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  1. I have loaded the latest Armbian_20.11.9_Pinebook-a64_buster_current_5.10.4_desktop.img and this problem is still present. My pinebook 1080 boots but one second after the "starting kernel...." message the screen become black. I would be grateful if somebody could kindly address this problem. Armbian has not been working on pinebooks for 4 monthes... thank you in advance
  2. https://zuckerbude.org/the-pinebook-pro/
  3. Hi, I am currently using Armbian on my Pinebook Pro. I am having an issue with the volume up and down keys on Armbian. They are not working; other keys like brightness control seem to work without issues. I have checked the XFCE keyboard application shortcuts and there seem to be two items relevant to volume control: amixer set Master 5%+ amixer set Master 5%- I have checked out other xfce based distros and they don't have these explicit shortcut. Do I need to delete these items to make the volume up/down keys work? I was also asssuming that pulseaudio is the default software for managing volume (not alsamixer). Do I need to play with alsa settings? I would be appreciative if anyone can help me in fixing the volume up/down buttons in my pinebook pro. Best
  4. You think we should keep the exact base as now? Which packages are actually missing and what was added and its not needed? We were focused mainly into framework - this is not a final version. Package list is still an open topic. Especially for app groups. For base config there is little room for changes - it just should be minimal. Which ones should be on by default? Should we leave this as per board? Like (almost) everything for desktop replacements or most powerful boards such as N2+, Pinebook Pro, Station, ... ? BTW. We are getting 1st draft of docs https://github.com/armbian/documentation/pull/125/files and we have a show stopper which needs to be addressed properly. If we don't fix this in time, merge to the master will be postponed. I wouldn't rush with this merge for all costs. Beta builds can already be published from "desktop", to catch more bugs.
  5. BTW, anybody stepped it as a maintainer for the Pinebook Pro? It seems to be out of stock since some months ago, so it may be hard even to get a unit.
  6. According to this, to run u-boot from flash I just need latest u-boot, apply patch from the link (CONFIG_SF_DEFAULT_BUS=1), copy config to .config, build it, flash it to SPI and it should work? I did that and for my SOM-RK3399v2 (I have added SPI flash 16 MB chip to it), it starts to boot and it got stuck on line: Trying to boot from SPI I am trying for weeks, tried various .configs/OFFSets/various config options/printf debugging/... , various binary files (for RockPro64, PineBook Pro, Roc-PC, etc) and same error. U-boot flashed to SD/eMMC works. SPI flash works in Linux:
  7. @Igor, I am happy to help with documentation--I have been playing with the desktop branch (I'm now running hirsute with gnome on wayland on my pinebook pro--which I doubt you will be recommending to users, (but have tried various other combinations). I still don't understand whether this desktop/package flexibility is just for builders or will in someway available to people who would normally be downloading just images, or perhaps assembling pre-built images using native builds? Anyway, I am volunteering documentation assistance...
  8. Greetings everyone, I am new to the forum. I have recently completed an initial boot of Armbian 20.11.3 (stable) which appeas to be Debian Buster under the skin. I have a Sabrent 256GB NVME ready to go (works on other Rk3399 boards and my Pinebook Pro). I am booting from a 64GB uSD card. Using Armbian-config, I was able to update my board's SPI u-boot to mainline and rebooted to confirm I didn't mangle the SPI. The next step was to run the nand-sata-install.sh script to get it to copy the root and boot filesystems onto the NVME drive. While everything has worked so far and I copied the latest nand-sata-install.sh script from Github yesterday (when it was 8 days old), I'm getting an error: "This tool must run from SD card" - I'm running it from an SD card, so assumed it was an error that was complaining about permissions. However, I tried with both sudo and with becoming root. The same error appears in all cases. What am I missing? -burnt
  9. I don't know what components I should check. Anyway, it's seems like Armbian use same .config for boards where DisplayPort works (Helios64 and PineBook Pro) and boards where it doesn't work (like mine, at least at this moment). Just in case, I didn't changed Armbian default config, so I using .config that you can find below: https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/kernel/linux-rockchip64-current.config https://github.com/armbian/build/blob/master/config/kernel/linux-rockchip64-dev.config
  10. @user-2020-12-7, To be honest this has been bothering me ever since your OP. FWIW I had put this in my own personal issue tracker to follow up on until now. So when some discussion came up today in IRC about this, and another user confirm that it's working again (I specifically ask him about screen), it made me think about this again. I know it's stated in other thread you linked already, but apparently there was some issue with newer kernel, and therefore PineBook A64 was rolled back to legacy (5.4.y) in the meantime, which works well enough apparently. As I am sure you are aware by now. However I realize your OP was more about the term "Supported" on the download page. I think misunderstanding may have come from not understanding what "Supported" means in terms of Armbian, so I will try to expand a bit on what has already been written at that link. Supported is a more general and longer term condition, based on a lot of factors mentioned in linked article above. And so, just because something breaks (even something so important as display on a laptop) does not mean that device suddenly becomes "not Supported." If situation were impossible, or constant breakage, etc. then that would be a different story. So I hope I help clear that up a bit and again I thank you for your concern and your report. Cheers! I am taking the liberty to mark my own post as solution in this case.
  11. I don't know what the kernel patch code is capable of. Was just through your link aware of its existence I only extended my DT-overlay with the support for the patch. Maybe I'm just lucky it fits my needs. The extcon-cables property may determine to some extent the capabilities, but I see no binding documentation. Since the patch is used by Pinebook Pro and Helios64, there may be some reports about its capabilities to be found there.
  12. This discussion is about USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode support on mainline kernel. It was introduced for Pinebook Pro with the referenced kernel patch. This thread is about Helios64 DTB making use of this funktionality. My discussion is about doing the same for NanoPC-T4. So, IMHO this belongs in a place where NanoPC-T4 is discussed with a title like "USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode Support for NanoPC-T4".
  13. I appreciate your effort in bringing this to our attention. However (speaking generally here), problem is often times not that we are unaware, but rather there are not enough resources available to solve all problems all the time right away. Overall I think we do pretty well, considering what we have to work with. Personally, I don't know specifics on PineBook well enough to know whether your option A or B would be more appropriate. I just try and help out around forums to try and take some pressure off devs so they can focus on other things (development). I guess we have to wait for someone with specific knowledge. Unless in the meantime you feel up for taking your involvement to next level, which of course would be even more greatly appreciated!
  14. Hi, I started using pinebook armbian buster when it was beta, it worked. From that beta I upgraded yeysterday and I see no display (LCD) after kernel starts (I only see the boot). The same using a new official image [1] I know there is another places to track this issue [2], but the thing is that in the official image page [1] it says it is fully working and that is not true. There are two options: - changing the status to something beta (like before) so you are less responsible of problems - putting an image that works [1] https://www.armbian.com/pinebook-a64/ [2] https://armbian.atlassian.net/browse/AR-443
  15. I am guessing you mean for "desktop" usage (many of us, including myself, primarily only use Armbian for "server/headless" usage). @NicoD has some great video reviews on his YouTube channel, I want to say (if I am recalling correctly) his favorite right now for desktop usage is... NanoPi M4 V2(?) but check his channel to be sure (and check it anyway, lots of good info on there). @lanefu was reporting really good results with a PineBook (Pro?) the other night in IRC, but that might be WIP/dev stuff, so not sure it's public/available yet or not. But in general, a lot of work has been done lately on "desktop" branch and should be getting released Soon(TM). Many of these boards are compelling, however the best advice I can probably give you is to do your homework, as there are potentially little gotchas with any particular board. The more time you spend up front researching, the less hassle down the line. A good starting point is usually always the Supported Devices List, but for "desktop" you are probably looking for one of the RK3399 based boards these days. Until you know the board families by heart, the home page of forums makes a handy cross reference (note which boards are listed for which family sub-forums). Good luck, let us know how the search goes / what you pick, and don't be a stranger.
  16. Does anyone know the status of getting display to work over USB-C on Pinebook Pro? Thanks!
  17. There has been a lot of development on desktop lately. I am not sure how much has been pushed anywhere you can download it yet, though. Lanefu was reporting really good results the other night in IRC about his testing with Mate on PineBook. I have not heard anything about XFCE one way or the other until your report just now (so, thanks for that). However I think, more good things coming for desktop users, soon(TM).
  18. BTW, I've found another glitch : I've built a 5.9.8 DEV Pinebook-Pro Desktop image and I didn't have WiFi working. I've figured out that no firmware were present in the image, I've copied them from previous 5.8.1 image...
  19. During my latest tests for Pinebook-a64, if I remember correctly, I've took from latest working build 5.7.6 the DTB and I tried to boot in either 5.8.0 or 5.9.1 images, screen is working during first phase of the boot, but then it switch to blank screen, either if it is a desktop or plain text image. So, it is not a DTB issue, but probably a kernel issue ... I tried to compare ".config" between 5.7.6 and other builds, but I didn't figure out what is missing, It maybe also be in the kernel code itself too...
  20. Bugs yet do be fixed or documented (will be added later): Machine / reporter Pinebook - no screen @martinayotte @Igor Opi3 - networking issues @lanefu Orangepi R1 freezing under certain condition Odroid C2 - sd card corruption happen pretty quickly Nanopi Neo3 @Igor Odroid N2 hangs on reboot sometimes Orangepi Win sometimes powers off on stress @Igor Ubuntu Bionic Allwinner H6 doesn't boot @Igor Mvebu and mvebu family will stay at 5.8.y @Heisath and will be moved up after. Other boards are surviving stressing https://beta.armbian.com/autotest.html There is a general idea to make this release with kernel 5.8.y where we have troubles with the kernel. Otherwise we will not catch this train.
  21. Was looking for a place to post a solution to this issue, but you guys have got there before me.As others have described, booting a (my) Pinebook with the latest version of Armbian (tried both Bionic and Buster) results in a blank screen seconds after boot.This is even after booting to multi-user.target when there should be no graphical display manager running.I got the latest kernel/version available for 19 and tried that (Kernel 5.4.62) and that worked.Previously I'd tried doing a full firmware upgrade, disabling the lightdm.service, setting the boot target to multi.user/3 and disabling the autologin (in case that had something to do with it) but under the 5.8 I got the blank screen each time.Not complaining here - just wanted to confirm I'd had the same issue.Love Armbian and all the great work that's being done - peace to all. Manjaro ARM also does the same thing, by the way, so it's not just an Armbian issue
  22. UK (ISO) Keyboard problem - terminal won't display a 'pound' As a long-time user of various flavours of Armbian on headless sytems (OrangePi, NanoPi ...) I couldn't resist installing it on my new Pinebook Pro. Well it works like a dream and I am just sooo impressed by all the work that has clearly been done - audio works fine, armbian-config had me set up booting from emmc with my rootfs on nvme SSD in no time at all. BUT - one weird problem that has me baffled... I'm so used to headless Armbian boards that setting up keyboard and localisation is almost automatic to me - but can I get the PBPro keyboard to generate a 'pound' (GBP, '£') in a terminal window- no I cant!! I've set everything up as I think it should be - and every other key on the (ISO) keyboard is correct - but open a terminal window and shift-3 (which should be '£') displays nothing at all. Other applications (Firefox, LibreOffice ...) will display the £ just fine. Can anyone give me any clues??? Thanks!!
  23. same issue here on pinebook. latest kernel that works for me is 5.7.15
  24. also patching the keyboard/mouse firmware is a good idea nice.... i dunno the debian way, but I just booted manjaro on sd.. and did pacman -Sy pinebook-pro-keyboard-updater
  25. Its already fixed And its also because supporting @lanefu Pinebook PRO support efforts. Nice to have this features there.
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