just tried the usb-hub again. And after seconds it carshed the video. So I think my problem is somewhere with the usb/wifi. I'll plug it into my modem tonight without wifi and let it run the night and see if it also does it.
  22. @JMCC Progress. I downloaded the image again. I downloaded the script again, I used another 4A PSU, an SD-card instead of eMMC, another wifi dongle. But still the same. After I installed the script, I reboot, open Chromium and play a video. After 2 minutes hard crash and the system reboots. Then I noticed the only thing I didn't change was my usb hub. I can't use my wifi dongles when they're plugged into the Rock64(can't find my network, but it finds all the others(also weird)), but they work external plugged in a usb hub. So I switched the hub for an extension usb-chord. I haven't had any crash since then. +3 hours now. I can't hardly believe this usb hub is the cause, and why that one kernel doesn't have the reboot with that hub. The hub does have a problem, when the Rock64 reboots, it doesn't turn on the usb devices at boot. So I had to replug them every time. Now I don't have this with the extension cable. I do still sometimes have the "aw snap". But not much. Mostly when it's on 1080p. 720p 30 is perfect(Youtube), 720p 60fps also doesn't work well. Some 1080p works perfect, most doesn't. I'll keep testing to see what happens. It's looking good now. The few "aw snap"'s are acceptable. I've watched multiple videos now. If anyone could try this script on his rock64 and see how Youtube plays in 1080p with Chromium/Firefox, that would be awesome. Sorry for the hassle. I hope it's ok now. The video is comming in a couple of days now. Thank you. Cheers.
  23. Thank you for checking. Strange. I'm having a different result with the same parameters, except that it's the Rock64 I'm using. I'll check again tomorrow. If anyone else would like to try the script on the Rock64, please do.
  24. Okay, so I tested with the very last kernel (4.4.174 IIRC), and armsoc works fine for me in general. I played videos in Chromium for about 15 min with no problems. I recommend using full-screen, it's much smoother. I could play 1080p without big issues, as long as I allowed it to clock up to 1.51Ghz and use some active cooling to prevent throttling. Notice I am using a Renegade, maybe the faster RAM gives it some extra punch here over the Rock64. Glamor is a no-no with this SoC. Rockchip developed their tweaked driver for RK3288, that supports OpenGLES 3. But RK3328's Mali 450 only supports GLES 2, so it is very buggy here, while it works just fine in RK3399. The Chromium 32-bit setup needs more work, it is too unstable yet. For last, all KMS players work flawlessly for me (Gstreamer, Kodi, MPV-GBM).
  25. There was a small fault in SBC-Bench. I fixed it. Now I know it doesn't underclock above 60C when on performance. @tkaiser line 180 V0.6.6 CpuFreq=$(awk '{printf ("%0.0f",$1/1000); }' </sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/cpufreq/${CpuFreqToQuery} 2>/dev/null) --> CpuFreq=$(awk '{printf ("%0.0f",$1/1000); }' </sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/${CpuFreqToQuery} 2>/dev/null) (I don't know if this is different on the OPi3 compared to other sbc's) SBC-Bench result with 5V fan @ 5V http://ix.io/1EpH I think I like this board. Amazing work done @martinayotte. I worked on the Rock64 the whole week, this is already better than the rock64 for me.
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