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  1. I am guessing you mean for "desktop" usage (many of us, including myself, primarily only use Armbian for "server/headless" usage). @NicoD has some great video reviews on his YouTube channel, I want to say (if I am recalling correctly) his favorite right now for desktop usage is... NanoPi M4 V2(?) but check his channel to be sure (and check it anyway, lots of good info on there). @lanefu was reporting really good results with a PineBook (Pro?) the other night in IRC, but that might be WIP/dev stuff, so not sure it's public/available yet or not. But in general, a lot of work has been done lately on "desktop" branch and should be getting released Soon(TM). Many of these boards are compelling, however the best advice I can probably give you is to do your homework, as there are potentially little gotchas with any particular board. The more time you spend up front researching, the less hassle down the line. A good starting point is usually always the Supported Devices List, but for "desktop" you are probably looking for one of the RK3399 based boards these days. Until you know the board families by heart, the home page of forums makes a handy cross reference (note which boards are listed for which family sub-forums). Good luck, let us know how the search goes / what you pick, and don't be a stranger.
  2. Does anyone know the status of getting display to work over USB-C on Pinebook Pro? Thanks!
  3. There has been a lot of development on desktop lately. I am not sure how much has been pushed anywhere you can download it yet, though. Lanefu was reporting really good results the other night in IRC about his testing with Mate on PineBook. I have not heard anything about XFCE one way or the other until your report just now (so, thanks for that). However I think, more good things coming for desktop users, soon(TM).
  4. BTW, I've found another glitch : I've built a 5.9.8 DEV Pinebook-Pro Desktop image and I didn't have WiFi working. I've figured out that no firmware were present in the image, I've copied them from previous 5.8.1 image...
  5. During my latest tests for Pinebook-a64, if I remember correctly, I've took from latest working build 5.7.6 the DTB and I tried to boot in either 5.8.0 or 5.9.1 images, screen is working during first phase of the boot, but then it switch to blank screen, either if it is a desktop or plain text image. So, it is not a DTB issue, but probably a kernel issue ... I tried to compare ".config" between 5.7.6 and other builds, but I didn't figure out what is missing, It maybe also be in the kernel code itself too...
  6. Bugs yet do be fixed or documented (will be added later): Machine / reporter Pinebook - no screen @martinayotte @Igor Opi3 - networking issues @lanefu Orangepi R1 freezing under certain condition Odroid C2 - sd card corruption happen pretty quickly Nanopi Neo3 @Igor Odroid N2 hangs on reboot sometimes Orangepi Win sometimes powers off on stress @Igor Ubuntu Bionic Allwinner H6 doesn't boot @Igor Mvebu and mvebu family will stay at 5.8.y @Heisath and will be moved up after. Other boards are surviving stressing https://beta.armbian.com/autotest.html There is a general idea to make this release with kernel 5.8.y where we have troubles with the kernel. Otherwise we will not catch this train.
  7. Was looking for a place to post a solution to this issue, but you guys have got there before me.As others have described, booting a (my) Pinebook with the latest version of Armbian (tried both Bionic and Buster) results in a blank screen seconds after boot.This is even after booting to multi-user.target when there should be no graphical display manager running.I got the latest kernel/version available for 19 and tried that (Kernel 5.4.62) and that worked.Previously I'd tried doing a full firmware upgrade, disabling the lightdm.service, setting the boot target to multi.user/3 and disabling the autologin (in case that had something to do with it) but under the 5.8 I got the blank screen each time.Not complaining here - just wanted to confirm I'd had the same issue.Love Armbian and all the great work that's being done - peace to all. Manjaro ARM also does the same thing, by the way, so it's not just an Armbian issue
  8. UK (ISO) Keyboard problem - terminal won't display a 'pound' As a long-time user of various flavours of Armbian on headless sytems (OrangePi, NanoPi ...) I couldn't resist installing it on my new Pinebook Pro. Well it works like a dream and I am just sooo impressed by all the work that has clearly been done - audio works fine, armbian-config had me set up booting from emmc with my rootfs on nvme SSD in no time at all. BUT - one weird problem that has me baffled... I'm so used to headless Armbian boards that setting up keyboard and localisation is almost automatic to me - but can I get the PBPro keyboard to generate a 'pound' (GBP, '£') in a terminal window- no I cant!! I've set everything up as I think it should be - and every other key on the (ISO) keyboard is correct - but open a terminal window and shift-3 (which should be '£') displays nothing at all. Other applications (Firefox, LibreOffice ...) will display the £ just fine. Can anyone give me any clues??? Thanks!!
  9. same issue here on pinebook. latest kernel that works for me is 5.7.15
  10. also patching the keyboard/mouse firmware is a good idea nice.... i dunno the debian way, but I just booted manjaro on sd.. and did pacman -Sy pinebook-pro-keyboard-updater
  11. Its already fixed And its also because supporting @lanefu Pinebook PRO support efforts. Nice to have this features there.
  12. Changed back to kernel 5.8.5, and changing the brightness like this just shows me a brighter black screen ;-) Issue remains the same, no output to the pinebook's screen, can login by typing my password in the black screen, see the login happening via ssh..
  13. Just an FYI... I've picked things up on the Pinebook Pro a bit... tracking here... https://armbian.atlassian.net/browse/AR-399 Thanks @chwe and everyone else that have done the hard parts.
  14. maybe you should - like on my Pinebook- set the display brightness via /etc/rc.local? #set display brightness pkexec /usr/sbin/xfpm-power-backlight-helper --set-brightness 8 I did read out the actual dim value as 2: #read-out display brightness pkexec /usr/sbin/xfpm-power-backlight-helper --get-brightness 2 and I did set (via /etc/rc.local) a for-me-default value of 8 A value of 10 (max.?)was to bright for me
  15. recent days I find Chromebook may be better Arm devices with laptop form factor. compare with Pinebook pro, Chromebooks are cheaper, and mass product, and better tested. why no much people discuss how to install 3rd OS to its internal emmc, or reflash its uboot? I have searched on ArchArm forum, only 1 topic. but there actually a way to reflash uboot, and mainline uboot already has support for arm based chromebooks. It should be easy, but why no discussion?
  16. Hi, I update Armbian (Debian) from Kernel 5.4 to the last version Armbina 20.08.2 with Kernel 5.8.6-sunxi64, but now I don't boot the GUI. I have connected only the power and I can use from other pc from ssh. Thank you for all!
  17. Some time ago I tried that joystick on Pinebook Pro and it did not work either, I think the same problem was with x86 PC in Linux, but have to check it again.
  18. I've almost forgot one during my Allwinner garden tour : Pinebook-A64 ! Unfortunately, it seems that 5.8.y is broken somehow, the screen doesn't work after "starting kernel" ... It is not a DT issue, since I've tried to exchange DTB with my previous 5.7.6, so it must be in kernel binary. If someone else have time to test, I will be glad to get help to figure what is broken.
  19. We have nightly images built available for the boards below. Please help us test and report your experience via This Google Form. Images are available via our normal Armbian download page. Just scroll to the bottom to the "nightly build" section. Bananapi Bananapim2plus Bananapim2zero Bananapipro Clearfogbase Clearfogpro Cubietruck Espressobin Helios4 Lepotato Lime-a64 Nanopct4 Nanopiair Nanopim4 Nanopim4v2 Nanopi-r1 Nanopi-r2s Odroidc2 Odroidc4 Odroidn2 Odroidxu4 Orangepi3 Orangepi4 Orangepione Orangepipc Orangepipc2 Orangepipcplus Orangepizero Orangepizeroplus2-h3 Orangepizeroplus2-h5 Pine64 Pinebook-a64 Pineh64 Pineh64-b Rock64 Rockpi-4a Rockpi-4b Rockpi-e Teres-a64 Tinkerboard Tritium-h3 Tritium-h5
  20. Added nightly images for testing: Bananapi Bananapim2plus Bananapim2zero Bananapipro Clearfogbase Clearfogpro Cubietruck Espressobin Helios4 Lepotato Lime-a64 Nanopct4 Nanopiair Nanopim4 Nanopim4v2 Nanopi-r1 Nanopi-r2s Odroidc2 Odroidc4 Odroidn2 Odroidxu4 Orangepi3 Orangepi4 Orangepione Orangepipc Orangepipc2 Orangepipcplus Orangepizero Orangepizeroplus2-h3 Orangepizeroplus2-h5 Pine64 Pinebook-a64 Pineh64 Pineh64-b Rock64 Rockpi-4a Rockpi-4b Rockpi-e Teres-a64 Tinkerboard Tritium-h3 Tritium-h5
  21. P.P.A.

    Mainline VPU

    @xmixahlx How much of what your pbp-tools scripts are doing is specifically tailored to the Pinebook Pro (and would cause incompatibilities elsewhere)? Can most of them be run on any RK3399 platform?
  22. For my NanoPC-T4, I want to be able to install multiple kernel versions at the same time and boot a specific one by default. In addition, I would like to be able to select which kernel to start if necessary: Armbian_20.07_Arm-64_focal_dev Boot Options. 1: linux-default 2: 5.8.0-rc4-arm-64 3: 5.8.0-rc3-arm-64 4: 5.8.0-rc2-arm-64 5: 5.8.0-rc1-arm-64 6: linux-test To present my solution, I have used "Armbian_20.07_Arm-64_focal_dev_5.8.0-rc4.img.xz" and "u-boot-rk3399-nanopc-t4.img 07/10/2020 8:50am" on a microSD: With this scheme in place I am able to pull in a new kernel without the need to port over my local image configuration to a new image. If the new kernel is not working as expected all previous available ones are just a reboot away. If the new kernel version is suitable for boot on demand just a new boot stanza in extlinux.conf is nessesary. The mainline uboot for NanoPC-T4 has not yet enabled USB keyboard support. Therefor the on demand selection of a boot option will only work via the serial console keyboard. The build of uboot with the same options in nanopc-t4-rk3399_defconfig as it was done for Pinebook Pro and rockpro64, should probably enable it in a similar way. This means that only HDMI display and USB keyboard are required.
  23. Hey! I recently accidentally made my eMMC unbootable. I ordered this adapter, but the eMMC isn't getting picked up by any of my microSD adapters. Is there a way to hotplug the eMMC chip while booting from SD, like with the Pinebook Pro (which is also RK3399 based)? I'd really like to either repair or clear the eMMC so i could continue using it. Thanks!
  24. xmixahlx

    Mainline VPU

    @Kwiboo did you have any idea about hantro encoding? ^ also, ffmpeg 4.3 and linux 5.8-rc1 are released and can't wait to update! fyi, i have a new project, pbp-tools on git that is collecting these hwaccel things for pinebook pro: https://github.com/xmixahlx/pbp-tools https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=10190 any idea on the ffmpeg -decoders bug not listing v4lrequest? that seems to break things like mpv that use detection. ffmpeg and kodi work OK.
  25. xmixahlx

    Mainline VPU

    greetings, @AndreVallestero pointed me towards this thread and i wanted to share what's working for me on the pinebook pro (rk3399): mp2, vp8, vp9, h264 and h265 (8 and 10bit) hwaccel. as andre mentioned, i've collected resources and documented my testing in the mainline hardware acceleration thread on pine64 forums as well as some related system bits (mesa-git, kodi-git, etc.). hwaccel thread is here: https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=9171 i was pulling patches out of kernel patchwork linux-rockchip and linux-media before finding that @Kwiboo and LibreElec were packaging these up nicely. awesome. thanks so much! you can review the last few posts starting from here to be up to speed: https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=9171&pid=65712#pid65712 with Kwiboo's recent linux-rockchip and ffmpeg git activity, my system is using: manjaro pinebookpro 5.7-rc2 kernel branch patched to 5.7-rc6 LibreElec patches from Kwiboo's rk-5.6 branch (modified next/list) Kwiboo's linux-kernel 5.6 vs 5.6-hevc branch diff Kwiboo's ffmpeg 4.2.2 vs 4.2.2-rkvdec branch diff ffmpeg 4.2.3 kodi-git a few notable things with kodi (gbm+gles) and big buck bunny reencode samples: h264 10bit provides kernel hard lock and forced shutdown x265 12bit freezes the kodi interface, then recovers vp9 10/12bit give green image and correct audio 4K 60fps h264 file plays out of sync jellyfin-kodi working great with my htpc server, mostly x264 8bit video files i realize the formats above aren't expected to work, just sharing what happens when they don't. i've upped the ffmpeg log for 4.2.3-v4l2-request-hwaccel-rkvdec with a h265-10b sample here: https://pastebin.com/x7iNaY4M
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