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  1. Someone know how install step by step Glmark2-es for armbian ( Orange Pi PC ) ? I tried compile but no result
  2. Hi, I have written a program with python e tkinter. The Gui automatically starts and runs well only I do access through remote desktop. How can I do that orangepi pc simulates the connection and starts my Gui? Sorry for my english, I hope I was clear enough. tx Ema
  3. hi all . i nstall both minidlna and vlc . i hear sound youtube from HDMI (iceweasel). but by vlc on armbian i can not hear normal sound from HDMI , only rarely get noise from HDMI . (i try audio -> audio device , but no effect) what should i do ?
  4. Hello, I bought Orange PI PC and tried ubuntu mate but ended up deleting it because wifi was not working.After search i found this Armbian OS and its always updated.I have downloaded armbian for my orange pi pc. Extracted the file and I then used win32 disk image for write image on sd card.After succesfull write what i find is that the memory card becomes inaccesible from my windows 10 pc.Do i have to copy any additonal file like kernel script bin or uImage?because in ubuntu mate from orangepi forum i used to copy to ubuntu mate. When i plug that writed sd card to orangepi and connected to hdmi screen it gets started and booting.AFter it reaches to login something happens and red light starts blink in orangepi pc and error starts coming something with code lines like ""mmcblk error....... What am i missing? Please help me.I am not used to linux.
  5. So you guys that have more experience, what should I be looking at, when I find some code that runs on a Raspberry Pi to verify that it will also run on the Orange Pi PC? If I find some interesting code on Github for example . Regarding GPIO I think there shouldn't be any problem, since we have WiringOPI and that py20a or how its called. But what about i2c lcd's, max7219 matrix displays, other stuff? How does it differ the compatibility of boards between python and C code?
  6. I need to run btrfs for a headless web server on an Opi PC. The armbian 3.4 kernel btrfs is too green to be used. I was able to install the 4.7.3 kernel (and remove the 3.4.x) using apt. I got btrfs and support for some USB devices, but lost HDMI and 3 cpu cores. Is there a better option I could try? This board seems to be running like a champ with just one core but I would like to have it fire on all 4 and have at least some video output if I wanted to. Is it ok to ask for recomends as to what board I might better choose? I require a modern Ubuntu/kernel, decent usb, decent network (gigabit if possible), and low cost. They will be used for personal cloud and backup servers with usb storage or for network router boxes? Wifi and BT not required.
  7. I can't get this dongle to work with 5.20. $ lsusb Bus 002 Device 002: ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter Seems to be known one. $ lsmod Module Size Used by rt2800usb 13858 0 rt2800lib 42835 1 rt2800usb rt2x00usb 8227 1 rt2800usb rt2x00lib 34544 3 rt2x00usb,rt2800lib,rt2800usb mac80211 363732 3 rt2x00lib,rt2x00usb,rt2800lib mali 185786 5 ump 30408 1 mali mali_drm 2728 0 drm 178585 1 mali_drm Nothing wrong here? I guess so, wpa_supplicant is properly configured (ssid & psk), appropriate entry in /etc/network/interfaces but I still get wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 24:3c:20:0d:7a:46 UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:20 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:2932 (2.8 KiB) TX bytes:2820 (2.7 KiB) So the interface is up but not configured. /etc/network/interfaces: # Wireless adapter #1 allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf: ap_scan=1 ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="myssid" psk=keyhash key_mgmt=WPA-PSK } syslog is flooded with messages like: Sep 29 10:07:59 localhost NetworkManager[602]: <error> [1475136479.267512] [supplicant-manager/nm-supplicant-interface.c:856] interface_add_cb(): (wlan0): error adding interface: wpa_supplicant couldn't grab this interface. Sep 29 10:07:59 localhost NetworkManager[602]: <info> (wlan0): supplicant interface state: starting -> down Sep 29 10:07:59 localhost wpa_supplicant[783]: ctrl_iface exists and seems to be in use - cannot override it Sep 29 10:07:59 localhost wpa_supplicant[783]: Delete '/run/wpa_supplicant/wlan0' manually if it is not used anymore Sep 29 10:07:59 localhost wpa_supplicant[783]: Failed to initialize control interface '/run/wpa_supplicant'.#012You may have another wpa_supplicant process already running or the file was#012left by an unclean termination of wpa_supplicant in which case you will need#012to manually remove this file before starting wpa_supplicant again. I must be missing something obvious, any hints? EDIT: it's 5.20.
  8. Edit: Nothing was wrong with the Orange PI. I turned out to be my switch. Hi All, Firstly, Armbian is just fantastic. Secondly, this issue is highly likely to have nothing to do with Armbian, but just the cheap crap you'd expect from a cheap SBC. Essentially, after much pain and anguish having bizarre Ethernet connectivity issues with a shiny new Orange PI PC I bought a couple of days, which was: 1. When OPI was connected my network switch (which has four other devices connected to it: two Ethernet and two WiFi), none of the other devices can reliably 'ping' or SSH to the OPI... 25% to 100% packet loss. 2. When connecting the OPI physically directly to existing devices (i.e. PCs) with a crossover cable and using a static IP (same as in 1) above), I can use the Orange PI PC without issue. It's fast. 3. When using the OPI itself to download or connect to the internet, it performs erratically (fantastic for minutes, then slow as hell again). To ensure that it wasn't an issue with the switch or the other computers, I have tested connectivity between all of these and it has been flawless. So, I was about to throw the OPI into the bin, then I decided to force the Ethernet device to half duplex with: ethtool -s eth0 speed 10 duplex half ... and whilst I lose a whole bunch of speed, connectivity has been consistent. I don't get any interesting errors in any of the kernel logs either. Interestingly enough, if I attempted to ping other computers on my LAN from my OPI, the OPI would say there was about 50% packet loss. However, if I had a packet logger running on one of the machines, it would clearly log the received ICMP packet, as well as a response that the PC was sending back to the OPI. Q: Do you think I have a faulty board? Q: Is this something somebody else has experienced? Unfortunately I don't have another switch to test with to truly rule out some obscure issue with it, but given I have at least two other devices connected by Ethernet which work flawlessly, I'm not convinced it is the switch. I suspect the OPI's oscillator for the 25Mhz signal PHY rate generated for the physical CAT5e might be busted, causing incompatibility. It might be time to buy a cheap crap RealTek USB WiFi dongle instead - I'm sure that'll be a saga in itself. Thanks for any advice in advance.
  9. My cursor in console (not desktop environment) disappeared after apt upgrade from a clean install. Device : orange pi pc Version: ARMBIAN Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) 3.4.112-sun8i I also changed led triggers red one to mmc0 and green to timer. I run apt list>aptlist.txt and attach result to post. it changed a lot i install further packages. aptlist.txt
  10. Help me for choose the best compatible WiFi Dongle for Orange PI PC v1.2 Maybe exist list supported wifi dongle?
  11. According to http://www.armbian.com/orange-pi-pc-plus/ If I understand correctly, the only difference is that PC+ has additional eMMC and WiFi. So a system with vanilla kernel for Opi PC+ should also work on the PC. Or are there other hardware differences? The page states: "serial console only, no HDMI." Does this vanilla system support Ethernet yet, so one can login via ssh after installation? My targeted use would be a tvheadend server (without local video for the moment).
  12. I have tried to do everything, when I turn on gpu on chormium-browser animation html5 is very slow. Anybody fix or find something ? what chromium version you use ... what mali driver you setup ? very hard to have a good result orange pi PC with armbian 5.20 jessie ! thx you
  13. Orange Pi PC slow browser performance and very slow video playback in browser from youtube does anyone else have same issue ? any way to fix this ?
  14. First of all I've got an OPI PC and I'm newbie with armbian and Linux in general I've managed to read DS18B20 temperature sensor and now I want to read Temp and Humidity from a SHT75 sensor which has the same specifications as the SHT1X family of Sensirion sensors. I've installed WiringPi library and I've been searching on google how to make SHT75 work with little success Any documentation or examples to see?? Any help would be appreciated Thanks
  15. Finally Orange PI Family gets the 4.x kernel support.But there is no Vanilla Kernel on Orange PI PC.Please add the support on Orange PI PC.Thx!
  16. Hi, as the title says while building this image i had this console reported error: E: Unable to locate package mali-sunxi-utils Also i would like to ask if there is hw acceleration(gpu) on xenial desktop images Thanks
  17. Hi there, while trying to solve the issue with OPi PC and rtl8188 (thread link) I managed to get console on the UART interface, nice feature considering my networking issues, btw is there a way to output the kernel messages (dmesg like) to the UART console in real time? I'm asking cos the issue that I'm trying to fix involves system freeze + automatic reboot and I would like to see the logs during the event. I already tried to mess with printk, but it's very likely I've done something wrong.
  18. So... second sack at the sav here. Last time i wrote i had a kingson sd card ( a low one ) but it was recomended to buy a Samsung Evo sd card instead. So after i confirmed one of the kingston sd cards was bad i more or less whent thru the warranty getting a refund for that one ( not sure why i botherd since it was so cheap ). Anyhow. Got my Samsung EVO card and tryed with DD in linux and rufus wich you guys recomend for windows and still same issue with Armbian. It boots the other distros like Debian and Ubuntu from the orange pi's webpage but no ethernet. And when i try armbian i get the uboot text thru the ftdi but it does not find any boot device. U-Boot SPL 2016.05-armbian (Jun 23 2016 - 11:35:25) DRAM: 1024 MiB Card did not respond to voltage select! Could not determine boot source resetting ... One thing did make me wonder what's going on is something in the rufus log ( wich i attached ). So i'm starting to think there is something wierd with the raw image not having a bootable partition or something. Oh and i did do the "check device for bad blocks" for 4 passes first time i tryed and it took freaking ages but no errors since i wanted to rule that out first thing.
  19. Greetings, Firstly I would like to say that I really appreciate the work that has been done by this wonderful community of developers and users of Armbian. Secondly I am sorry if the problems that I describe here have been already discussed. I have not found anything alike. So I am a proud owner of the OPi PC board. Everything seems to be OK, except some fan issues. What have I done until now: 1. Installed Armbian Jessie Server with RPi Monitor 2. Added a. heatsink on the SoC and RAM chips b. Pi Fan with the case The problems: 1. The fan does not work if connected to the second and fourth pins BUT it works using pins 4 and 6. a. It is extremely loud (see the video), very, very loud Is it possible to decrease the rotations? Because on idle the SoC temperature is between 24C and 26C while the ambiant temp is 20-23C (see the screenshot bellow) which is very good, but I would not mind decreasing the fan's RPM resulting with 36-40C on idle. b. After the board is powered off (sudo su poweroff) the fan continues to work. How to get it powered off as well? If there is some more information that I can provide please let me know. Thank you!
  20. hello please help to install and configure wifi usb edup ep n8553 on OPI pc dongle unrecognised and no working drivers. riz
  21. hello, when i initial start the Armbian @ Orange Pi PC I was prompted for new user. I put new username as 'ch0mik' but the Armbian make a user and group 'chmik' - without zero. Im ham radio operator with callsing sq7mru and i want to make a user with ma correct callsign (alphanumeric username) Regards Pawel
  22. I purchased a usb wifi adapter RTL8192EU chip, 300Mbps. Requires Driver Installation (CD was provided with the adapter), When I tried to install driver on Orange Pi PC / Armbian, gave error. Need help. This is what happened: 1) Copied following 2 files from CD to Orange Pi PC by SFTP: rtl8192EU_linux_v4.2.2_7585.20130524.tar.gz install.sh 2) Run the installation script $ sudo chmod +x install.sh $ sudo ./install.sh 3) Output generated: Here is the install.sh code:
  23. Guys you do a great work with these distros, i get my respect and i admire you. Some little problem - i wanna to do automatic smart home and for my old devices that use Infra red signal i don't know how to transmit IR signal with Opi PC. I use ESP like middle-ware (send command to opi pc, that the opi pc send the command to esp which transmit it). Do someone know appropriate solution, because this one is sooo hard working and slow? Thanks in advance, for the time, support and the work you do!!!!!
  24. Hi guys, I've just downloaded Jessie image with legacy kernel for my Orange PI PC device (Armbian_5.04_Orangepih3_Debian_jessie_3.4.110). At first boot it has stated something about forced password renewal policy and has rebooted the device. After the reboot during login process it has asked me for a new password and then has showed "authentication token manipulation error" message. Now I cannot login because password renewal process ends with the error. By the way yesterday I built my custom armbian image for the same configuration and today I have the same issue with it too. Could you please help me?
  25. I just want to post a thank you to the developers and contributors who have built one NICE distribution. Over a year ago I bought a few OPi PC as a possible replacement for Raspberry Pi based HAM radio projects I support. To say I was disappointed in the distribution from the manufacturer is a understatement. Without Loboris stepping up and getting something usable I would have tossed them in the trash and moved on. Last night I downloaded and installed Jessie server from Armbian. What a pleasure. Small, clean and a giant plus for me, HEADERS!!!!. I am so tired of having to build the headers for a kernel so I can compile the out of tree modules I need. I just ordered a few NanoPi NEO and I look forward to being able to run Armbian. Thank you VERY much! My next stop is the donate button. Steve
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